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School Board Meeting 7∕11∕18 Part 2B

Publish Date: 7/12/2018

Seattle Public Schools


Did you want to speak.


Director Pinkham.


Thank you all for coming here tonight.

Qeˀciyéẁyéẁ and Táˀc kulé-wit and Táˀciyéẁyéẁ a new Nez Perce word I learned or phrase that's welcome you all for coming here.

I can't even hear my voice still shaking.

Thank you all for coming and sharing your your words.

I'll start with.

The Rosh Hashanah you know anytime we do you know thank you for the points that we have a system that acknowledges maybe our favors one group over another.

And yes many children don't have to worry about Oh do I have to go to school on Christmas.


But the system's already kind of set up that you get the holiday break although now they do call it a holiday break.

We can't call it Christmas break anymore.

So there's been some changes that had to happen.

Changes always happen I think we do to make sure that we acknowledge all our cultures and traditions that represent what makes America great.

So what can we do to change the start of kindergarten this year.

Can we change it to the Tuesday.

Can we change it to the Wednesday after Rosh Hashanah ends.

One of the things that they asked here provide solutions.

So if we don't start on the Monday would Tuesday be OK or would Wednesday be optimum.

So what solutions do we have to address those needs.

You know I remember I went to a public school on the Yakima Indian Reservation and it was definitely a lot different than the Seattle School District.

We had just one high school so we didn't have to worry about who do we have a native focus our support at this high school but not another.

No we only had one high school and so we had a native educated there the JOM Johnson O'Malley program a counselor there to help us out.

But now we're hearing a huge I mean live and bring my children up in a huge school district where there is what.

eleven nine high schools and we got a shakuhachi about Chief Sealth that helps out and thank you for sharing that poem.

But then we don't have it at other schools so some of our native students are missing out.

So as our elder Kaye Fidler shared hey yes that's doing great for the students there and her own children benefit from the inherited high school but it doesn't necessarily could be for all of them but.

When we don't have those services in all our schools I hope we can open an option school that allows students to choose to go there.

So as we go through some of the agenda items tonight I may speak up some more.

Qeˀciyéẁyéẁ Thank you.


Thank you.

These are very painful conversations.

These are the conversations that linger far past a meeting that that are very heavy that are very frustrating.

It is beyond ironic that when we look at the situation we get several different tangents of information coming in and it's very difficult to sift that and to take our responsibilities as seriously as we have to do so.

And the theme is indeed one of respect.

and equity and sensitivity.

And yeah we need to do better.

There is no question about it.

I think we've made some progress.

I like the ideas that we heard this evening with respect to Rosh Hashanah.

It's my understanding that the start of kindergarten is part of the collective bargaining agreement and that won't be changed this year.

But we heartily — It's my understanding we.

It is excuse me.

It is my understanding that we have.




I appreciate the frustration more than you know.

Can we do better.

Yes we can.

I want absolutely to accept the offer for assistance in our scheduling and I might add that accepting that offer and the folks that come with it to our community engagement standing committee makes a whole lot of sense to me.

I see synchronicity there so that we don't make these mistakes again and and I appreciate the heartfelt and very deep emotion that comes with this.

We are not perfect.

We are striving to do better.

I had a question or two from a pragmatic standpoint I heard the amount one point five million dollars to open up Indian Heritage High School.

And if folks that testified to that could send emails to us to tell us what that means.

Tell us what the vision is.

The pragmatic aspect of the fact is we are underfunded by a mile.

McCleary is in fact fake news.

Two years from now unless we get relief from the legislature we will be riffing people not creating new programs.

And with all due respect we are not doing right by the programs that we have in place now.

And these are going to be terribly tough times.

So obviously one point five million dollars or stop behind it.

Let us know what that is.

Creative solutions are welcomed.

But we got to figure out a way to move forward together.

I love the idea of working together to figure out better ways to get where we need to be because I think everybody agrees we need to be in a better place.

Again thank you very much for coming down.

It's painful to hear what we've heard but we very much appreciate it and we do hear you.

On that note we will move to action items on the agenda.

We have 15 action items this evening and no introduction items and the time check is 7 p.m.

Number one setting the 2018 19 economic stabilization account.

This came before the Audit and Finance Committee June 11th for




Approval of this item would set the economic stabilization account at three point two seven percent of the 2016 17 general fund expenditures for the 2018 19 budget.

May I hear the motion please sir.


I move that the school board approve the 2018. Wrong motion.

OK I move that the school.

Hold up.

Could I have a copy of the motion please.

I move that this board approve an economic stabilization account balance of three point two seven percent of general fund expenditures from the 2016 17 school year when developing the 2018 19 fiscal year budget.


Second to the motion sir.


I second the motion.



This came before intro.

We've had budget discussions at some length in our work sessions.

Do we have comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Seeing none roll call please.


Director Burke aye.

Director DeWolf aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Thank you.

Number two resolution 2017 18 dash 18 fixing and adopting the 2018 19 budget.

This came before A&F June 11th for consideration.

Approval of this item would adopt resolution 2017 18 dash 18 to fix and adopt the 2018 19 budget for a year budget plan summary and the four year enrollment projections.

Do I have a second.


I got a motion for you.

Oh I got busted.


Please do sir.


I move that the school board adopt resolution 2017 slash 18 dash 18 to fix and adopt the 2018 19 budget the four year budget plan summary and the four year enrollment projections.


I second the motion.


Thank you.

Comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Director Kankham please and then Director Mack.


So here's where I said I would speak up given that we do have people that are asking for additional funds from general funds to be dedicated to and some are saying yes a negative focus school.

But my question is for the budget people here.

Within our current budget now if director President Harris asked them to send some more information would we be able to accommodate that one point five million dollars at a later date.

If the board decided to go that direction.


Assistant Superintendent for budget and finance Berge please.


JoLynn Berge the board could change what you've decided to spend money on for 18 19. You could reduce the surplus that we currently have generated and that would be a one time surplus.

We're projected to be in deficit situation after 18 19. And I would concur with Director Harris's remarks that unless something changes we can't continue the same program that we currently have going into 18 19 in out years.


Director Pinkham did you wish to.



So I guess my comment would be that.

So if we if the board did decide we're not going to like break us next year and possibly that this wouldn't could at least just be some seed money and not make us commit to another year until we actually like I said we're planning to open up another high school down the line.

We believe we have funds already on that for we're looking at we need to downtown high school or something.

It'd be great that we don't add to cost but hey we need that eventually.

Could some of this money be direct to say hey let's make this new high school our native focus school and let's use some of the money we have in surplus next year to help start planning for that.

And then once the money comes in for construction or however that's going to go.

We'd have it but at least we'd get in motion and let the people know yes we heard you we're going to get some money to look at this.

And as Kaye Fidler was saying have a community meeting but we pay for it you know not so we don't have some kind of funds or resources to use for that for next year.


Director Mack and then Director DeWolf.


Two things.

One is the we have a surplus this year correct or in the coming year.

But that's only because the overlay of our existing operations levy and the year after that we're going to be capped and we will not have those dollars and we're going to be in severe deficit unless something major changes.

And what's that number again for 2019 is it about 30 million.

Deficit that's projected.


Forty two.

Forty two million in 2019 20 projected deficit if something doesn't change by the legislature.

So that's concerning in two years out.

We seem to be OK in the coming year but we are not in the future.


I'm not with that surplus that we have I'm not necessarily comfortable spending it except in perhaps emergency situation but I'm I'm curious to know I'm trying to understand a little bit better what exactly that one point five million would go towards because there's the operations general fund budget and then there's the capital budget.

So here we are at the dais late this conversation about one point five million is just starting publicly now.

First I'm even thinking of it and I don't know what those dollars would be spent for and I don't know that we would have enough information.

A I'd like I'd like to understand exactly what those dollars would be for but B I don't think we have enough information in order to do an amendment at this stage on the budget.

because there's too many open ended questions.


Thank you.

And then Director DeWolf and we'll swing back to Director Pinkham.


Something about that 1.5 million.


I appreciate that.

But Director DeWolf is next.

Thank you.


I I as as a young person.

I believe that people look at me like I don't know what I'm doing and I know that we have a fiduciary responsibility.

I feel really uncomfortable being put in a position where tonight we're asked to do an amendment for an unknown one point five million dollars because the headline will be that we did not add or adopt an amendment to include one point five million dollars for native education when it was just given to us.

I also don't know.


I don't believe that a one point five million dollar amendment has been made.

I believe certainly comments and questions have been made about it and I think that it's very important that we stay very clear about that fact.


Thank you.


Thank you.


I'm done.


Director Pinkham.



So I believe the one point five million came from the previous superintendent Nyland where he gave a broke down in his response to what he's going to do for the native education supplemental funds for next year in that he listed it inherit high school had a one point five million dollar budget.

So I think that's where.


I would like to respond to that and take the chair's privilege.




I do not recall that.

And again I feel extraordinarily uncomfortable getting a number without any data or information to back it up.

Now this board can choose to change a budget if you have the votes and you find the money.

Do I appreciate that it is delicate.

Do I appreciate that it is difficult.

Do I appreciate that 42 million dollars in just a year is frightening.

I most certainly do.

Do I appreciate that we have broken a number of promises when I say we I mean the Seattle Public School District and many of those promises were made by people that are no longer in this district and are not in this room that we have a duty to listen and act sensitively and fiduciarily.

So at this point unless we have other questions comments or concerns I'm going to call the vote.

Do we have more comments questions or concerns about adopting this budget.

Director Burke.


Briefly I just want to highlight that.

The vote we're going to take the magnitude of it may seem diminished by the short amount of debate.

And I just want to say publicly that this is a culmination of multiple work sessions tons of work with the staff a lot of iteration with directors community meetings as described in the BAR.

And I just wanted to state that publicly so it's part of the record.

And thanks staff for their work.


I would like to have an aggregation of the time spent And the linear paper that we've worked on over the last year because this district and this board have taken our budget process extraordinarily seriously and it has been the most transparent process that I have seen in my 20 years of hanging out here.

Director Mack.


To that point as well upon introduction we had a very complete PowerPoint presentation that contained additional data so that if any of the public are interested in actually digging that up and the budget book is fully posted online that information is publicly available.

So even though we're not going over it again today.

It's there.

So thank you.


And with apologies for sounding perhaps defensive.

I guess I'd like to reframe that in a non pejorative way.

I am really proud of us.

And with that the roll call please.


Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Thank you.

Number three BTA III approval of budget increase and award contract K 1 3 0 8 to DOWA IBI group architects for the John Muir elementary school Green Energy geothermal wells project.

This came before Ops June 7th for.


Approval of this item would approve a one time fund transfer in the amount of one million six hundred fifty thousand dollars from the BTA III program contingency and authorize A slash E contract K 1308 in the amount of two hundred sixty seven thousand ninety nine dollars and 50 cents.

I love those cents.

for the John Muir elementary school green energy geothermal wells project.

The motion please sir.


Take a breath folks.

I move that the school board approve the transfer of from the BTA III program contingency to the John Muir elementary school green energy geothermal wells project budget.

In addition I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute a slash E contract K 1 3 0 8 to DOA D O W A I B I group architects for the John Muir elementary school green energy geothermal wells project in the amount of two hundred and sixty seven thousand ninety nine dollars and fifty cents with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary action to implement the contract.

I second the motion.


Comments questions concerns and Mr. Best are you going to be answering those or is Associate Superintendent Herndon.

Are you doing a duel.

There you go.


Director Mack.

I'm super excited about this project.

I'm just wondering whether or not we had added.

I think we did we talk about adding.

getting some additional information around the life cycle savings of these.

Systems I think we talked about this on introduction that it'd be helpful for us and the public to know that these sorts of building systems provide long term savings in terms of staffing reductions.

And I don't recall whether or not that got put into the BAR or sent us in some form or if we agreed on where that information might show up in the future.


Flip Herndon associate superintendent of operations facilities.

I believe we talked about implementing that for future bars coming forward that being able to turn that around calculation for this particular one was going to be a little bit of a challenge but it was a mark that we wanted to make sure we would highlight in the background information for future bars on these projects.


Other comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Seeing none roll call please.


Director Pinkham aye Director Patu aye Director Mack aye Director DeWolf aye Director Burke aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Number four amend and rename policy number 2 0 9 0 program evaluation and assessment to district educational research and evaluation.

This came to C&I June 12th for.


Recommendation for approval.


Approval of this item would make edits to board policy 2 0 9 0 program evaluation and assessment to reflect changes in the district's approach to program review and evaluation as well as remove assessment language that is covered in board policy number 2 0 8 0. Director Burke.


I move that the board approve the amended and renamed policy board policy number 2 0 9 0 district educational research and evaluation.

I second the motion.


Comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Director Mack.


Upon introduction I had a few questions around the development of this policy.

We met originally in two by twos had some conversations and then it went through the curriculum and instruction committee and I wasn't a part of that conversation and the questions that I raised during introduction I got answers to those just this past Monday.

I I continue to have two major concerns around the redrafting of this policy.

It's a it's a it's a pretty big rewrite from the policy that existed which is fine.

But the two problems that I have with where it's landed.

and why I will be not supporting it tonight even if my colleagues do end up adopting it is that policy 2090 had a focus on program evaluation.

I feel as if that's something in our district that's really challenging and continues to be challenging because we've lots of different programs with lots of different names and we don't evaluate what works and what doesn't.

So not having a policy that focuses on that and shifting it instead to an educational research and evaluation policy is a very different focus.

So I have a I have a philosophical challenge with the change of the policy focus.

And then secondly I feel from a board oversight perspective we should have approval of the plan that's generated each year and not just have some input through committee that having the actual board approve the annual plan of research and evaluation is a valuable step in our process for both oversight and transparency and.

And so that we're all walking hand in hand on on on these issues.

And so those are my two kind of major issues with with the policy as it's written and why I cannot support it tonight.

And I'm not going to suggest an amendment from the floor.

I feel as if I'm potentially too late.

But I would I would have liked to actually pull this back and have it adjusted a bit before it came to the full board tonight.


Director Burke.

Let me share my gratitude for the conversations we've had around this because I think it's helped me go a little deeper into the policy work than we actually did in committee.

The two points you brought up.

I want to really try to focus on the first one because I think there we talked about that a lot in committee that the previous policy was a program evaluation policy.

And the concern was well what do we call a program.

Once we say it's a program evaluation policy then by definition anything that is a program is evaluated.

Anything that doesn't fit in the program bucket isn't evaluated or may not be evaluated or there's ambiguity.

And so.

The policy doesn't exclude program evaluation but it actually includes a broader sense.

You know the as it says here rigorous research evaluation focused on its educational programs services and initiatives.

So the understanding that we don't we don't want to just evaluate our programs we want to evaluate.

the efficacy of our SMART goals.

We want to evaluate specific strategies that we might identify as a district something we want to invest money in.

Are we seeing a return on that.

Are we seeing the results that we would want.

So I just wanted to clarify that the change in title and the loss of the word program isn't actually a loss.

It's that it's been incorporated into a larger thing which it is a fundamental change.

So I just want to be really clear about that.


Can you.


Other questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Can I. Director Patu please.


I guess I want to ask Director Burke when you say a fundamental thing what in other words what does that really mean.


I guess a lot.

The thing that I see is the most fundamental around it is that previously.

The policy was structured that things that we called programs would go through an evaluation cycle and then there was an annual report on how that would how well that worked out.

The revised policy has a more explicit planning period where whether it's something that we call a program you know whether it's highly capable advanced learning dual language something that could be a.

a titled program or something like a smart goal or you know an initiative to to start up a new school or to do a CTE course or CTE pathway or any type of initiative that we might have.

The research and evaluation team would work with the board to identify what are we doing in the next year.

What is important to the district to our budget to directors and that would become sort of their work plan.

So I think that's the biggest shift is that as compared to just identifying programs it's a more deliberate strategic alignment.


Director Burke I have a follow up question to that if I might.

OK thank you.

I'm not trying to play gotcha I'm really trying to understand.


Go for it.


You say that Department of Research and Eval will work with the board.

Who has the authority if it doesn't say board approval in the plan?


The the board.

Let me get the exact language here.


What if the board and the staff disagree.

Well he's looking.

May I direct a question to you sir.


Associate Superintendent Tolley.

Would the staff object to adding forward approval into this policy.


We wouldn't object but we did go through quite a bit of discussion as to whether or not that would be most appropriate or not.

As you may have noticed in the superintendent procedure it does call for working with the C&I policy committee of the board to develop and what the plan would contain in terms of what programs or services or initiatives would be evaluated.

It also allows for a board work session of the entire board to inform the plan.

So we did put structures in place to allow for a lot of partnering with between staff and board members to ensure that we develop a plan that it's mutually agreed upon.

OK and I'll just.


May I finish my sentence first.

Not a problem.

And then I'll toss the baton to you.

And then I believe Director DeWolf wanted to speak next.

One of my personal goals this next year is to sort out superintendent procedures make things as clear as humanly possible so we really do collaborate and we rebuild trust that I think is missing.

Just putting that right out there.

Superintendent Juneau and then.


Director DeWolf.

I think we would all agree in this room that we really do need to work on some of those streamlining and talking about the issues which is where I think all of these issues are going.

You know when I.

Talk about this specific policy approval.

You know it's been in process for about two years now.

It's been through committee a lot.

It's been through two by twos.

It's been also it's had this process that's the usual board process it's gone through.

When I look at this as well.

I guess I'm concerned about not slowing things down when it's necessary and when I look at the research and evaluations that's going to go on it's going to be in conjunction with the C&I committee.

It's going to be on strategic plan.

It's going to be on the strategic direction the SMART goals all of those are going to be aligned.

And I believe that we know with that alignment with the input that's going to go on.

I don't see how we can stray too far from any specific objective of getting the evaluation done.

So that's my input.

and any of the research and evaluation is used to measure our progress on those directions and goals that are set by the board.

So thank you Madam Chair.


Thank you.

Director DeWolf please.


I just for for me personally I just feel the part of the work that C&I has done on this particularly the long time that it took and the two by twos and the conversation we've had in committee.

I feel personally that there is a sense of distrust amongst us board members who sit on that committee and have done the work to be thoughtful about this policy because we've taken the time and sat with these questions as well.

I also believe that we could.

It would it would benefit us all to trust in the central leadership of our superintendent and the staff that she has under her to create these plans and it sounds like from your what you've mentioned as well.

Michael Tolley.

I think what do I say.

But I do think that in consultation with the board which is how I'm reading this and what I've understood from our conversations in C&I that the feedback loop and the consultation of that plan for example is not done in a silo without our feedback and input.

So I personally feel very comfortable with where we've gone.

I know that the conversations the questions the concerns that all of us have raised have been answered and have been given light so I I'm very comfortable with moving forward with this today.


Director Burke and then Director Mack.


I want to acknowledge what Director DeWolf said but mentioned for me it's not so much about trust within the board or board to staff although that might be an unintended consequence.

I see it as as sort of a granularity of work.

You know we have a limited amount of time and do we have money and money.

And so everything that we have to be thoughtful and deliberate about what we choose to put at the board level.

And that's why I thought this was a really interesting discussion because this is a strategic element.

This is a it's a component that bridges between you know governance and.

and and actual implementation.

How do we strategically evaluate our programs and services and initiatives and whatnot.

But the my thought is well we could talk about that more.

We could pull it off the agenda.

We could put it on ice for the next seven weeks until we have another board meeting.

Or we could let our research and evaluation team run with this for a year or two.

We could build a new strategic plan which is what we're supposed to be doing and we could put our focus there and see where the strategic plan filters into research evaluation work and whether that becomes a completely different structure.

So that's that was where when we were having our conversation I was like I could see why we should do that.

I could see why we might not want to.

And then I thought you know what.

I'm comfortable with the trust that's been built and the people that are working on it that it really doesn't matter whether it's board or superintendent that has the approval at this point it may five or 10 years in the future or five or 10 years in the past.

But I think that this the district strategic structure is going to evolve over the next couple of years.

to the point where I feel like we don't know enough about it to really put the pieces in place.

So that was that's my reason to want to support this and move it forward.

And then just as a quick aside since there were some eyebrows that raised when Superintendent Juneau mentioned that a couple of years of work.

This has been a couple of months of work on this specific policy but it was preceded by work last year on the assessment policy which was pulled out of this.

So the big picture has been a couple of years but this policy has been several months just full disclosure.


Thank you.

Yeah and Director Burke thank you for that clarification because my eyebrows did raise because I know this policy has not been worked on for two years it's been the last couple of months that it's been rewritten so that the actual policy itself has only had a couple of months of work while there's been pre work around the conversations about shifting it that that's true as well.

And and I I want to I want to say that I think that we do need to rebuild trust in the district and that this position that I have around this being a board level decision is not actually about trust.

It's more about transparency and process and having an appropriate level of time to and input and where that line falls for various folks is different.

And in my in my mind the line should fall on the on the side of full board approval so that we're all actually involved in that decision.

And at the same time I do we do have to have trust in our staff and ourselves to do this work and work collaboratively and I do trust that going forward that those those systems are going to improve.

And we have a history of superintendent procedures being written without actually being provided to the board.

Things being in procedure that are not in policy that are in conflict and there's those kind of things that happened in the past.

And wanting to ensure that going forward this is just a good a good opportunity to have those conversations that we can make improvements around those systems and ensure that we're walking hand in hand and collaborating.

Director Patu.


This is quite interesting to me because as a longtime board director and also a district employee for many years it's it's really important for the fact that sometimes you know we have materials that we actually give out to our schools.

And yes maybe we've done evaluation and we've actually gone through it but a lot of times it's not always good for our students.

And I know that for a fact because I used to work for the district and I believe that it's so important for us to really do a great program evaluation on everything that we put out there because these are what the kids are learning.

And if we don't believe with our hearts hearts and say this is really going to be something for our kids to really learn from.

I don't think it's fair that we put it out there like that.

So it's really important that we really look at this and make those changes or to reflect what is it that if we wanted food for our kids how would that reflect on what we were actually putting out there.

So it's for me it's very important.

Director Burke.


I'll be really brief with this something that Director Mack said there was there was a point I wanted to share previously and I think the way you had phrased that around full board approval versus full board involvement really heightened for me that the way the policy has been rewritten policy and procedure has been rewritten.

It has been with an intent for full board involvement.

And so approval as you know does not guarantee involvement but structuring for involvement does not require approval so that I would rather have something proactive.

You know approval is a reactive it's a it's an end state whereas a process which engages a broader set of stakeholders is more of a proactive process.

And so I think that that is one of the elements that's been woven into it.

I'm done.


OK last but hopefully not least I will be voting for this because I trust that we will revisit the issues as we go along and because I have extraordinary respect for Eric Anderson and his team.

Jessica last name please.

Beaver Beaver.

Thank you Dr. Beaver Dr. Anderson Dr. Beaver.

I have a short list of things I'd love for them to evaluate now that it is not just a program evaluation.

I'd love to see for instance an evaluation of honors for all.

I'd love to see an evaluation of whether or not our students in the international baccalaureate program are in fact passing and whether or not we're getting our return on investment if you will in terms of dropout rates etc etc etc.

Because I used to give Larry a hard time every week about replication.

And we look at all these beautiful schools and then we look at all the other schools that you can pretend are up there because they're on the bubble.

But because we only evaluate them from one data point the SBAC scores they're not there.

And there are some in our district that are proud of the opt out rates because they disagree philosophically about the way we measure widgets.

So I'm going to vote for this.

I look forward to the really sexy conversation about equity and program placement because that's where I think our passion lies.

And that's coming up I believe in November.

Is that correct Mr. C&I chair.


The what's coming up in November is actually performance management.

So program placement is yet a different thing.

They're kind of all interrelated.


In other words they're a hairball to use your vernacular.


We got hairballs in the future.




But but we are going to revisit that issue in the next year.

Is that correct?

Equity and program placement.


That is that's 2020 right?


2200. 2200.


It's not on the work.

It's not on the work plan for this year.




We will have an offline conversation about that and I'll try and twist your arm.


Roll call please.

Thank you so much.


Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Mack no Director Patu no Director Pinkham no.

Director Harris aye.

This motion is not passed by a vote of 3 to 3.


Mr. Cerqui if it's a tie vote how do we handle that?


So it's John Cerqui Deputy General Counsel.


Well then you win pal.


Tie vote then it's a non.

The measure does not pass by a majority of the board.



Thank you so much.

You're welcome to bring it back up again when you believe you have the votes.

Number five City of Seattle and time check here.

We are at 7 40 and we are number five.

We have another if you count this one 11 to go.

City of Seattle families and education levy F.E.L. and Seattle Public Schools S.P.S. personal service contracts P.S.C. for Seattle Parks and Recreation city year of Seattle University tutors of Seattle schools communities and school and Seneca family of agencies came before Audit and Finance June 11th for.


Approval of this item would approve contracts with Seattle Parks and Recreation city year of Seattle University tutors of Seattle schools communities and school Schools plural and Seneca family of agencies for a total of three million nine hundred and five thousand two hundred sixty four dollars.

No cents to provide family and education levy funded activities.

May I hear the motion please.


I move that the board authorize the superintendent to execute contracts for a combined total of three million nine hundred and five thousand two hundred and sixty four dollars with the city of Seattle's parks and recreation department.

Five hundred and fifty three thousand one hundred ninety two dollars.

University tutors for Seattle schools.

Eight hundred and sixty seven thousand two hundred and seventeen dollars.

Communities in schools two hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred fifty five dollars Seneca family of agencies one million one hundred and sixty one thousand one hundred dollars and city year one million seventy three thousand dollars for school year 2018 19 for the purpose of providing families and education levy funded or other funding source activities in selected elementary K-8 middle and high schools with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and take any necessary actions to implement the contracts.


I second the motion.


Comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Director Mack.


I just wanted to say that the information is in the bar about where these schools are and the services that are being provided.

So it's really complete information and that I'm grateful for the dollars that we have for these additional services that we get.

I continue to be concerned around the fact that we have kind of a donut hole situation that we have some schools that are not getting these services that could benefit as well.

But I'm excited to vote yes.


And I will wrap it up by saying how grateful I am to the city of Seattle families and Ed Levy and how grateful for each one of these extraordinary community partners.

And you're absolutely right.

Director Mack there is a donut hole and we haven't reached equity but there's just not enough darn money.

Is not.

Roll call please.


Director Burke.




Director DeWolf aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion is passed unanimously.


Number six approval of contracts for specially designed instruction tutoring services and other compensatory education services under RFQ 0 2 7 5 8 came before Audit and Finance June 11th for approval.

Approval of this item would approve annual contracts generated from vendors Approved through RFQ 0 2 7 5 8 specially designed instruction individual educational program IEP tutoring services and other compensatory education services for a not to exceed total amount of one million three hundred sixty eight thousand six hundred seventy eight dollars and no cents for the 2018 19 school year motion please sir.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute contracts with the following agencies under RFQ 0 2 7 5 8 specially designed instruction.

Yellowwood Academy in the amount of three hundred and eighty two thousand nine hundred ninety two dollars.

Brooks powers group in the amount of one hundred and seventy thousand dollars.

Community health care services.

Community Care in the amount of four hundred and thirty eight thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.

Kathleen Zanoli in the amount of six thousand dollars.

Maxim Healthcare Services in the amount of fifty thousand nine hundred and twenty five dollars.

Reiter in the amount of two hundred and forty four thousand eight hundred and eighty one dollars and Seneca family agencies in the amount of seventy five thousand dollars with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement these contracts.

I second the motion.


Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Director Mack roll call please.


Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


And I might add that we are doing a better job of getting these contracts dialed up so that they all had a good healthy discussion in intro than the old days when they were intro action.

So props to the staff for putting this together and.

giving us the space and grace to ask our questions much much appreciated because this is real money.

And most importantly the services that this represents are significant.

Number seven approval of contracts for therapeutic day treatment service providers RFQ 0 7 6 9 5 came before audit and finance June 11th for.




Approval of this item would approve annual contracts generated from agencies providers approved through RFQ 0 6 9 5 therapeutic treatment day services for not to exceed total amount of one million eight hundred ninety one thousand seven hundred three dollars and no cents for the 2018 19 school year based on yearly 2017 18 contract totals.

Motion please sir.


Y'all and I are just reading to each other motion.

I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute contracts with agencies approved through RFQ 0 5 7 9 0 therapeutic day therapeutic treatment day services for a not to exceed total amount of one million eight hundred ninety one thousand seven hundred and three dollars as follows.

Rither in the amount of two hundred thirty one nine fifty dollars.

three thousand four hundred and two hours Overlake Hospital specialty school in the amount of five hundred and seventy one thousand one hundred and seventy five dollars seven thousand two hundred ninety nine hours.

Fairfax Hospital slash NWSOIL in the amount of six hundred and fifty five thousand seven hundred and eighteen dollars ten thousand three hundred and fifty five hours and Seneca family of agencies in the amount of four hundred and thirty two thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars.

15000 393 hours for private placement of students in need of therapeutic day services and programming with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement these contracts.


I second the motion.


Comments questions concerns from my colleagues.


Point of clarification.


Yes sir.


You know I was curious if he was reading the right one myself.


I see.


The RFQ number that was put in the motion was incorrect.

I would like to amend that rather than RFQ 0 5 7 9 0. It is RFQ 0 7 6 9 5. I second the amendment.



Comments questions concerns about the amendment to the motion.

Seeing none comments questions concerns about the motion itself with the Scrivener's correction.

Seeing none roll call please.


Director Burke.




Director DeWolf aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion as amended has passed unanimously.


Number eight contract approval for early support for infants and toddlers birth through three intervention service providers audit and finance June 11th for your number eight approval.

Approval of this item would authorize the superintendent to execute contracts totaling four million seven hundred seven thousand six hundred ninety two dollars no cents with the EEU the Experimental Education Unit Wonderland Developmental Center Northwest Center and Boyer Children's Clinic to ensure the provision of early intervention services in accordance with Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act otherwise known as IDEA.

Motion please.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute contracts with the experimental education unit EEU in the amount of two hundred and forty three thousand five hundred and one dollars.

Wonderland developmental center in the amount of four hundred and five thousand eight hundred and thirty five dollars.

Northwest Center in the amount of one million six hundred and twenty three thousand three hundred and forty dollars.

and Boyers Children's Clinic in the amount of two million four hundred thirty five thousand and sixteen dollars to ensure the provision of early intervention services as defined in 34 C dot F dot R 3 0 3 in accordance with part C of the individuals with disabilities education act IDEA with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contracts.


I second the motion.


Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

I have a question for Chief Jesse if I might.

You may have missed me during introduction at the last board meeting.


I heard you miss me.


I did indeed.

There you go.


We have talked about offering these services in-house.

Where do we stand on that.


For this particular service this is birth to three highly specialized services.

I know you've heard from Boyer for example before.

So we are not we're not currently set up to do birth to three.


And other services on the.

I don't know how to put this help me out here with the lingo and the language please.

Many of the programs that we've offered over three years old.

Yes for special education.

I'm thinking about the original Van Asselt where


We used to do it used to have evaluation teams so we have evaluation teams that really work.

No problem.

Pull me out of this.

Sure no problem.

Special Ed.

A lot of a lot of details.

So that's really the part C to B.

So we have an evaluation team that was at the OVA site that really goes in a lot of students come as you know developmental disabilities.

Some are going to be up front and other ones are found out as kids develop and so we evaluate them and then provide them that services.

And so these particular providers provide services for students.

who have early onset intervention services needed.

A lot of them are usually more severe more profound as the term we usually use in special ed.

So those are identified and then that information comes up.

We partner with them and then our it makes it easier for the evaluation on that side.

Other students it's not as clear.

And so that's why we do our evaluation some kids qualify and some kids don't at that particular time.

And then we continue to move forward.


Thank you.

Other questions comments concerns.

Director Patu.


I figure with all the contracts that we have that's that we provide outside it would be nice if we get to know a little bit more about each one of these contracts in terms of what we provide and what our involvement in terms of our dealing with these contracts.

I mean I want to read what's on here but you know just wanted to find out a bit more about what is our involvement in these contracts.


Let's put our heads together and have either a work session or maybe a different way to share information that a field trip if you will because this is really important stuff to our families.

On the other hand.

This is also really sensitive and I don't want to be in a position ever of.


Violation of FERPA.


Violation of FERPA but more importantly the sensitivity that goes with it.

There's the rule of the law and then there's the heart and soul.

So let's let's talk about that.

I'd be happy to do that.

Thank you.

Other questions comments concerns seeing none roll call please.


Director DeWolf aye Director Mack.

I Dr. Patu aye Dr. Pinkham aye Dr. Burke aye Dr. Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Number nine private schools proportional share services RFQ 0 4 6 7 6 providers Rither Catapult Learning Hamlin Robinson Spring Academy came before Audit and Finance June 11th for approval.

Approval of this item would approve contracts for services for parentally placed private school students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA for a total amount of seven hundred ninety four thousand seven hundred seventy two dollars and no cents.

Motion please.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute contracts with catapult learning in the amount of one hundred eighty five thousand three hundred twenty eight dollars.

Hamlin Robinson in the amount of one hundred eighty five thousand three hundred twenty eight dollars.

Spring Academy in the amount of three hundred ninety one thousand seven hundred sixteen dollars and Reiter in the amount of thirty two thousand four hundred dollars to ensure the provision of equitable services to parentally placed private school students Attending approved nonprofit private schools under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA with any minor additions deletions modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contracts.


I second the motion.


Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Seeing none roll call up excuse me Director Patu please.


I really would like to learn a little bit about these.

You know we vote on it on a regular basis but I really don't know what I mean only read what says on there but I really would like to know more what our involvement is.



What I would suggest then is that each of these contracts was attached to the bars in introduction and is attached to the bar here and went through audit and finance.


Is this the best way to get our information.

I would suggest perhaps not.

And I hope that the document system that will be coming online come fall board docs it's not exactly board docs it's another system that DOTS is working on that we approved is a better way to do that.


This is part of the same issue that we ran into on the research evaluation.

We have a committee structure.

We have delegated authority as board members you better than anybody after eight years knows how much paper we're responsible for.

So there's a certain element of it's on us to read it.

If we have questions it's on us to send those emails to the and I hate the word business owner so I'll say the portfolio holders the staff that is bringing forth these recommendations and or to call folks up or send them an email saying you know I'll meet you at the district.

Give me your times I'll buy you the cup of coffee.

Learn me up.

But I think we heard from Chief Jessee that we're going to figure out some creative ways to share information about this because this is real money but most importantly it's addressing really significant needs of our kids.

Director Mack.


The I just I kind of wanted to tack on to that.

I think that question is is actually highlighting the challenges of our committee structure in which more in-depth questions are asked and conversations are had.

But then that information doesn't come forward and I don't believe in answer to your question that's actually really complete in the BAR.

You can't read it.

We did ask those questions in committee around what exactly does this mean because.

Why are we paying for private school kids and.


Because the federal law says we have to.



So so we did ask some of those questions about why these programs exist and who they are and had some more in-depth conversations there.

But I think it does highlight challenges around you know still needing to have some additional information when it comes to the full board and how to resolve that.


Thank you.


And I think we're going to get with this new board doc system I think we're going to get faster turnaround of minutes of committee meetings as well and it'll be easier to access.

So when you're looking at your intro items and your action items easier to find the discussion and the draft minutes online.

At least that's sincerely my hope because we're spending real money in real time.

to make the system better.

Roll call please.


Director Mack aye Director Pinkham aye Director Patu aye Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


OK we're on number 10 of 15 time check is 8 p.m.

Approval of contracts for sign language interpreter vendors RFQ 1 1 6 4 1 came before audit and finance June 11th for.

approval of this item would authorize the superintendent to execute contracts with agencies providers approved through RFQ 1 1 6 4 1 sign language interpreter vendors for a not to exceed total amount of five hundred thousand.

dollars for the 2018 19 school year based on yearly 2017 18 sign language interpreter contract totals.

Motion please sir.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute contracts with agencies approved through RFQ 1 1 6 4 1 sign language interpreter vendor vendor.

based on an average interpreter hourly rate of seventy eight dollars and twenty cents per hour for a not to exceed total amount of five hundred thousand dollars for all agencies governed under the RFQ with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement these contracts.


I second the motion.


Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

saying excuse me kind sir.


Director Burke.

I'm not sure if this is something that could be addressed now or but we had a public testimony request around including on call sign language interpreters.

And so this is something which would obviously have a financial impact.

And I was wondering had that been analyzed at all.

or has not been analyzed.


And ironically when we were going through our superintendent search public engagement interpreters did not show up and we were unable to make those services available.

And it was embarrassing and frustrating and distressing.

And this is not the first time that's come up.

It's come up several times.

On call interpreters.


So I see the.

the face of question.

Let me let me try to restate that and not completely put you on the spot.

The not to exceed amount that's called out here is basically five hundred thousand dollars for all agencies combined for sign language interpretation.

Presumably that's an annual budget for multiple vendors.

Can we say historically what that has been without an on call person or an on site person rather than say on call I should say on site full time available one of our people that may not be fully utilized but could be deployed.

And is that a viable model.


Well I really appreciate that at the end I started to understand exactly what I think that question is starting to mean Director Burke and we do have a number of staff here in the district that do sign.


And so we have those are two primary service schools for that are Roosevelt and at Topps.

So some of the challenges when somebody is not able to be there we don't have readily backup.

It's a highly skilled position and so we have to work on having these vendors.

A bulk of this contract actually is if you'll notice on the last page is really with one of the vendors is.

Hearing Speech and Deafness Center that's actually the preschool services that we have that we contracted with.

This happened three years ago.

I think it's one of the things that we should be very proud of here actually in Seattle as we've highly improved our DHH services.

And so that that's why I mean, they're just on site.

I mean, that's a location right off Madison So that's that's why those folks do it and then so we do Just have shortages too.

Sometimes we just can't fill positions.

And so we also have to Have them help us whether there's again staff members sick on leave or anything like that.

That's why those folks are there and that's why these contracts really are in place because they're there to support the IEPs of students with special education.


Thank you.

I'll defer to others.


Director Mack please.


So just for clarification these contracts.

Mr. Jesse.

The contracts are all of the contractors specified in the contracts are they assigned and there's no one on call or is there flexibility in this contract that we are setting up a contract in which.

We do have on call access to these vendors.


We absolutely.

Director Mack we have on call access to them.

Again you can't just call up like the day of and then expect someone to show up.

That we can't we don't we just can't have that level of service.

I just want to be clear about it.

But we do do request ahead of time and so they show up.

But just like any other employee or other vendors that we hire there are times where people don't show up.

And these two particular vendors SignTalk and Terp are ones that we have historically used and obviously districts all the way around the Puget Sound also use these particular providers.


So they're on call.


Director Pinkham.



I usually catch these little things but is that do we have a redundancy in this recommended motion or do we pay the interpreters for by hour.

There is no half hour.

You know the only work three and a half hours we pay because it says hourly rate of seven eight eight dollars and twenty eight cents or 20 cents per hour.

That seems redundant but then also couldn't be redundant if we're saying we've got to pay him for full hours.

We don't give him half hours.

Language in the motion based on the average interpreter hourly rate of seventy eight dollars and twenty cents per hour.


It's either a typo or a grammatical issue.


It's not a typo and that's what I'm asking.

Do we have to pay him for full hours.

So if they went one hour and five minutes we actually have to pay him two hours.


I'll have to get back.

I'll have to get back on that.

I don't know that technical answer.


Is it a big enough deal to you to move to table this.

And if so do we ask Chief Jessee what the ramifications of such a motion would be.

And a motion to table is non-debatable.


Yeah for me I guess it's still we wouldn't exceed the five hundred thousand dollars.

That's the main part of it.

But for me it just.



Yeah, it's it's only for services rendered So there's not we're not doing anything different than other than what they would provide If they were there for six hours for a day or eight hours a day, they're gonna get paid for that


This is standard contract language.

So it's operationalized in the contract.

There's probably some agreement on the invoice as to whether it's unusual for it to be less than by the half hour.

Let me say that.


So hourly rate of so many dollars per hour that's typical language.


And then they bill in increments is that correct.

OK then.

Roll call please.


Director Patu.


Director Pinkham aye Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Mack aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Number 11 University of Washington experimental education unit the EEU interagency agreement to provide educational services to special education students ages 3 through 6. This came before Audit and Finance June 11th for consideration.


For consideration.

Thank you.


Approval of this item would provide special education services for up to 48 preschoolers and 15 kindergartners as well as technical support for four schools for inclusion practices for students with special needs during the 2018 19 school year.

These interagency agreements total one million three hundred twenty nine thousand one hundred and eighty dollars.

Motion please sir.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute interagency agreement with the University of Washington Herring Center in the amount of one million three hundred and twenty nine thousand one hundred and eighty dollars for the following services educational services for up to 48 preschool students including extended day services for up to 24 students delivered by the EU in the amount of eight hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred dollars.

Educational services for up to 15 kindergarten students delivered by the EU in the amount of three hundred sixty six thousand four hundred seventy eight dollars and technical support and training to staff and services to students in identified classrooms within Seattle Public Schools to be provided by the professional development unit in the amount of eighty one thousand nine hundred and two dollars.

The services are to be provided in accordance with the draft agreement dated May 24th 2018 and attached to the school board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent.

I further move that the school board authorize the superintendent to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.

I second the motion.


Comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Director Burke.


Just to say thank you and we've come a long way in the discussion around EU and collaboration and I just remember my first year on the board I was like wow.

This is.


That would be your first month on the board when all hell broke loose.


First board meeting.

This was a this was a this was in the hot topic category and now it's in the success category and collaboration wins.

So thank you for that.


Superintendent Juneau you want a field trip as soon as possible.

This is an amazing place and the partnership is a good one and an exciting one and we almost lost it.

Roll call please.


Director DeWolf aye Director Pinkham aye.

aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Burke aye Director Harris aye.

This motion is passed unanimously.


Number 12 athletic trainer support services contracts contract singular ops June 7th for.

Consideration approval of this item would authorize the superintendent to execute a personal service contract with Seattle Children's Hospital in the amount of three hundred forty six thousand dollars for the first one year term.

The contract may be extended on an annual basis up to two additional one year terms.

to include 11 high schools in the amount of three hundred eighty thousand six hundred dollars.

Either party may terminate this agreement at any time upon 30 days written notice.

Total expenditure not to exceed one million one hundred seven thousand two hundred dollars and no cents.

Motion please.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute a personal service contract with Seattle Children's Hospital in the amount of three hundred forty six thousand dollars for the first one year term.

The contract may be extended on an annual basis up to two additional one year terms to include 11 high schools in the amount of three hundred eighty thousand six hundred dollars.

Either party may terminate this agreement at any time upon 30 days written notice total expenditure not to exceed one million one hundred seven thousand two hundred dollars.


I second the motion.


Comments questions concerns.

I haven't forgotten that I want club sports in this given lacrosse and ultimate but that's a conversation downstream.

Haven't forgotten also associate superintendent Herndon that you and Dr. Herring are going to work together for some exciting stuff for our students.


That's correct.


OK roll call please.


Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye.

Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion is passed unanimously.


13 approve purchase of technology to support the career and technical education CTE program.

Approval of this item would allow the purchase of new computers and carts for a not to exceed amount of eight hundred thousand dollars.

Motion please sir.


I move that the school board authorize this edits.

Hang on.

I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute purchase orders through RFP number 0 6 7 9 2 with Del Thornburg for a not to exceed amount of five hundred and fifty thousand dollars and through the sole source contract with Apple computers for a not to exceed amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars plus Washington state sales tax over fiscal years 2017 2018 summarized in the list of projected orders attached to the board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent.


I second the motion.


Comments questions concerns.

Director Burke you had a number of concerns during intro.

Were those issues addressed sir?


Yes I had a great conversation with with Caleb Perkins and he clarified for me and for the rest of the directors through email that while this bar represents a adoption of large technology items it's really the two grants that go above our board approval threshold.

And so there are a whole series of regular purchases that come out of budgets to support consumables and other elements of their CTE programs.

That information has been attached to the bar just as a reference.

So the the concern that I had had potentially a knee jerk concern of.

Wow did we just go out and say do you want desktops or laptops do you want Macs or PCs.

There was a much more thoughtful engagement process around what is your program need.

What type of technology do you need.

And that included the hardware but it also included a whole host of smaller things that are referenced here.


Thank you.

Director Mack did you have something to ask add question.


Yeah I appreciate this that this additional information has been added since introduction I didn't get a chance to look at it until now and it raised a question for me because what I'm seeing here is a list of existing computer systems that were purchased back in 2012 or whatever.

I'm looking at them in specific and I believe that the what I had heard was that the computers for the yearbook program at Ballard High School were actually paid for by private funds not district funds and not levy funds not something that you know it was it was actually a grant program that came.

So this raises a question to me of where funds typically are coming from to pay for these things and how those decisions are being made.


May I respond.



Respectfully pointing that out tonight when we have to purchase this stuff on.

I'm just finishing up here.

This came potentially for intro and action when is it Dr. Perkins or Mr. Perkins.

Dr. Perkins.

Director of CTE asked for permission to bring it forward for intro and action at the same time because of that timeline ramping up to start of schools.

Graciously held it back address questions etc.

I would agree with you that if if we didn't have anything else to do but this job all day every day.

We would catch things like Ballard High School paying for or their PTA or their booster club or their over four million dollars in this district is on the backs of PTSA's and boosters right.

But we need to get this ordered to address it.

But I think it's totally appropriate to ask questions about that and.

at DOTS and the information technology advisory committee I think is going to be addressing some of the.

computer buy in what for etc and what our inventory is.

Is that a fair comment.

Director Burke.


I can't speak to that specifically but I know that and I also can't speak whether this is the case in this particular scenario and maybe JoLynn Berge is familiar with this but it's not uncommon for PTA or outside funded purchases to be bundled through district procurement so that we can get the better discount and have standardized equipment.

So that might be the case that that money might have been accepted as a as a grant below our threshold and included in this.

I think that would just be a clarification to follow up on.


And to clarify that that I am fully in support of this purchase order that these dollars have been dedicated and it's appropriate etc. and that that it looks like the research in terms of the need.

for which computers need to be replaced has been appropriately done.

I have no questions there.

It just continues to raise the question for me of our budgeting and where dollars are coming from and where they're going to and that as we improve our processes around those I'm happy.



Other questions comments concerns.

Director Burke.

Roll call please.


Director Burke aye.

Director DeWolf aye.

Director Pinkham aye.

Director Patu aye.

Director Mack aye.

Director Harris aye.

This motion is passed unanimously.


Number 14 approval of the settlement agreement with Leidig Construction Inc and Elkhorn Corporation Inc. regarding the Cascadia Elementary Licton Springs K-8 and Robert Eagle Staff staff Robert Eagle Staff Middle Schools project.

Approval of this item would approve the settlement agreement with Leida Construction Inc. and Elkhorn Corporation Inc. in the form attached to the board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the agreement including payment in the amount of five hundred fifty six thousand two hundred seventy five dollars and fifty cents.

This item is for intro and action and associate superintendent is at the podium and Deputy General Counsel John Cerqui is standing by to answer any questions this board met in executive session.

with litigation and that's the committee it came through.

Questions comments concerns sir.




Is there.

You have a motion to read.


I have a motion to read.


I'm surprised.

Go for it.

Thank you.


I move that the school board approve the settlement agreement with Leidig Construction Inc. and Elkhorn Corporation Inc. in the form attached to the board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary action to implement the agreement including payment in the amount of five hundred fifty six thousand two hundred seventy five dollars and fifty cents.

Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.


I second the motion.


Because this is intro and action we have not had an opportunity to discuss this publicly.

Can you give us the short version understanding that this is a lot of money but it's a 20.



Thank you sir.

As you probably read from the background the basis for this particular motion is to come to an agreement on a settlement reached with Alcon which is one of our subcontractors electronic electrical subcontractor for the project at Robert Eagle Staff Licton Springs K8 school.

During the process of that construction project there were some delay claims that were made by the subcontractor.

They filed a much larger claim and through the mediation process we were able to bring this particular dollar value down to the to what you see in front of you.

That's a combination not only of the claim but there are also there is some change order dollars associated with that as well.

So this is the combination of both the claim and the change orders associated with this particular subcontractor.



Deputy General Counsel Cerqui.

Is it appropriate for you to tell us how much the ask was?


So John Cerqui deputy general counsel usually mediations the party signed confidentiality agreements.

So it would be in breach of the confidentiality agreement.

I did not participate in the mediation but those who did would sign.


This was file litigation wasn't it.


The litigation was but as far as the mediation.


I understand that what I'm asking is I don't have a claim.

They have a claim number and publicly file litigation.

I'm really proud of the.

So thoughtful forthright action mediating this minimizing our risk capping any future damages from this company in different schools etc.


So Director Herndon found that it is listed in the recitals for you and it's the ask was five point seven five million.


And you're asking us to approve how much.


Again the grand total of the settlement and the change orders was five hundred and fifty six thousand two hundred seventy five dollars and 50 cents.


Thank you.

Questions comments concerns.

Way to go.

Thank our attorney as well.

He presented to the board he answered tough questions and he was within ten dollars of the question on the fee and the expert witnesses which is in my world which is litigation.


Roll call please.


Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Mack aye Director DeWolf aye Director Burke aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Number 15. Last item.

Time check is 8 25. Approval of successor a collective bargaining agreement between Seattle School District number one and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters local union number 174. for September 1 2017 through August 31 2020 approval of this item would authorize the superintendent to execute the collective bargaining agreement with the International Union of Teamsters Local 174 with the wage schedules and other attachments in the form of the draft agreement for the period September 1 2017 through August 31 2020 as attached to the school board action report.

with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contracts.

Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.

This item is for intro and action and was brought before the board and I believe in closed session and explained to us.

Is that correct madam?

Motion please.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute the collective bargaining agreement with the International Union of Teamsters local number 174 with the wage schedules and other attachments in the form of the draft agreement for the period of September 1 2017 through August 31st 2020 as attached to the school board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contracts.

Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.


I second the motion.


Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Can you give us a short version of why we're doing this because we did not have intro in this and it would make sense on the public record.



JoLynn Berge assistant superintendent for business and finance.

So Teamsters local 174 represent the district's 14 drivers who make deliveries to the school buildings and worksites every day.

This is a three year agreement covering school years 17 18 18 19 and 19 20. The bargaining unit employees are provided a 3 percent increase in pay retroactive to September 1 2017. On September 1 20. 18 and 2019 the employees will be given an additional 3 percent increase or the increase in the consumer price index provided by state law whichever is greater.

The cumulative total cost of the wage increase at the 3 percent minimum is estimated to equal two hundred and thirty eight thousand thirty six dollars.

There were no other provisions with cost impacts or other substantive changes to this marketing agreement.

That would conclude my remarks.


Do you have a formal motion to read or did she just do that.


Hold call please.

Not seeing anyone wanting to make questions comments or concerns no.


Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion is passed unanimously.



One thing for the record before we adjourn so stay put please for a moment.

It may appear to the public that we have fewer staff people in the room presenting on issues.

One of the first things that Superintendent Juneau has done is ask the cabinet level staff present and let their hardworking staff go home.

I'm assuming that was the reason.


So things are changing.

And this meeting is adjourned at 8 28. Thank you all very very much.



you You .


