Good morning, everyone.
Thanks to all the activists and community members who are here today for this historic unveiling of our movement's tax Amazon legislation proposal.
And thank you to the members of the media.
This morning, we're going to be detailing our long-awaited proposal on taxing Amazon and big business in this city to fund a major expansion of social housing and a Green New Deal.
After I finish with the presentation, I'm happy to take your questions.
All of this discussion highlights the backdrop of the unprecedented crisis in our city.
We know that 46% of Seattle's renters are officially rent burdened, and one quarter of all homeowners, especially elderly living on fixed incomes and struggling with rising property taxes, which are also regressive taxes, are also at risk of being pushed out.
The crisis is so widespread and acute that it is not only poor people, the most marginalized, who are obviously the first hit by the crisis, and communities of color, immigrants, and LGBTQ people, but even tech workers are feeling the vice grip of a private housing market that has failed working people, with average rents in Seattle up 69% since 2010. We've seen what was originally sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, and they didn't like the results, McKinsey and Company's report, which demonstrated the stark scope of this crisis.
This study, which was recently updated, reveals that we need, our region, King County, needs between 450 million and 1.1 billion each year, each year for the next 10 years.
And this is, again, in the background of a for-profit market that we know is not going to work and is not going to fill the need, because despite a construction boom, we are seeing this historic crisis.
As a Socialist City Council member elected by and accountable to working people, it is my duty to put forward, in coordination with our movement, bold policy proposals to match the scale of the problem and to mobilize our communities to win them.
We know big business isn't paying their fair share.
Washington is the most regressive tax system in the nation.
I think the picture says a thousand words.
And this situation has persisted for decades.
We know we need to shift this situation.
And this proposal, while it won't be able to address all of the problems in our state, will begin to shift that.
Our press conference is also happening in the wake of the historic victory that working people won last year despite everything thrown at us by big business and the Chamber of Commerce and Jeff Bezos himself attempting to carry out a corporate takeover of City Hall.
We are still here, our movement is still here, and we are not going anywhere.
The voters have spoken loud and clear that big business needs to pay its fair share.
My re-election campaign was fought on the demand to tax Amazon and big business, in addition to rent control and a Green New Deal.
That is why we are unveiling this proposal.
This will be a big business tax.
It's a tax on corporate payroll, meaning it is not a tax on workers, it is not a tax on jobs, and it is not a tax on small businesses.
It is not a head tax.
It is a tax on Amazon and the other businesses that form the top 3% of payroll in our city.
So who pays this tax?
The top 3% of the corporations by payroll.
And let's be clear, this is not a tax that will be paid by workers.
This will be a tax paid by the owners of the corporation, meaning this is a tax on the wealthy.
It's nothing but a tax on the wealthy because it is only falling on the largest businesses.
Out of the total businesses in our city, only about 825, which form this top 3% roughly, will be subject to the tax.
And those are the businesses with $7 million or greater in payroll.
This means that the rest of the companies in the city, meaning about 22,200 companies, will not be paying the tax.
I think this is a real epitome of what a progressive tax means.
Besides the companies with those under $7 million payroll that are already being excluded from the tax, the tax would also exclude all nonprofit organizations and cooperatives.
It would exclude all grocery stores.
And it would exclude all government and educational employers.
So let's look at a little more in detail about what we will be doing, who will be paying the tax.
We're going to be raising $300 million each year on this basis, on making sure that it's only the top 3% of corporations by corporate payroll.
We can raise $300 million each year to fund social housing and services and a Green New Deal, and I'll come to that in a second, with a tax rate of 1.7% on corporate payroll.
The average company paying the tax has approximately $113 million in annual gross receipts, just to give you a sense of how big these companies are.
Amazon is one of them, but Amazon is hardly the only one.
And these companies in aggregate have about $90 billion in annual revenue for their Seattle business.
and they will pay $300 million per year.
In other words, what this graph shows is that what these companies, these largest businesses, what they will be paying amounts only to 0.3% of their revenue through this tax.
I think any rational person, if they're being honest will have to agree that it is more than reasonable that the biggest and richest companies in our city should pay at least 0.3% of their revenue to do their part to address our city's crushing housing crisis.
Am I right?
The $300 million tax would also be similar to a measure that was overwhelmingly adopted by San Francisco voters in 2018, Prop C, if you might remember, which taxes big businesses there to fund housing and services.
So we know that if San Francisco can do it, Seattle can as well.
In this legislation, we are allocating 75% of the revenue or $225 million per year on social housing and related services.
To be clear, social housing is housing for working people that will be union built, publicly owned or controlled, permanently affordable, energy efficient, and green.
It will be built to the standards of our Green New Deal proposal, including all electric and fossil fuel-free, dedicated outdoor air systems with heat recovery for ventilation, low-flow fixtures, Energy Star appliances, all LED lighting, sustainably sourced wood or cross-laminated timber buildings instead of concrete and steel, solar panels, green roofs.
I'm not an expert in all of these Green New Deal technologies.
I'm an expert.
I'm not an environmental...
I mean, I'm an economist, not a Green New Deal expert.
But our office is working closely with a team of environmental experts, including 350 Seattle, on ensuring that this housing meets our commitment to the Green New Deal.
And this proposal has been developed with a lot of we need to make sure that we get- input from these groups so that we make sure we do this right because we're setting a historical marker.
The housing must also support working people through jobs and apprenticeships therefore it will be built with the best union standards that have been developed for community workforce agreements.
Which means priority higher for local workers young people, especially from racially and economically marginalized communities in our city, and of course, prevailing union wages.
We will also ensure that contracting opportunities are available to minority and women-owned businesses.
This will be working-class housing that will be available broadly, it will be affordable, rents to no more than 3% of household income as a whole, and they will not be going up.
Rents will not be going up more than the rate of inflation.
Unlike the private housing market, we can have rent-controlled homes through publicly owned or controlled housing.
We do have publicly owned or controlled housing programs today, but they are too minimal and they're focused only, unfortunately, because they have so few revenues on very low-income people, including people experiencing homelessness.
We, of course, have that important component in our proposed legislation, but we also want to go beyond that because we know Through statistics and economic studies that the pipeline to homelessness, you know starts with a myriad of factors But one big factor is skyrocketing rent and then it spirals downward you have your rent going up by 50% or 100% you have some sort of medical Calamity or you lose your job and then you you know, you're you're couchsurfing and the next thing you know, you're on the streets So we want to arrest that pipeline to homelessness by making sure that this city begins to have what we call social housing, which is affordable housing that is publicly owned, that is permanently available for our working families in this city.
We can build this housing for a wide range of incomes because we are putting forward an ambitious proposal of $300 million.
But I will also note that the $300 million is less than the lower end of the estimate from McKinsey.
And McKinsey is not a hotbed of socialist politics.
So this is both not the maximum that we need, and at the same time, it is ambitious compared to where we are today.
So we think this is an important number that we can build a movement around.
And the new chart will show that we can build upwards of 8,000 new affordable homes in the first 10 years, or about 800 affordable homes per year.
And I want to be crystal clear, this proposal is not and will not be in lieu of the Seattle Housing Levy.
We support the Seattle Housing Levy and we, our movement, will be fighting to renew that levy.
Am I right?
This will be in addition to the housing levy.
I want to note that we have made conservative assumptions in calculating the number of homes that can be built, and the actual number of homes could end up higher, because we're just beginning the research on this, and we prefer, rather than giving you the outside limit, give you a conservative estimate of what could be done with this amount of revenues.
Our tax on Amazon and big business will increase by two and a half times the current rate of affordable housing construction in the city.
We know it's not enough, but we know it will also make a big dent in the crisis.
In addition to housing for working families as a whole, we need to make sure that we provide permanent supportive housing to those of us who are the most vulnerable, experiencing chronic homelessness, mental illness, and other issues that are social problems that we all need to address collectively.
This is the humane approach and also happens to be the logical economic approach.
We know that housing first works.
For people on the streets experiencing health care or substance abuse issues, we know, and our statistics dramatically show, that the first thing to do to help them stabilize their lives is to provide housing, stable housing, so that they are not homeless.
There are about 2,300 people experiencing chronic homelessness in King County.
About 16,000 of them, sorry, 1,600 of them are in Seattle.
Because of their high needs, they cycle through healthcare systems, the courts, the jails, and the social service centers.
And all of that costs public revenues.
And I make this argument and I show this chart somewhat reluctantly because this is a neoliberal argument.
But my point is that even if you are part of the safe Seattle kind of logic, where you are not worried about the inhumanity of homelessness, but more about the money that it costs, well then, even from that standpoint, this is a sensible approach.
So if you don't want your tax revenues to be used in a solution that never works and has never proven to work, which is the cycling of human beings through social service, jails, and courts, then this is the rational approach.
Estimates from City Council Central staff show that unhoused, the cost of supporting our most vulnerable community members is close to $83 million.
Housed with permanent supportive housing, we will save nearly $37 million every year.
Housing works.
We will also build in services to the new homes like child care centers and community meeting places.
We have received input from many community members that child care is such a pressing issue that not only do we need affordable child care centers, but we need easily accessible child care centers.
And so it is a completely sensible approach to have child care centers built into many of the buildings that will go up through this proposal.
In this legislation, we are allocating the remaining 25%, which would be $75 million per year, to retrofit existing Seattle homes to electric.
Currently, there are about 162,000 homes in Seattle that are powered by fossil fuels, 18,000 of them by oil and 144,000 of them by fracked gas.
The oil and gas used to heat our homes is responsible for 480,909 metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution every year, according to the Seattle Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory Emissions.
emissions inventory.
This represents around 15% of our city's overall climate pollution.
With this 75 million investment in retrofitting homes every year, we can convert 47,000 of Seattle's homes in the next 10 years.
This will, again, not fully address the problem, but imagine what a huge dent this will make in our greenhouse gas emissions.
It would represent significant progress towards the goal of electrifying homes and meeting our city's commitment to the Green New Deal.
Last year, as you know, the city council, then city council, committed to Green New Deal goals, and this was one of the key goals.
It would also be retrofitting plus building homes, new homes.
All of this will be a huge jobs program.
I think this is an important highlight of this overall proposal that cannot be missed.
Building homes will require workers to build them.
Maintaining the homes will require workers to maintain them.
But this is not the exploitative for-profit market.
This will be a huge generation of public sector unionized living wage jobs, and there will be thousands of those jobs.
In addition to building and maintaining the homes, the retrofitting program would also create jobs because that would require, again, I'm not an expert, but I will go out on a limb and say that it will require electricians, carpenters, plumbers, painters, workers in the design and logistics field, and many more.
We know there are many people in our city and in our region who are in dire need of living wage jobs that provides them economic stability and the right to a union.
We are in the process of determining how many jobs this would represent, but obviously it would be substantial.
We are also going to include a strong community oversight board in the legislation to make sure that community members elected by their peers are closely involved in making sure we are building the social housing we need and meeting the Green New Deal goals we have laid out today.
Because we know that under capitalism, as hard as it is to win a reform, that is never going to be enough.
Because as soon as we win the reform, after they have done everything to stop us, then the next step is they will try to snatch it away from us.
they will try to undermine it by appointing, by attempting to appoint big business leaders and others on such boards.
We have to absolutely make sure that in our legislation any kind of oversight body like a board or a commission will be controlled by the community itself.
As I noted, we support all efforts to raise progressive revenue from big business for affordable housing and services.
I mean, we're here after having spent over two years fighting for some version of the Amazon tax to tax big business to begin addressing this crisis.
We fought for it in 2018. We won a unanimous vote because of the strength of the movement.
And then they made a backroom deal, and seven of the nine council members repealed it.
And then they went after us in the elections last year.
So we are very clear that we are very determined that the big business will pay its fair share.
But given our history, we are absolutely supportive of any other proposal that will be brought forward, either at the city or the county or the state level, to raise progressive revenues.
So as such, we stand in full solidarity with efforts like House Bill 2907 to raise taxes on big business.
However, we also want to make another thing clear.
We are absolutely opposed to the so-called preemption or a ban on taxation.
We are opposed to the attempt to create a tax shelter for Amazon and other big businesses, which they are talking about right now.
Because if that happens, we will not be able to do what we have just put forward today.
So we say no preemption, no ban on taxing big business.
And I would welcome the media to look at the letter that I have just sent to Representative Macri, urging her, as a progressive Democrat and as the prime sponsor of the legislation, to come out publicly against preemption.
We need all progressive Democrats at the state legislature to stand publicly against preemption and say that they will not accept any ban on taxing big business.
I want to also make clear the House bill will not raise any taxes on its own.
What it would do, if passed without preemption, is it would create an authority for King County to pass taxes to the maximum limit of $121 million, which means that if the House bill passes without any state ban, then King County Council has to decide, are they going to actually take the maximum avenue and then pass 121?
If that happens, then, you know, this is all the best case scenario that I'm telling you.
And in the best case scenario, as Rich Smith from The Stranger reported, it would still be about 10 to 25 percent of our region's needs, which means that even if the best-case scenario of the House bill passed, we would still be in dire need of additional big business taxes.
We are absolutely opposed to any kind of preemption, and I would like to echo King County Council Member Girmay Zahilay, who said that if this bill comes with preemption, it's a no.
And I have, you know, I can answer many other questions that media might have about this legislation, but I will stop there and see what questions you might have.