Good morning, everyone.
The January 12th, 2024 special meeting at the Seattle City Council will come to order.
It is 1111. I'm Sarah Nelson, president of the council.
Will the clerk please call the roll?
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Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Executive Session.
Good morning, everyone.
The January 12th, 2024 special meeting at the Seattle City Council will come to order.
It is 1111. I'm Sarah Nelson, president of the council.
Will the clerk please call the roll?
Council member Kettle here.
Council member Moore present.
Council member Morales here.
Council member Rivera present.
Council Member Saka.
Council Member Strauss.
Council Member Hollingsworth.
Council President Nelson.
Seven present.
Thank you very much.
All right.
If there is no objection, the agenda will be adopted.
Seeing no objection, the agenda is adopted.
Okay, as presiding officer, I am announcing that the Seattle City Council will now convene into executive session.
The purpose of the executive session today is to evaluate the qualifications of candidates for appointment to elective office to fill the vacancy for position nine, at large position, oh, excuse me, to fill the city council at large position eight vacancy previously held by Councilmember Theresa Muscata.
And the goal is to return to open session at at two o'clock later to further discuss this matter.
The council's executive session is an opportunity for the council to discuss confidential legal matters with city attorneys as authorized by law.
A legal monitor from the city attorney's office is always present to ensure the council reserves questions of policy for open session.
I expect that the time of the executive session to end by, we'll start with an hour, by 12.13.
If the executive session is to be extended beyond that time, I will announce the extension and the expected duration.
The city council meeting proceedings will continue during session two, which starts at 2 p.m.
today and where public comment will be accepted.
The council is now in executive session.