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Seattle City Council Special Meeting 5/31/22

Publish Date: 5/31/2022

View the City of Seattle's commenting policy:

Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.

Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of the Agenda; Executive Session on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*

*Executive Sessions are closed to the public


We are now recording.

Thank you.

Good afternoon.

Today is Tuesday, May 31st.

This is a special meeting of the Seattle City Council.

We will come to order.

It is 1-0-1.

I'm Deborah Juarez.

Will the clerk please call the roll?


Council Member Herbold.

Council Member Lewis.

Council Member Morales.


Thank you.

Council Member Mosqueda.

Council Member Nelson.


Council Member Peterson.


Council Member Sawant.


Council Member Strauss.

Council President Juarez.


Five present.


Thank you, Madam Clerk.

The purpose of this special meeting is to hold an executive session regarding pending potential or actual litigation.

If there's no objection, the agenda will be adopted.

Not seeing or hearing any objection, the agenda is indeed adopted.

We will now move into executive session and I will share this information so we're officially there.

As presiding officer, I'm announcing that Seattle City Council will now convene an executive session.

The purpose of the executive session is to discuss pending potential or actual litigation.

The council's executive session is an opportunity for the council to discuss confidential legal matters with city attorneys as authorized by law.

A legal monitor from the city attorney's office is always present to ensure the council reserves questions of policy for open session.

I expect the time of the executive session to end at 1.30.

The Executive Session is to be extended beyond that time.

I will announce the extension and expect the duration.

At the conclusion of this Executive Session, the City Council meeting will be adjourned.

The next regularly scheduled City Council meeting is today at 2. So with that, we'll move into Executive Session.