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Seattle City Council Special Meeting 11/7/19

Publish Date: 11/7/2019

Agenda: Executive Session on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*

*Executive Sessions are closed to the public


Good morning, everybody.

The November 7th, 2019 Special City Council meeting of the full Seattle City Council will come to order.

We thought it appropriate to sit at the briefing table this morning, although it is a Special City Council meeting.

It's 11.04 a.m.

I'm Bruce Harrell, Council President.

Will the clerk please call the roll?





Bakhshah and President Harrell for present.


Thank you very much.

So at this time the council does not have a quorum of council members present and the council rules allow a council member to participate electronically at a special city council meeting if approved by a majority of the council members present.

Councilmember Gonzales is standing by to participate by phone and I will make a motion for council members to allow her participation by phone and to allow us to proceed with this meeting.

So at this point I'll move to allow Councilmember Gonzales to participate and vote at today's special City Council meeting.

Are there any comments?

Okay those in favor of the motion vote aye and it was seconded by Councilmember Herbold.

Those opposed vote no.

The motion carries, and Councilmember Gonzalez will be participating and voting at this meeting.

Good morning, Councilmember Gonzalez.


Good morning.

Thank you for allowing my participation.



If there's no objection, today's agenda will be adopted.

Hearing no objection, today's agenda is adopted.

As Presiding Officer, I am announcing that the Seattle City Council will now convene an Executive Session.

The purpose of the Executive Session is to discuss pending potential or actual litigation.

The Council's Executive Sessions are an opportunity for the Council to discuss confidential legal matters with City Attorneys as authorized by law.

However, we always reserve questions of policy public policy for our open public sessions and Again, this gives us an opportunity to reserve or to have discussions with our attorneys as authorized I expect this session to allow to last 60 minutes.

So that'd be about two twelve zero six And if it goes beyond that, I'll announce its expected duration.

All the members present here have complied with our rules to seek permission prior to the beginning of the meeting.

And so we thank you for that compliance.

So at this point, let's secure the room and we'll move into executive session.