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Seattle City Council Civic Development, Public Assets, and Native Communities Committee 4319

Publish Date: 4/4/2019

Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; Reappointments to the Board of Park Commissioners.

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Chair's Report - 0:44

Public Comment - 1:45

Reappointments to the Board of Park Commissioners - 5:28


Good afternoon.

Thank you.

This is a meeting of the Civic Development, Public Assets, and Native Communities Committee.

The date is April 3rd and the time is 2 p.m.

I'm Council Member Juarez, Chair of the Committee, and I'm joined by Council Member, I was gonna say Mosqueda.

Council Member Gonzales.

I'm sorry, Council Member Gonzales.

Council Member Baxter has been excused for today's committee hearing.

um today we have a shorter agenda than we typically have we have two appointments for the board of park commissioners and i want to take this moment to take thank paula who's here from parks for traveling to city hall to present their candidates as well as our acting superintendent christopher williams and his team for their continued leadership and hard work providing quality services to the people of Seattle.

The Seattle Board of Park Commissioners is a volunteer advisory board established by ordinance.

The board consults with and makes recommendations to city council, the mayor and the superintendent regarding parks recreation department's policies for the planning, development and use of the city's park and recreational facilities.

The Board of Park Commissioners is a nine member citizen advisory board serving three terms.

Four members are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by city council.

Four members are appointed by city council and one member is appointed by the Get Engaged program.

And I understand today we have two people, Mr. Evan Huntley and Ms. Kelly McCaffrey will both be Seattle City Council appointments.

With that, I will go to public comment.

Negeen, who do we have signed up?


We have Alex Zimmerman.


So it's just one person?



Oh, okay, we have two.


And so as you know the rules, just state your name and please speak to the items on the agenda.

You have two minutes.

Mr. Zimmerman.


Thank you.

It's my face.


Come on.


What's going on?


I can't because it's happening.


Mr. Zimmerman, let's stop the call for one second.


Why they don't show my face?


I don't know why that's, but right now she'll check on that.


So we just received a call asking us to stand by because they're trying to fix audio technical problems.

So until they call me back, we are asked to stand by.



Thank you.


It's okay, no problemo.

Sieg Heil, my Fuhrer.

People from animal farm.

It's exactly who you are.


We have two people signed up.

The first, Alex Zimmerman.

The second, David Haynes.


David Haynes, I just want to make sure the City Council realizes that when they do nominate folks and expect them to like represent proper in the parks that the superintendents need to know that there's certain employees who are Training some of the parks and rec employees when they come down to the like the canal area and the guy tells these people he's training Stay in the truck look down the bike path, keep going if you don't see any trash.

So all these locals have to pick up everything on the outside.

And it seems that the Parks and Rec has found a lazy way to take as many trash cans away as possible to make it impossible for people, even if they wanted to make the effort.

And I think we need to keep some of that suspect union accountable for having more forthright, diligent efforts in the honest day's work that they're getting paid.

So please like if you have like superintendents overseeing these folks make sure that they got like the proper diligent like Sober and not hungover employees showing up to clean the parks and whatnot.

Thank you.


Thank you, sir Okay, I think that concludes public comment, correct?

All right, come on up Nagin and then we'll read the other the other two items into the record.

Come on up Paula.

I know we got two appointments here today.

Oh I'll let Nagin do her job and then we'll start.


Appointment 01278, reappointment of Evan Hundley as member, Board of Park Commissioners for a term to March 31st, 2022.




Thank you.



Well, as you know, Evan is a phenomenal park board member.

He has a long family history of Seattle Parks and Recreation.

His father, in fact, was the superintendent at one point.

He's also been very active in teaching tennis lessons in our public courts.

He holds a master's degree in public administration and urban planning, and he's got a great, thoughtful, balanced approach to issues that come before the council, runs a wonderful local middle school, and he's a great addition to our board.


Thank you, Paula Huff.

I just introduced you.

I'm just gonna say a few words.

We know Evan and we've worked with him on a lot of issues and I'm really glad that we're gonna do this reappointment.

And he used to work for the City of Seattle as well, a senior budget analyst, and he's just really good at all this stuff, so I'm really glad he's back.

Is there anything you want to add, Council Member Gonzales?

Okay, great.

So with that, I move the committee pass the appointment of 01278. Second.

All those in favor, say aye.


Those opposed, no, the ayes have it.

So we'll move forward on that appointment and present it to full council on Monday.


Appointment 01279, reappointment of Kelly McCaffrey as member Board of Park Commissioners for a term to March 31st, 2022.


Great, Kelly is also the chair of the Park District Oversight Committee, as well as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners.

She also has a master's degree in Public Administration Environmental Policy from the University of Washington.

She is a great board member, very prepared, works hard.

She's been really instrumental in some of the outreach that we've been doing with the community, which we will continue to do.

And we're excited to have her back on board for another term.


Thank you.

We've done work with Kelly, too, and from her resume, too, we know that she's still the chair of the Seattle Parks District Oversight Committee, and she's had a ton of work with parks and the Washington State Recreation Conservation Office, the RCO, which we work with, and she just has this incredible history, too, with the Seattle Public Utilities and all the work that she's done in the Water Trust Management.

I'm glad that this is a reappointment, so with that, we should be okay.


should be great.


Okay so I move the committee pass appointment 0 1 2 7 9.




All those in favor say aye.


Those opposed.

Ayes have it and the appointment passes and we'll submit this to full council on Monday and thank you Paula.

Oh yeah thank you guys.

Tell everyone who said hello.

So oh I gotta adjourn.

Okay, so the next meeting of the Civic Development, Public Assets, and Native Communities will be Wednesday, April 17th.

And with that, we stand adjourned.

Thank you.