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School Board Meeting Nov 14, 2018 Part 2a

Publish Date: 11/15/2018

Seattle Public Schools


Hi my name is Daniela.

I am from Chief Sealth International High School and today we are here with the Folklorico and Quinceanera club.

And today we will be performing Palomita from the state of Guerrero.

And does anyone know what Palomita translates to in English?

Well it translates to little dove.

So I'm glad that you guys have us here tonight and please enjoy.

Thank you.



Oye, palomita, palomita, ¿dónde estás?

Palomita, que me muero de esperar.

Oye, palomita, palomita, ¿dónde estás?

Que me muero, que me muero de esperar.

Que me voy, que me voy sin regresar, hasta perderme a aquel lado del mar.

Que me voy, que me voy sin regresar, hasta perderme a aquel lado del mar.

Oye, palomita, palomita, ¿dónde estás?

Palomita, que me muero de esperar.

Oye, palomita, palomita, ¿dónde estás?

Que me muero, que me muero de esperar.




Palomita, Palomita, venga aquí, que me muero si me estás pulpito a mí.

Oye, Palomita, Palomita, venga aquí, que me muero si me estás pulpito a mí.

Que me voy, que me voy sin regresar hasta perder de aquel lado del mar.

Que me voy, que me voy sin regresar hasta perder de aquel lado del mar.

Es un paisano, así que ven el banco.

Oye, palomita, palomita, ven aquí.

Que me muero si no estás juntito a mí.

Oye, palomita, palomita, ven aquí.

Que me muero si no estás juntito a mí.

Que me voy, que me voy sin regresar hasta perder de aquel lado del mar.

Que me voy, que me voy sin regresar hasta perder de aquel lado del mar.

Venga, los paisanos.


You're not done or do you have another piece to do.

We'd like to introduce you.

How long have you been at Chief Sealth International High School.

What do you like best about it.

What do you think the board should know.


Hello my name is Roberto.

I'm from Chief Sealth International High School.

I've been there for almost three years and I like the culture for the school.


My name is Jessica.

I've been at Chief Sealth for almost two years now and what I really like about it is everyone is really welcoming.

I would say the most important thing they should know is that it's just a really good school overall in my opinion.


Hello my name is Julissa Bonset and I have been well this is my first year at Chief Sealth.

What I like about Chief Sealth is that everyone is really accepting of you.


My name is Daniela.

I've been in Chief Sealth for almost two years and something I really like about it is that they find a way to cheer you up and I really like that.


My name is Jasmine.

I've been at Chief Sealth for almost two years and what I really like about Chief Sealth is how many like type of cultures and people there's at the school and everyone gets along really well.



Thank you so much.