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Seattle City Council 11/12/2024

Publish Date: 11/12/2024

View the City of Seattle's commenting policy:

Agenda: Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar; Approval of the Agenda; Approval of the Consent Calendar; Items removed from the Consent Calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.

0:00 Call to Order

1:38 Public Comment

22:22 Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar; Approval of the Agenda; Approval of the Consent Calendar


Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome back here to the City Council meeting.

The November 12th, 2024 meeting of the Seattle City Council will come to order.

It is 2.02 p.m.

I'm Sarah Nelson, Council President.

Will the clerk please call the roll?


Council Member Strauss?



Council Member Wu?

Council Member Hollingsworth?




Council Member Kettle?




Council Member Moore.


Council Member Morales.


Council Member Rivera.


Council Member Saka.


Council Member Wu.


Council President Nelson.


Nine present.


All right, full house.

Okay, let's proceed now.

There is not a presentation today.

So colleagues, this time we'll open the hybrid public comment period.

Public comment is limited to items on today's agenda, the introduction and referral calendar, and the council work program.

Madam Clerk, how many speakers are signed up today?


We have four in person.


Four in person.


And eight remote.


How many on the remote?


Eight remote.


Okay, we will give folks two minutes each, and we'll start with the in-person commenters.


Speakers will be called in the order in which they're registered.

We will alternate between sets of in-person speakers and remote speakers until the public comment period has ended.

Speakers will hear a chime when 10 seconds are left of their time, and speakers' mics will be muted if they do not end their comments within the allotted time.

We now begin.


Our first speaker is Bennett Hazelton to be followed by Carolyn Malone and Tom.


Good afternoon, counsel.

Just update.

Remember a couple of weeks ago, I'd mentioned the city attorney had filed a blanket affidavit against a judge named Pooja Vedati, disqualifying her from hearing all criminal cases in municipal court, including, by the way, the one I was arrested for, for the February sit-in thing here.

There's a thing in my file where the city attorney said, no, Judge Vedati can't hear that case.

And so the city attorney disqualified her from all criminal cases saying, in one instance, Judge Vedati failed to find probable cause for the crime of assault based on her belief that there was no touching between the parties.

Her misunderstanding is in direct conflict with the legal definition of assault and longstanding case law and widely accepting jury instructions.

In other words, she's saying Judge Vedati is incompetent because she doesn't know that in Washington...

assault does not require touching.

So I followed a public disclosure request with the city attorney to find out what case they were talking about, because this press release, they just said, there's this case, and Judge Vedati said, I don't know what case you're talking about.

Give me the case number.

City attorney denied it.

I appealed.

I eventually did get the case number.

It's 673-275 if you're playing along at home.

And in the audio for that case, Judge Vedati said, had he even pulled the object out of his waistband fully and motioned toward the defendant, I think there would have been probable cause for assault.

but this is so barren information, I don't believe there is probable cause for assault.

In other words, she's clearly saying that she knows that under Washington law, you can have assault without touching the other person.

She just didn't think there was probable cause to find assault in this case.

So the city attorney's statement that Judge Vedati doesn't know what the law in Washington state is regarding assault was false.

I think this is kind of a big deal.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Next is Carolyn Malone.


I'm Carolyn Malone.

I've been living at 910 Marion Street for five and a half years, and despite not being a criminal, not being a suspicious person, Seattle Police, led by whoever this guy is, I don't know his name, but he lives there.

I've handed a packet to Ms. Morales about the...

Eviction notice I received from Boyce Law Firm accusing me of unlawful detainer.

And what's happened is I was accused.

Then police and Vanessa Dowell went about putting in place the steps to evict me.

In other words, they return my monthly payment each month.

saying not accepted pending eviction.

So they've set me up to be evicted and I'm going to fight all the way.

And this person is a Seattle police officer or else he works with Seattle policemen.

I sleep with bed bugs every night.

Collective, they wake me up.

mysteriously planted in my apartment in April.

This is the second time.

As far as I know, I'm the only one with bed bugs.

And because I protest at Fifth and Cherry, I'm a target by police and firemen too, who circulate around me, squealing their noises and making my life hell in my apartment.

Now, city council members keep handing out free money to police and canceling tenant rights protection, which is absurd to me because I'm just one who need to be protected from police in her housing.

And I'll do everything I can to fight


Thank you.

Next is Tom, to be followed by Alex Zimmerman.


Hold on a second, please.

Is there somebody before Mr. Zimmerman?


Yes, excuse me.

Tom was signed up before Alex.


Come on up, please.

If you could hold on for one minute, please.

You're next.


Thank you.


Hello, everyone.

My name is Tom, and my wife there is Loanne.

I would like to say thank you for the opportunity for us to share the story of our business on behalf of my family and some small businesses.

My family owned a gas station in Columbia City, South Seattle, 24 years.

In the past few years, our business got broken in numerous times.

The incident happened almost monthly basis, like three, four times even.

So just the recent one is happening on Saturday, November 9th.

Somebody actually drove the car into our front store, crashing the whole thing down.

And went inside, took cigarette and stopped.

So On the September 9th, they broke into the school building door, cutting the wall, going to our store, took the ATM and the money.

So, and other stuff, on the same month, on 29th, they came and robbed, tried to rob our employee.

So employee, and all of this keep happening.

So, and the crazy thing is prior to this happen, someone actually lay up our nozzle on fire to put it into the trash can and walk away at 5.15 in the morning.

Everything I mentioned is in the document as in the police report.

So, and my employee opened, luckily he's there, and opened at 5.30, he smelled burning.

So he went out and stopped all the water gases and will be on fire.

I would love to have some more time, but okay.


Thank you very much, sir.

I would like to hear more of what you have to say, and you can submit the rest of what you would like to say to council as public comment as well.


Thank you.

Our next speaker is Alex Zimmerman.


Thank you.

I'm so sorry, guys.

I'm here not so good.

I'm old.

Forgive me.

Zieg Heil, my dirty damn Nazi fascist junta, bandita and killer.

Yeah, my name Alex Zimmerman.

I want to give you a little bit correction.

State Washington, only one city in America who does not support Donald Trump.

For me, this is very important because of fighting for America more than 30 years, yep, every day, yeah.

I want to speak about something, but absolutely critical, you know what this mean, and I think it's very important.

About open better room in city hall, one day per week for public conversation, three minute without limitation.

I spoke with you about this Consul Wu, and what is you quiet?

Why you quiet?

I told you you will lose.

This is exactly what is happen.

So right now you have chance before 1st of January, you know what this mean?

Open better room.

You have a power right now.

Doing something so people can remember you because you never will become back to election.

I guarantee you.

You are so naive, you know what this mean?

And so quiet.

You cannot doing this, you know.

You council, you supposed to be fighting for people.

Look Donald Trump, look Alex Zimmerman, look 100 million Americans.

We stand up for us right, for us constitutional right, for us America.

You know what is mean?

What is this democratic Nazi pig totally destroyed for last 30 years.

So please, you have chance and I ask you, doing this, you have power for doing this.

Open better room one week per week.

for public conversation.

Right now, I speak to everybody because Seattle is a city of idiot.

90% does not support Trump.

I don't understand this.

So my message right now to this cockroaches from garbage.

Yeah, where is this?

Island, yeah.

Viva Trump.

Viva USA.

Thank you very much.


This concludes the in-person public commenters.

We'll now move to remote public commenters.


Thank you.

I'd like to remind the remote public commenters to press star six after you have heard the message that you have been unmuted.

Our first three public commenters, remote public commenters, will be Alberto Alvarez, followed by David Haynes, and then Rita Gray.

Go ahead, Alberto.


Council, over 200,000 Seattle voters delivered a mandate to you.

The demand is to build, build, build affordable housing, enact progressive revenue, uphold worker protections and wages, to build a Seattle that works for all.

It must be made clear that showing up is never enough.

A plan has to be put forward and real action has to take place.

A great example is today's amendment for a progressive tax revenue on the wealthiest groups to fund rental assistance, home ownership, and fight food insecurity.

I want to commend council members Morales and Saka for signing on to council member Moore's plan.

It may just be a first step.

But this is the work and partnership we want to see.

Take action on what 200,000 of working class people have.

Progressive revenue, worker protections, and wages.

We are working.

We are watching.

Seattle is for everyone.

Thank you and have a good day.


Our next remote speaker is David Haynes.

David will now be followed by Kathleen Brose as Rita Gray is not present.

Go ahead, David Gray.

David Haynes.


Hi, thank you, David Haynes.

Why is it that there's really nothing on the agenda for the council?

Because there hasn't been much access to who's operating behind the scenes with the budget.

And we're supposed to solve the homeless crisis.

and the public safety crisis, and the housing crisis.

And we still need legislation to allow the cops to trespass all these junkie-thieving addicts and their low-level drug pushers all throughout the neighborhood, just not in the exclusive crime hotspots.

I'm concerned that it's just like a manipulation of the perception of public safety through the news partnership to try and convince people to come back and shop some more.

And this city hall is still exempting drug pushers.

And they're still prioritizing repeat offending criminals who ruin the pursuits of other people's happiness and destroy their fellow man.

And yet they get the housing and services before some innocent houseless who's still being discriminated against because of white privilege.

And with the excuse that there's no proper shelter that safe that has the 21st century logistical and like amenities of like running water that's safe to use and like some reprieve from the noise pollution.

but there doesn't seem to be like an acknowledgement from this council that all the bad policies that created all these spending priorities that took all this redirection of the defund police money and paid off the George Floyd protesters and the black lives matter activists who hide behind all these nonprofits that are claiming expert at community safety and alternative policing and, uh, equitable development initiative that only gets to buy some double, triple, dilapidated, inflated building that still isn't 21st century first world quality.

You know, it's like in the housing, we need legislation to prioritize new home financing and buildings that are resident and pedestrian friendly.

You got to tear down all that crap down in Pioneer Square.

Stop historically preserving slums.


Our next speaker is Kathleen Brose, followed by Paula Sardinas.

Go ahead, Kathleen.


Good afternoon.

My name is Kathleen Brose, and I live in District 6. First of all, thank you to Councilperson Joy Hollingsworth for stepping in and rescuing a little dog named Angel over the weekend.

You are the angel for getting involved.

Secondly, regarding the budget, I am a senior who retired two years ago, but now I'm working part-time to keep up with inflation and rising property taxes.

Seattle's middle class is leaving the city.

This is one of the reasons that school enrollment has decreased.

Seniors are being forced out of their homes due to increasing taxes, and they are afraid to rent out empty bedrooms due to the punitive anti-landlord regulations.

The recent passing of the transportation levy will add $500 or more to homeowners' property taxes.

We know that you all have big hearts and you want to help everyone who has their hand out.

For raising taxes on homeowners, raising the minimum wage for struggling small restaurants isn't the answer.

I fear that the state of Washington and Seattle will lower the capital gains tax threshold and the middle class in Seattle will shrink further.

Please focus on cutting expenses rather than raising taxes.

This is what families do when times are tough.

Please be fiscally responsible and make the hard choices and reduce your expenses.

Thank you for listening.


Our last remote speaker who signed up online to speak is Paula Sardinas.

Go ahead, Paula.

And Paula, you may need to press star six.


Okay, I think I just unmuted.

Good afternoon, council members.

I'm Paula Sardinas representing the Washington Build Back Black Alliance.

I'm an FMS Global Strategies company, and I'm here today as an advocate, as a mother, as a business owner, and someone that's been advocating for economic prosperity in Seattle since I moved here in 2016. Tonight, you're going to hear a proposed budget amendment package that is much more than words on paper.

There are lifelines for our communities.

For years, Black Seattleites have been fighting for equitable access to housing, quality education, health care, economic mobility, and pathway to good jobs in the trades.

The five areas outlined in the budget amendments include housing and homeownership, education of the arts, health and wellness, economic mobility, and workforce development.

They are the very foundations of progress, and right now they are the needs of the community.

I'd like to commend Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth alongside Councilmembers Kathy Moore and Tonya Wu, who have courageously championed these amendments because they know what we know.

Real change only happens when we invest in people who make Seattle what it is.

We are not sure today asking for handouts, but what we are demanding is a chance to build our own generational wealth, to ensure that we have our own public safety, and that our children have a future that is bright in One Seattle.

I want to personally thank Council President Sarah Nelson for her leadership, Budget Chair Dan Strauss for his diligence and his commitment, and Council Members Rob Salka, Tammy Morales, Maritza Rivera, and Bob Kettle for listening to the community and meeting with us and for taking our calls.

This council has the power to decide what kind of city Seattle will be, whether it's going to be a place where black families can survive and thrive or just get by.

Seattle has always prided itself on being that progressive beacon on the hill that stands with this community no matter what.

Now is the time for us to show that in actions and deeds.

By adopting these amendments, you're not just supporting a budget, but you're making sure that our community and our businesses are the one Seattle for the future.

I thank you and I urge your support.


That's our last remote speaker that's present.


Thank you very much, and thank you everyone for coming and giving your comments.

We do have one more in-person speaker.

Please read their name and call them up, please.


Yes, the final in-person speaker is Loanne.

I just want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here today.


I just want to follow up on what my husband was saying earlier.

As you can see, I'm very upset about this whole situation.

I just feel like my family's been under attack.

This just happens so quickly, like almost on a monthly basis that we get these break-ins.

Not just breaking-ins, but Our employees and myself, we have been physically threatened, assaulted, and at one point, attempted robbery.

So these are the constant threats and attacks on my family, and I have to endure on a daily basis.

We are very frustrated and angry and upset.

We feel hopeless, our business is hurting, our small businesses are struggling.

I just feel like there's no justice for us.

There's nobody to protect us, nobody to hear us when we're crying out for help.

I feel like the system failed us, failed our small businesses, and failed to keep us safe.

I feel like we deserve to feel safe as well.

I feel like we're at a breaking point over and over again.

We stay silent for the sake of peace.

But because of that, we've been overlooked and forgotten.

No one hears us.

No one listens to us.

No one cares about us.

And that's the reason why I come before you to have my voice heard.

This business is our family's livelihood.

We poured our heart and soul into this business for 26 years.

We worked hard.

We took many risks and made many sacrifices for this business.

We are concerned and are in so much distress because we are terrified as well because we don't know how much longer we could continue with this because the cost of the expenses to get these things fixed.

And then we go and call the insurance company.

The insurance company would raise our premium.

So that is why we're here today.

We just need to feel heard.

We just need somebody to help us, give us some answers.

Thank you.


We've reached the end of our list of registered speakers and the public comment period is now closed.

Again, thank you very much for your comments.

And as Chair of Economic Development, I do want to extend my personal, I want to express that I do share your frustration that we're not doing better by our small businesses, I understand.

where your emotion is coming from.

And I did hear about what happened to your business over the weekend, so on behalf of the city, I apologize for what you're experiencing.

Okay, if there is no objection, the introduction and referral calendar will be adopted.

There is no objection, so the introduction and referral calendar is adopted.

And if there's no objection, the agenda will be adopted.

Hearing none, the agenda is adopted.

And we'll now consider the proposed consent calendar.

Items on the consent calendar include the minutes of October 29th, 2024, and council bills CB120900 and 120901. Those are our payment to the bills.

Are there any pieces of legislation my colleagues would like to remove?

All right, seeing none, I move to adopt the consent calendar.

Is there a second?




Thank you.

It's been moved and seconded to adopt the consent calendar.

Will the clerk please call the roll on the adoption of the consent calendar?


Council Member Strauss?


Council Member Wu?


Council Member Hollingsworth?




Council Member Kettle?


Council Member Moore?


Council Member Morales?


Council Member Rivera?


Council Member Saca?


Council President Nelson?



Nine in favor, none opposed.

Thank you.

The consent calendar items are adopted.

Will the clerk please affix my signature to the minutes and the legislation on the consent calendar on my behalf.

All right, there are no committee reports today, no items removed from the consent calendar, and there's not a resolution for introduction and adoption today.

So this is a very short meeting, and for the viewing public, if you're just tuning in now, it's because we have been in budget deliberations, which means that our committees are not meeting.

So therefore, there is no legislation that's coming before the full council.

Moving on, is there any further business to come before us today?

Go ahead, Council Member Strauss.


Thank you, Council President.

Colleagues, I am looking forward to our public hearing that starts in two and a half hours, right at 5 p.m.

Child care is available until 7 p.m.

The Sea Park Garage closes at 10 p.m.

We went a little bit over 10 p.m.

last time around.

Public commenters will have two minutes to speak and will go until we have exhausted the list.

And so I'm looking forward to seeing you in just a couple hours.

We wanted to make those points.

So if you're parked in Sea Park and you need to find a better place to park, we have some time this afternoon.

Thanks, folks.

Thank you very much.


Is there anything else that anybody would like to add for our business?

All right, seeing none, we've reached the end of today's agenda.

The City Council will hold a special meeting on November 21st at 2 p.m.

when we're expected to consider all budget legislation and adopt a budget.

Hearing no further business, it is 2.27 and we are adjourned.

Thanks, everybody.

See you in a couple hours.