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School Board Meeting Date May 4, 2016 Part 1

Publish Date: 5/5/2016
Description: Seattle Public Schools

I would like to welcome everyone to our May 4 regular board meeting.

Welcome to our student representative Lauren Peterson from the center school.

Mr. Peterson will have an opportunity to provide comments regarding his school later in the meeting.

Our roll call Ms. Ritchie.

Director Blanford.

Director Geary.


Director Harris.


Director Burke.


Director Peters.


Director Patu.


I pledge allegiance.

We all please.

One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

We do not have a recognition item for this evening's meeting but tonight we have the Loyal Heights Elementary theater arts group providing us with a preview of their production the Wizard of Oz young performers edition.

Due to copyright restriction we are unable to broadcast the student performance.

Therefore all video and audio will be suspended during the performance and resumed when the production is concluded.

No action will be taken by the board during this time.

I'd like to invite all the directors to please come down to the chair in the front so we can be able to watch the performance.

