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Seattle School Board Mtg. Nov. 2nd 2016 Pt1

Publish Date: 11/3/2016

Seattle Public Schools




I would like to welcome everybody to the November 2nd Seattle school board meeting.

I am Vice President Sue Peters and I will be sitting in for President Betty Patu this evening who is traveling to a conference, she is at a conference with Superintendent Nyland.

Also unable to attend tonight is Director Blanford and let's see.

But we do have a student representative from Nathan Hale, Stella Ramos and sitting in for Superintendent Nyland is Deputy Superintendent Stephen Nielsen.

Ms. Ritchie the roll call please.


Director Burke.




Director Geary.


Director Peters.


Director Pinkham.


I'd also like to add that Director Harris is on her way.

If everyone would please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

At this time we would like to recognize one of our teachers Laura Tyler and I will turn to Deputy Superintendent Nielsen for his remarks.


Good evening everyone.

I'd like to recognize Laura Tyler who is receiving the EPA and Presidential Award for Outstanding Environmental Education.

She has worked at South Shore as a PK-8 teacher.

She has a passion over environmental education and tying that back to everyday life for her students.

According to this bio she has over three decades of work and education.

I'm sure that started when she was in kindergarten.

So she is here tonight to receive recognition and share her thoughts.

Welcome and thank you for all you do.


Thank you.

Thank you.

So as he said it does start with a passion, it starts with your heart and I believe that you start with what you care for and love and you think about that with your mind and you use your hand to get kids involved in making change in their world.

Our school is located on one of the most youth violent corners in the city and we take them out on weekly field trips to remove invasive species from the east Duwamish greenbelt and They are restoring a wetland area and in the process they are replanting it with native plants and they are learning from our First Nations people what the native plants were used for for medicine and food and restoring this area to bring it back to a healthy environment.

And it has made a change in our kids and it has made a change in the community.

We believe that if we can heal this land we can heal ourselves and we can heal the community.

So I thank you very much for acknowledging this.


All right the next item on our agenda is going to be the student performance.

We are going to switch things up a little bit and do our Native American Heritage Month presentation afterwards.

And so I would like to welcome the John Stanford International School Choir who is here to perform for us.

At this time I would like to invite my colleagues to sit in the front row and enjoy this performance as members of the audience.

Thank you.


Hitori de sabishii futari


Then by the river sits a pretty maiden Watching the water move along She sees a lovely blossoming cherry tree And her heart is filled with song Someday I will go To my home that I love so Once more I will be Near the lovely cherry Three.

Hitori de sabishii Futari de mainimashou Hitori de sabishii ♪ Donny, they're not beneath my shawl.

♪ ♪ Dancers on the river, sadly the maiden must depart.

♪ ♪ Each gentle breeze that sighs through the cherry tree, ♪ ♪ And the song that fills her heart.

♪ One day I will go to my home that I love so.

I love so.

I will meet, meet the lovely Jerry.

Jitori de sabishii futari de maimashou.

Jitori de sabishii futari de maimashou.

Thank you.

Today Brown Brown is dead and gone, you'll never see him more.

He used to wear a long brown coat that bucked him down before.

Old Abram Brown is dead and gone, you'll never see him more.

He used to wear a long brown coat.

♪ That put him down before ♪ Old Abram Brown is dead and gone ♪ You'll never see him more ♪ He is blue, brown, all dead and gone ♪ That will let you down before ♪ He is blue, brown, all dead and gone ♪ You'll never see him more


He used to wear a long brown coat that buttoned down before.


He used to wear a long brown coat that buttoned down before.

The old man from town is dead and gone, The old man from town is dead and gone, He used to live in Wailanka, Then he stood down in Wailanka, Then he stood down in Wailanka, The old man from town is dead and gone, He used to live in Wailanka, Then he stood down in Wailanka,


That button down below.

That button down below.

That button down below.


That button down below.

Old Abram Brown is dead and gone You'll never see him more He used to wear a long brown coat that buttoned down He used to wear a long brown coat that buttoned down before


Old Abraham Brown is dead and gone.

You'll never see him again.


Don't you go away just yet.

Yes we are so happy to have you all here.

We want to know a little bit about you.

We would like to know your first name and what grade you are in.

So I am going to pass the mic around.


Hi my name is Isabella and I am in third grade.

My name is Caitlin and I am in fourth grade.

My name is Julia and I am in fourth grade.

My name is Diego and I am in fourth grade.

My name is Anna and I am in fourth grade.

My name is Hannah and I'm in third grade.

My name is Catley and I'm in third grade.

My name is Lucy and I'm in third grade.

My name is Hannah and I'm in third grade.

My name is London and I'm in third grade.

My name is Mika and I'm in third grade.

My name is Orin and I'm in third grade.

My name is Zakiya and I'm in third grade.

Where do I pass this?

My name is Sasha and I'm in third grade.

My name is Mira and I'm in third grade.

My name is Tilda and I am in 3rd grade.

My name is Eleanor and I am in 3rd grade.

My name is Simone and I am in 4th grade.

My name is Ella and I am in 3rd grade.

My name is Ava and I am in 4th grade.

My name is LaShara and I am in 4th grade.

My name is Diego and I am in 3rd grade.

My name is Saren and I am in 5th grade.

My name is Elliot and I'm in third grade.

My name is Cohen and I'm in fifth grade.

My name is Jasper and I'm in fourth grade.

My name is Peter and I'm fourth grade in fourth grade.

My name is Dawn and I'm in third grade.

My name is Zach and I'm in fourth grade.

My name is Surya and I'm in third grade.

My name is Sophia and I'm in fifth grade.

My name is Linnea and I'm in fifth grade.

My name is Miranda and I'm in fifth grade.

My name is Claire and I'm in fourth grade.

My name is Addison and I'm in fourth grade.

My name is Maya and I'm in fifth grade.

My name is Liv and I'm in fifth grade.

My name is Fiona and I'm in third grade.

My name is Mara and I'm in fourth grade.

My name is Elise and I'm in third grade.

My name is Cora and I'm in third grade.

My name is Ellie and I'm in third grade.

My name is Maya and I'm in fourth grade.

My name is Aaron and I'm in fifth grade.

My name is Jensen and I'm in fourth grade.

My name is Maddie and I'm in third grade.

My name is Spencer and I'm in third grade.

My name is Sam and I'm in fifth grade.

My name is Christian and I'm in fifth grade.

My name's Henry and I'm in fourth grade.

My name's Wyatt and I'm in fifth grade.


And before you go, I'd like to know what is the name of your music director?

Miss Katie.

And what do you say to her for teaching you these wonderful songs?

Thank you very much.

Thank you for coming, everybody.