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Seattle School Board Meeting January 17, 2018 part 2

Publish Date: 1/18/2018

Seattle Public Schools


back to order please.

If you didn't vote for it.




We are at action items section C1.

Director Geary would you do the seconding of the motions and then let's have Director Pinkham.

You need to read the motion and Director Pinkham can second if you would please kind sir.

Action items number one.

I set it up and then we go with the paragraph there will work just fine.

General counsel just nodded his agreement.

Thank you sir.

Acceptance of gift to playground improvements at John Hay Elementary.

This came to Ops December 7th for.





So I move for approval of acceptance of gift of playground improvements at John Hay Elementary.

Approval of this item would give approval to the John Hay partners board in partnership with the John Hay Elementary Foundation to initiate a self-help playground project at John Hay Elementary that may exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.


Second the motion.


General counsel is coming to the dais.


Yeah Noel Treat general counsel sorry to interrupt but I think what you want to do is read the actual motion language that's in the bar themselves as opposed to what's on the agenda because those capture things a little bit differently than the agenda title.


I'm sorry.

We should have snagged him before he left.




I move that the school board accept the gift of playground improvements from the John Hay partners board and John Hay elementary foundation as described in the board action report.


And I'll second the motion.


I need questions comments concerns from my colleagues please.

Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.


Director Geary.


I just always want to take the opportunity to express our appreciation of these types of partnerships and gifts.

And I think with Director Harris acknowledge that we have still work to be done to make sure that we are providing good playgrounds equitably throughout our district.

And so it's it is always a reminder but I do express my gratitude.


I will take advantage of the segue.

Huge thank you to the community at John Hay that raised these funds.

However we have Title 1 schools high need schools in this district who are playing on asphalt.

We have an opportunity to address that in BEX V planning.

We've been assured that that is happening and that the Meng company is doing a deep dive survey on the status of playground equipment how long it's been since it's been replaced safety issues whatever improvements are there.

So we will have data to work with.

But part of my extreme frustration is that this issue has not gone through the race and equity tool for 104 schools.

Part of my extreme frustration is that Highland Park in my district mere blocks from my home.

has received a number of grants from both the city and the county and we are unable to come up with the funds to seal the deal and to allow them to break ground.

And we are truly a city of have and have nots and it is up to us to figure out a way out of the box.

Associate Superintendent Dr. Flip Herndon did you wish to say a few words?


Again I appreciate as board directors have pointed out the ability for community to come together and enhance their school and I also wholeheartedly agree with President Harris's comment about trying to get some equity into our programs.

I did commit to director Harris a short term solution and I'm to be getting her that meaning a funding stream that hopefully we can get some playgrounds addressed before BEX V is voted on and there's money coming.

It's not going to address a ton of them but hopefully we'll be able to address a few of them to take advantage of that situation.


Harris And I'll share a conversation I had with a city council member who said I'm not getting the answers I need and want from Dr. Herndon.

Who do I elevate it to?

I said well the gentlemen that are above Dr. Herman would be Deputy Nielsen and Superintendent Nyland.

But unless you found them the printing press good luck with that.

But you can do this.

I said we don't operate on the same kind of system that the city council does.

And it's a really unique scenario when really good people want really good things to happen but they don't appreciate the constructs where we work.

The lack of money.

The process issues and balancing the needs of all 104 schools.

So anytime you have an opportunity to advocate for a more money and B for.

More partnerships that we can actually step to the table and take advantage of and matching funds etc.

I hope we take advantage.

Any other comments questions concerns.

Director Geary.


Roll call please Ms Shek.


Director DeWolf aye Director Geary aye Director Mack.

aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Thank you.

Number two approval of agreements adding an adaptive cycling and pedestrian component to the SDOT let's go bike and pedestrian safety education program.

This came to C&I December 12th.

Member of C&I to stand in Director Burke's stead.

It appears from the agenda it came with a recommendation for approval.

Director Geary.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute contract attendants with both Cascade bike club and the Seattle Department of Transportation in the amount of three hundred and thirty seven thousand seventy four dollars in the form of the draft amendment attached to the school board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.


I second the motion.


Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.


Director Pinkham.

It was brought up in public comment about how we're looking to be going into these kind of things about bicycle safety and then does that contradict what we're doing with the student assignment plan where we're now making what could be an easy bike ride to school now a bus ride or other kind of transportation as How are we balancing these two?


Did you wish to ask that of a specific director or staff member sir?


Well whichever staff member is involved with this contract I guess would be good.


Lori Dunn the physical education and health literacy program manager.

As far as balancing with the student assignment we are educating all of our children on how to navigate the environment, educating all third, fourth and fifth graders on bike and pedestrian safety which then will carry over into the lifetime when they become drivers and movers in our community.

To answer your question specifically I believe if we educate our children to be educated adults that will help but to answer your direct question I'm looking at a balance to be honest with you.


Director Geary.


On this particular motion I do want to call out the adaptive aspect of it and that we are expanding the contract to make sure there is an element of inclusiveness for all of our students is highly appreciated.

So thank you.

Thank you.


Director Pinkham.

So as this is coming up as part of this pedestrian safety and education program I think maybe one of the issues that are coming up.

Well Lincoln was as it's becoming a school now there was not necessarily any safe bike lanes or something right now.

I know Berkeland Trail but it's still not necessarily easily accessible.

Could this possibly then help maybe work with the city to make better bike paths to our new schools?


Definitely within the partnership with Seattle Department of Transportation Cascade bike club and the Seattle Public Schools that collaboration and community agreement is looking at how do they how do our students navigate the environment that they live in whether it live in Ballard or in the Rainier Beach area.

I think there's lots of possibilities but we're educating our students and in the long term saving lives.


Other questions comments concerns Ms. Shek the roll call please.


Director Geary aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director DeWolf aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.

Thank you.



Number three award a three year contract for Hobson's Naviance for new college and career readiness software solution services and support.

This came to Ops on June 15th prior to your arrival Madam Chair.

This came.

Director Geary was on Ops on June 15.


Yep it came to Ops on June 15th and was moved forward to the board for consideration.

I think it's clear that this is an issue that has brought a lot of discussion and may still.



I move that the Seattle school board authorize the superintendent to execute a contract with Hobson's Naviance in the total amount of five hundred and ninety four thousand sixty six dollars and sixty three cents over three years for a career and college readiness software solution in the form of the draft agreement attached to the school board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.


I second the motion.


I see Mr. Perkins coming to the dais.

Could Assistant General Counsel Ronald Boyd come up as well because I think we have a number of things to talk about with respect to the privacy aspects and specific contract questions with respect to things like weekend.

It's the word responsiveness.

The board has heard a great deal.

Feedback about this issue.

Additionally social media is lighting up over it as well.

And I hope that you have stayed tuned with those concerns.

So keeping the time in mind.

Let's give us a nutshell and see how many of those issues you can bullet point for us.


Very good.


Thank you.


Very grateful for the opportunity.

Caleb Perkins director of college and career readiness.

I appreciate this opportunity because as we shared in previous meetings there's a great deal of support for providing this tool of Naviance to all schools because it has the promise of providing equitable access to a wide variety of resources that could facilitate students exploration and even access to college and careers.

Since our last meeting on November 15 our last formal discussion as a whole group we have followed your guidance and developed a web page with a number of pieces of information and all the steps that we're trying to take to ensure the very important questions around data security and student privacy are addressed and we even go into the seven specific questions that were raised at that particular board meeting.

We very much appreciate your advocacy and input on that and we believe we've taken every step we can without compromising the functionality of the tool to ensure that this is at this point the plan to provide a very valuable tool while still giving an opportunity to opt out for those families who still have concerns.

The only other note I'll make is that the amount is now five hundred ninety four thousand dollars.

That's the total number of known costs and we're continuing to negotiate some other smaller items to make sure we maximize our value with this contract.

With that we have John Krull who's also our chief technology officer.

And as you mentioned Ronald Boy here to address some of the specific questions you have.


Do we have specific comments questions concerns from the board.

Director Mack.


Your presentation or discussion might get to this but I wasn't here for the original discussion.

I've read through I've had conversations around this.

I'd like to understand a little bit more about the opt out process.

If I'm understanding this system effectively it's a tool which identifies profiles of some sort of students.

and that those are then shared with third parties.

And as a parent I.

I recently started thinking about the fact that we've provided all of our students with emails and access to a one drive.

But that was I was never told that was happening and I wasn't I wasn't asked about that happening.

Now I believe in technology I think it's great.

But as a parent I have with my 10 year old daughter I have a contract with her that I always have passwords.

She doesn't have access to social media because these are things that you know can can create lasting damage over time.

So my concern around Naviance is a profile.

with information that's shared with other third parties that I'm wondering a does it have parental permission from the start to engage in it.

We require parental permission for testing of some things.

So there's no parental if there is no.

That's my question on that piece and the second piece is.

What's the mechanism for that profile whatever information came out maybe being changed or.

fixed later on if it's not an accurate assessment anymore or pulled back and deleted.

I mean how does students and parents have the right to do that.

So my two questions are around parental permission and and then the ability to perhaps correct or change the information once it's out there.


So very much appreciate the questions.

So what I want to first be clear about is we share the concerns and the interest in making sure we do everything we can to maintain student privacy and and data security.

And so there's a lot of steps we're taking and I'll let others elaborate on how any third parties which are a relatively few number And there are only the ones that I think we think are most valuable for example like the common application where you apply to all colleges like parchment which allows us to upload transcripts in a way that makes counselors ability to connect kids with colleges much more much easier.

We're only doing that with certain third parties and then we even with those third parties taking many many steps to ensure that they follow the same stringent rules and stringent guidelines that we put in place that again Ronald and John can speak to.

So that's on one side.

On the how students participate we are proposing that students that are 13 and over will be they obviously have the option to opt out at any point but that the default be that they be opted in because of the concern about equity.

We want to make sure every student who could benefit from these resources will have that access.

And that means that we have a commitment and a need to make sure that we're providing a lot of information and to parents about what this tool is, why this resource is helpful, why so many other districts around the state around the country have found it so valuable and how it's helped districts.

So I think the commitment that I share with my colleagues is how to do the job around information so you're not facing the situation that you just addressed where there are other things that you found out about after the fact.

And so that commitment is there.

At the same time we want to make sure we're being equitable in our approach to this and that's why we're going with the current approach to opting out.



Other questions comments or concerns.

Director Pinkham and Director Geary.

Director Patu.

Thank you.


Yeah I guess whenever we have these kind of new systems and I guess I would have a little bit of hesitancy of just saying the default is opt in.

So then now we're putting more on parents to then go in and opt them out versus maybe we should ask them first before we opt everyone in that we at least get feedback from the parents if they want such a thing or not because you Yes it may work on our part but I think that's the due diligence we have to do before we say OK you're in unless you decide to be out.

I don't agree with that process.


Director Geary, Director Patu and Director DeWolf in that order.


We've spent a lot of time talking about those kinds of issues because Director Burke and I met with the team to go over with I think at least twice and we've talked to some of the executive officers that are running the program.

And the big balance around all of this is this is a tool that really maximizes kids that perhaps don't have parents who can help them navigate the system for any number of reasons.

and that may or may not opt in may or may not have the language abilities to fully understand the question may not get to it in a timely manner may for whatever reasons and then the question becomes If for some reason that family falls through the cracks then does that child that student not get access to this tool when really the whole point of getting the tool is is to start creating those kind of access.

It's not going to be probably you know for my student who I will do a lot of that work and.

and have the resources to do it.

It's going to be for the student who's probably on his or her own as a first generation person going through this that's navigating a lot of it.

And I don't mean to patronize or be condescending to the idea that these parents can't won't may not.

I'm not trying to have low expectations of their participation.

But I also want to be practical and certainly we need to continue this conversation and we talked about that.

And we need to come up with a technology plan that really deeply engages around communities about what the appropriate level of engagement and opt in and access to these students.

I don't want to see us putting up barriers to some students when we see droves of students and these may be the same kinds of students that are accessing all this stuff.

All these technologies all these social networking things and their parents and they're doing all the translating of things from the phone to their parents in the first place.

So they're out there and navigating that world already.

And so it's from my perspective it's a real balance but it's one that we have to continue to have conversations around and come up with a plan and a philosophy so that we can guide our principals in instructing our teachers on how they're going to interface with students around all these different technologies because this is one of many many many that our kids are interfacing with.


Director Patu and then Director DeWolf and I'll wrap up the questions comments.


Is this a new contract or is it a contract that we've actually have used before?


This is a new contract.

We have not worked with Naviance previously as a district.


So so what is the success for this contract?

I mean is there any background on why we chose this contract?



So thank you for the question and that helps.

I know there's been a number of conversations that not everybody's been a part of just a couple of pieces.

One there was a rigorous RFP process where a number of possible tools were vetted by by family by parents by students by counselors by teachers.

And this particular tool Naviance was deemed as the most hitting all the marks in terms of what we're trying to do in terms of providing access to college and career supports.

That plus our research on what surrounding districts have done if when talking for example to Everett and what they've been able to do in seeing the college application rates go up significantly since they've implemented Naviance as well as other districts.

They've also been able to use this tool to target specific students who have historically had lower rates of applications and been able to provide them with more supports.

So it's from that as an equity tool when each district we talk to they say this has helped with their efforts to be more equitable equitable in terms of making sure students have access to college and career options.

That's what has been most compelling.


Keep going director Patu.

So are we presently using this right now?

I mean it's already is it in use or no?


No we have not as a district and not not to my knowledge any individual schools.

So no there's not.


So you're just asking for approval tonight?



To use this?


Based on prior conversations that we've had with committee members as well as.


All right.

Thank you.


Director DeWolf.


Thank you.

I have a couple of questions from some e-mails I received.

One of them is about is there more information that's going to be collected maybe outside of what colleges might want to see whereby an unintended consequence might be that there would be It would pose a real risk of unaccountable discrimination whether is there other data around race or ethnicity or other types of things that might open us up for discrimination if we're providing more data or kind of what is the scope of the data that we are inputting into this.


This is a topic that came up in prior meetings so I'll share what I know and if John would like to add that would be helpful as well.

So the basic is that we are trying to be very judicious with what data we share we're only sharing what is absolutely essential to help the student use the tool so for example in applying to college what that information would be.

We are also putting strict requirements to both Naviance and any other of the common application for example to make sure that they don't share that data and that they would be in violation of contract if they did.

Again I won't speak into the contract language.

Ronald could get into more details but there's a lot of checks on on the use of data and we're doing everything we can to limit that.

So your specific question is a good one.

We believe we're taking every step we can think of to ensure that student data is treated appropriately.


And my second question is there is criticism or there's another email going to make it sound widespread just around you know this is a big chunk of money.

Do is there been a cost benefit analysis of what would actually be would it be more beneficial just just put more counselors in our schools and an actual human or is there you know I mean that's my question.


John Kroll chief information officer.

The funding source for this application is from BTA IV and it is specifically for technology.

It's not for more counselors.

So it's money meant for that was planned for to buy software.

Thank you.


I'm going to take the opportunity for that segue.

Perfect timing.

Thank you sir.

Since I haven't asked this particular counselor for permission to read the email even though all of our emails are fascinating reading and public disclosure.

This really struck a chord with me and and I recall.

Associate Superintendent Tolley.

Two years ago.

Having conversations in the boardroom at our 7 o'clock meetings.

Why do we not have the tools to assist our children.

And why does Bellevue Foundation pay for it.

And why don't we have that.

And how can we ethically force our counselors with a 1 to 450 ratio.

to keep doing things with a hammer and a chisel.

And I'm going to read this quickly but this is why I'm voting for this now.

Am I a data rabid person?


The fact that when a big data company went through bankruptcy and the bankruptcy judge in New York City decided that parents and families didn't own money and they they monetized it and they sold it as an as an asset of the bankruptcy is horrifying to me.

My understanding from assistant counsel Ronald Boy is that's not going to happen with this contract.

Is that correct?


Yes I would say that it should never happen with this contract.

In my experience with the school district I'd say that this is the only contract that has been so meticulously looked at.

We have looked at every single word multiple multiple times.

We've added every available option as far as adding additional protections to the data.

We have.

liquidated damages built into the contract you know I would say that there is always an element of trust when you enter into a contract that of is at its basis but the actual clauses of this contract I can't think of anything that hasn't thought of.

You know our DOTS team has done an excellent job with their experience and knowledge kind of guiding us into developing a contract that is as secure as possible.

You know when we were dealing with technology obviously I have to rely on our experts to identify you know these are open areas that need to be addressed all those things have been addressed and I feel confident that of any contract that we have of this type that this one has been the most thought out and the most meticulously detailed as far as every sort of worst case scenario it is addressed and.

This earlier today just as an aside I was thinking of you know what else could potentially happen here that isn't addressed and I honestly couldn't think of anything.

So I do feel secure that it's as good as it's going to get.

And of course I can never take away all risk but I think the risk is as minimal as possible.


OK and then let me read this really quickly if you give me the space to do that because I found this to be extraordinarily profound.

This is from a head counselor in a high school.

Please don't ignore the facts and bring a platform like Naviance to our district.

Don't put off another day of signing this contract because of misinformation.

Transparency period.

As a school counselor for the past 18 years I have used Naviance for about seven years when I was a counselor at a different high school.

The counselors researched and reviewed multiple platforms like Naviance.

We visited multiple capitalized private and public schools in our area that already had Naviance.

We loved it and the schools love Naviance too.

At some point the district told Garfield in 2007 to stop using Naviance.

A little history lesson here.

Well now it's 10 years later 2017 and we have no capitalized database.

For the past 10 years I have sent tens of thousands of transcripts and school reports by snail mail or have entered them in multiple databases and sometimes a dozen times just for one student.

I've advertised and signed students up for scholarships by paper.

I have done graduation credit checks by paper for all 450 plus of my students.

My students complete their high school and beyond plans on paper.

We need to wake up folks and join everyone else in the world who conducts these sorts of actions on line.

It is truly embarrassing when a college wants me to send a transcript electronically and Seattle Public Schools has no platform to do this.

I have personally sat on multiple committees to choose a new database for Seattle Public Schools and the team gave multiple recommendations.

I am so upset that the school district is delaying Naviance or anything like it once again.

How many committees do I need to be on?

How many emails do I need to send the superintendent or to the school board?

How many administrators do I need to meet with again and again and again just to find they can't pass on my pleas?

I hope the parents in my community can advocate for Naviance.

It is long overdue.

Excuse me while I go and upload another transcript.

Director Mack.


Having not been a part of this conversation and having concern around the parental notification the ability to opt out.

Who are the third parties.

Can you describe specifically what is the direction.

Or what notification will be provided to parents when this is started up.

Is there something that's going out that says.

Because in my mind I'm thinking it needs to say your child is going to be accessing this for these purposes.

This is how you opt out if you don't want to do it.

Very clearly say that and the information will be released to you.

And then the fourth thing is that question about how do they correct information.

So can you can you assure me that those four things have been and will be implemented in terms of parental.


What I can say is that the web page that we developed in the frequently asked questions page that we put together to address most of what you're raising.

I think you're raising some additional points that we could add additional details to and we were committed to doing that.

But the frequently asked questions document that is on a public site now public page includes things like the process for opting out and includes other details on how on what you know the rationale for the resource.

I think given the interest from the board and the clear direction from the board tonight clearly there's there needs to be a commitment and I have that commitment to make sure the information and we leverage all of the available communications tools to to notify parents of this of this tool before we we launch it in this fall.


Well I'd just like to make a comment that not everybody has Internet access even at the time I have it on the phones or having it only and that sending literally at the beginning of the year we used to we still send paper home because it's a way to communicate.

So helpful.

I don't know where we're at in terms of comments and questions but I'm wondering if there's a way to suggest.

An amendment or something that would clarify that there would be.

Detailed parental notification of these four points.

Not just the website.

Should I. Suggest an amendment to that Mr. Perkins would you consider that a friendly amendment.


And Mr. General Counsel.

Can we.

Backfill this one Scrivner implementation.


I think you'd want to make a motion so it's clear what's being added and have a second to that and then go through a vote on the amendment.


And debate the amendment and then go back to the main motion.


Is that correct?

Just so the record's clear as to what what the what what the new obligation will be so staff is clear on what they need to do to follow through.


Director Mack the floor is yours.


I'd like to make a motion to amend.

The motion to approve the contract with Naviance that.

The district.

Would be required to provide.

Prevental parental notification.

Prior to students using.

The software.

Which would include.

How to opt out.

Who are the third parties.

And how to correct or change.


Data or information that has been collected.


Do I second to the motion.


Second the motion.


The motion to amend is on the floor.

Do we have questions concerns or comments.

Director Geary.


Do you see any impediments to implementing this what's being asked in this motion.


Needless to say since it's a new motion there's I'm trying to think through all the potential implications.

The 2 3 and 4 seem very reasonable in fact they're they're largely addressed in the frequently asked questions although I think number four correcting information could be better spelled out.

The number one piece I just want to make sure we're back to general counsel Treat's point about the commitment of parental notification.

I think you know leveraging all our available tools to notify families including paper.

Sounds sounds reasonable.

But again if there's more detail to that than I'm not thinking of that's the only pause you hear in my voice.


I have a point of inquiry.

Who will be doing the notifying.

Which department is going to take responsibility for developing the community engagement plan.

And who's going to pay for it.

And when is this going to happen?

If we were to pass this amendment and the motion.

Director Geary.


Go ahead Mr. Perkins.

So the work is owned that we're the business owner if you will the college and career readiness team which is part of teaching and learning.

So in that respect we will own the implementation and the working with Carrie Campbell's team and any number of other folks to ensure that we do the notifications that are required.

In terms of the specific budget and specific items that's something that some of that is outlined in the contract and some of that perhaps could bear additional detail but that's harder to speak to from here from the podium.

Director Mack.


Director here is really all I'm all I'm thinking of is a you know a printout of the fact that's online that's very specific and it's deliberately sent or an email like I don't think I don't think it has to be that you know like a really complicated communications plan.

It just needs to be not only on the website it needs to be something that's specifically sent out at the beginning of the school year or whenever it is that these students are going to be engaging in it.


That's not what your motion said that it will go out at the front of the school year.

Your your amendment uploads it before we implement Naviance and my understanding is.

That wasn't my intention I'm sorry.

OK so that won't happen then before we go live on Naviance should this amendment and the motion pass.

Is that correct?

If we do the first of the year school packets.


Can I please.


Can I clarify please.

I don't personally have a preference on whether or not it would be the first of the year school packets or if it would be just before it's rolled out.

I don't I don't have a preference and I don't I didn't intend that to be hard and fast just that it be done.


Director Geary.


During our discussion around the FAQ and the opt out process and I don't necessarily need this to be part of the motion as long as we all think it's worth putting in there as well and it is part of I believe the FAQ but it's the idea around.

In notifying of the right to opt out I think it's also important to notify the limitations on the services that then can be provided so that you're not thinking you're going to get something different that will replace all of the functionalities of Naviance if you opt out because I don't think we can do that.

So I just think that should be clearly part of any opt out notification and I believe that that has been made part of the FAQs online or we discussed that.


Director DeWolf.

So it sounds like an email maybe some sort of a paper thing maybe a robo call.



My point in bringing this up and I'm a very specific point in bringing this up.

I don't want to micromanage how we do community engagement.

But if we're talking about notification and opt in and opt out that's really critical.

If we're talking about folks without computers that's really critical.

If we're talking about the communications team who is being beat the heck out of because other departments don't have specific folks to do their work.

That's not nice and frankly it's not fair.

So I want to be real clear when folks bring their portfolios to the dais that when the community engagement task force says community engagement they really meant it.

Again I don't want to micromanage it but I'm also tired of not Thinking things through from a fiscal and a bandwidth note because if we work together and we're real clear with each other we can do so much better.

That's my rant.

Rant over.


Good evening Carrie Campbell chief engagement officer.

So I will our team will support and making sure that we have a clear opt out.

I think it's a great idea.

I'm glad it was brought up.

I think we can absolutely do it.

I would recommend paper based and seeing how we can bundle it together with some other information that I want to get to all of our families because we would also need to translate it.

So I'm not worried about the workload.

This is something that we do all the time.

We can support.


Other questions comments concerns.

Seeing none let's go to the amendment and a roll call please.


Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director DeWolf Director Geary aye Director Harris aye.


This amendment has passed unanimously.

Let's go back to the motion as amended.

Roll call please.


Director Patu aye Director Pinkham.

Reluctant nay.


Director Mack.

Director DeWolf.


Oh I guess you can come back to people.

Duly noted.


But I'm aye.

Director Geary aye Director Mack.


A hesitant aye.


Director Harris aye.

This motion as amended has passed with a vote of 5 to 1.


Thank you.

Number four approval of the 2018 19 transportation service standards went to Ops December 7th for consideration and we have a time check here of 8 10. We are on number four of the action items.

And we have eight introductions.

We have 10. We have an additional six action items this evening.

So because I'm so subtle keep it short.

Thank you.


And we are on, I move that the school board approve the 15 volunteer and two alternates listed on the document titled disciplinary appeal council 2018 to 2021 to serve a three-year term on the disciplinary appeal council.

Oh I'm sorry because we're in number four.

I apologize.

It's not.

I move that the school board approve the recommended transportation service standards attached to the board action report for the 2018 2019 school year and authorize the superintendent to implement the standards with minor modifications as necessary.


And I second the motion.


Questions comments concerns we had a rich.

Oh excuse me Director of Ops.

Chair of Ops.


Thank you President Harris.

Ms. Magboy if you could just very quickly say the changes that were made between intro and action.


Thank you.

Yes I just want to highlight that we did add based on the conversation at the last very rich discussion at the board meeting the number five which relates to Genesee Hill and I'll read that so that the board is aware of what we have added Genesee Hill elementary students enrolled during the 2017-18 school year that reside in the boundary revision proposal scenario F change area and outside the Genesee Hill walk zone will receive district provided transportation through the 2022-23 school year.


Other questions comments or concerns from my colleagues?

Director Geary.

Shek the roll call please.


Director Pinkham aye Director DeWolf aye.

Director Geary aye Director Patu aye Director Mack aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Thank you.

Number five approval of the disciplinary appeal council appointees.

This went to ops on December 7th for.



As I read before I think I've already moved this.

I move that the school board approve the 15 volunteers and two alternates listed on the document titled disciplinary appeal council 2018 to 21 to serve three year term on the disciplinary appeal council.


Pinkham I second the motion.


Harris comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Mr. Boy assistant counsel presented with a rich discussion and intro if I recall correctly.

Comments questions concerns seeing none Ms.


Shek roll call excuse me I didn't see you.


Director DeWolf please.


I just had one question around on page two it says student population kind of gives ethnicity and it says for students Asian-American students it says 15 percent and there's disparity probably the only disparity there with the proposed appointees being 6 percent.

So my question is maybe a little two part but more broadly does this include folks that are immigrant or English not as their first language appointees.

And yes I kind of triggered my question so I just want to be curious about that.


And I would.

I don't want to call out specific people as far as their specific citizenship or ethnicity but I can count and I can tell you how many.

There are currently four nominees on the list who were immigrants to the United States and came here to came as English language learners.



Other questions comments concerns seeing none Ms. Shek the roll call please.

Director DeWolf aye.


Director Geary aye.

Director Mack aye.

Director Patu aye.

Director Pinkham aye.

Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Number six adopting resolution number two.

2017 slash 18 dash 12 to approve the purchase of 18 acre parcel located at 1 3 0 0 1 MLK Junior Way South came to Ops October 5th.


For approval.

I move that the board adopt resolution number 2017 slash 18 dash 12 approving the purchase of certain real property pursuant to the purchase and sale agreement attached to this school board action report with any additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to conduct the district's due diligence and implement the agreement.


I second the motion.


We had a rich and thoughtful discussion in intro because this was a real estate deal.

We have also had executive sessions previous to that time.

I need questions comments concerns from my colleagues director Geary please.


It's my understanding that we have initiated the due diligence.

Do we have any update on that?


General Counsel Nolltreet coming to the dais.


Yes due diligence is underway we have a complete team to look at a broad range of potential issues with the property.

Due diligence is going to, assuming you approve the agreement tonight due diligence will extend for another several months beyond tonight.

And if we do see a major red flag we would then be in a position to terminate the agreement if that was the decision.

But due diligence will take some additional time and we will keep the board updated as that progresses.


I have a question for associate superintendent Dr. Herndon.

You were here in the room when we heard public testimony about this issue.

Can you address some of those concerns please?


So this agenda item and contract is merely for the property purchase.

So anytime we go through these phases there will be additional contracts for additional work on that particular property.

But this is just for the property procurement.


The comments were a little more pointed than that if you recall.

Can you address them?


So a couple of those other items that's part of the due diligence phase.

That particular property has limited capability which is why it's probably not being developed.

The property wouldn't be while it has views.

It's not property that would be suitable for building multifamily housing or a hotel or anything like that on there.

Different story as far as parking goes which is why we are going through the due diligence phase.

And again as we go through this we will figure out if there are any issues that can be remedied and if there are we will have to put a price tag on it and if they are not and there is too much of a red flag then as Council Treat had mentioned it's our prerogative to then terminate this particular agreement.


Thank you.

Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Director Patu.


So is this property actually four million dollars exactly?


That's what the cost of this property procurement is yes for this contract.


And so the property actually will fit all our buses.


That's what we're going through the due diligence phase of right now.

So that's our hope is that it will fit the buses that we need on there.

But that's part of the due diligence to make sure that there's enough space on there.

And if there's anything we have to do to the ground to make sure that we can park all the buses there that we are able to do that as well.


So you're doing all that before you purchase the property.



That's the as council just mentioned that's our due diligence phase that's going to take another couple of months.


Thank you.


Questions comments concerns.

Ms. Shek roll call please.

up excuse me Director Pinkham.


Pinkham So then we will hear back from you after this due diligence before you actually go through this purchase.

So we're not approving the purchase right now.

We're just saying yes you have the authority to go and do your due diligence to see that this $4 million is worth it.


So I think it's my understanding Council can tell me if I'm not.

This would be if everything pans out this is the ability to purchase that property we wouldn't have to come back to you and ask for that purchase again.

However we will keep you up to date.

If there are any red flags and we see that we're not able to proceed accordingly then we would tell you this is not a deal that we can follow through with because there's too much that we would need to do to mitigate or it doesn't meet all the needs.

For instance, if we were to go through the due diligence and we find out we can only park 100 buses there, that obviously doesn't meet our needs and that's one of the major reasons why we're purchasing this property.

So we would update you at any time we run into a red flag that might impair our ability to meet any of the stated needs of this property.


And any related possibly price increase would you have to come back to the board for a new purchase price like let's say what was brought up in testimony that the seller.

Sorry I can't remove the concrete as I hope and then that does not fall on us to then do that removal.


So again this is the purchase of the property so there may be some things that we have to mitigate for the property.

But that's what we'll find out during the due diligence phase.

But the purchase sale agreement that we've already gone into basically locks in the price of purchasing this property.


Pinkham the case where the seller was expected to remove something from the site and they don't.

Does that then fall on us the responsibility.


That's where we would have to go through our agreement that we have with the seller to figure out if they're meeting what they had stated they would do during the sale.


Just looking at it sounds like the seller is in kind of not very good financial situation if having to sell this and back taxes just be kind of cautious you know boy we're saying that he's going to do this or the seller and then it turns out that they can't.


Superintendent Nyland please.


Just kind of as broad background we well first of all we certainly will do all of these things we want to do due diligence and we want to get good value for the school district.

That said this is a really good deal.

We need a place to park buses.

That's part of why we only have one bidder for our current bus contract.

And we're hopeful that this will provide us a place to park the buses and therefore an ability to get more competitive bids for our contract services.

And I mean we know this intuitively but I mean we've got cranes all over Seattle they're simply I mean 18 acres there is no place, I don't know there might be one but we certainly could not afford it and we're going to get usable space out of 18 acres for our needs or we won't buy it.

But we're pretty confident that even with the due diligence and if there are a few items that do cost more it's still a very very very competitive price for the land that we've been unable to obtain for parking and servicing our buses.



Harris other comments questions or concerns.

I had a question for General Counsel Treat.

Does the court maintain jurisdiction while we do our due diligence?


One of the due diligence provisions that's required under the contract as everybody might recall this property is in what's called state receivership which is essentially a state court bankruptcy type proceeding.

And we are requiring in the agreement that the seller go to that court and get court approval for this sale.

It's going to I think they have a motion lined up within the next couple of weeks so that's a mandatory requirement of the agreement.

Once the court approves the sale what that essentially will confirm for us is that once the sale is consummated the existing debt and tax liens and things like that will be completely discharged.

So that is a requirement.



Thank you.

Ms Shek roll call please.


Director Geary.


Director DeWolf.




Director Mack aye.

Director Patu aye.

Director Pinkham aye.

Director Harris aye.

This motion is passed unanimously.


Number seven BEX IV and BTA IV Lincoln High School approval of guaranteed maximum price to general contractor construction manager contract P 5 0 8 4 to Leidig Construction Inc.

Ops December 7th.

For consideration.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute the final negotiated guaranteed maximum price as defined by RCW 39 10 370 for Lincoln high school modernization project contract P 5 0 8 4 in an amount not to exceed 63,106 no 63. Now 63 million one hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and ninety one dollars which includes alternates to be print three ply roofing close print 5D print east building steam condensate piping close print 5E print east building boiler close print 6B print sprinkler pipe gauge close print 6E print JCI mechanical controls close print comma and.

8A Prenn lighting controls comma excluding Washington State sales tax.


I second the motion period.


We had an extensive intro previously.




Open it up to questions.


Hello good evening.

Were there any additional changes between intro and action now that we should be aware of?


Richard Best director of capital projects and planning.

No there were no changes on this bar between intro and action.


Harris other questions comments concerns.


Director DeWolf.

I just want to say great job to Director Geary for being able to read that after waking up at 3 to 4 this morning.

So congratulations on that.


It made me recall that one person used to make the sounds for all the quotation marks.


I'm going to give my mom a plug.

She was a court reporter who used to have to read this stuff.

So like as I was speaking I started having flashbacks to my childhood.


You have my sympathy.

Ms. Shek the roll call please.


Director Patu.




Director Pinkham.




Director DeWolf.




Director Mack aye Director Geary aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed with a vote of 5 to 0 to 1.


Number 8 BEX 4 resolution 2017 slash 18 dash 1 racial imbalance analysis for Wing Luke elementary school replacement projects project singular ops December 7.


I move that the school board approve resolution 2017 18-1 certifying that the proposed Wing Luke elementary school replacement project will not create or aggravate racial imbalance as defined by WAC 392 342 025 as attached to the board action report.

I second the motion.


Mr. Best we had a spirited conversation during intro on this with respect to degree of meeting the law and how much it would change.

Did you hear public comment testimony on this issue and did you want to respond the same?


Both Wing Luke elementary school and Van Asselt elementary school are considered racially imbalanced schools.

They will not be at the boundary adjustment that was approved by the school board in 2013 and is planned to be implemented in 2020 when the project is complete will not aggravate the racial imbalance at either Wing Luke or Van Asselt elementary schools.



Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

saying excuse me Director Patu please.


Patu I guess my comment is not specifically to this particular contract but I'm just a little concerned that we're moving Lincoln forward and yet Rainier Beach still sit and waiting for our firm modification.

So I'm quite disappointed that that has not moved forward yet.


I will assure the board that we are working on Rainier Beach as a project in BEX V. And it is being undergoing master plan studies with Bassetti architects, the school administration, staff, students and community members.

And they have participated in three meetings to date.


Thank you.

OK we're on however the motion regarding racial imbalance for Wing Luke.

Do we have questions regarding that?


Director Pinkham.

Yeah one of the comments that was shared was just as far as like yes we're saying that it isn't but we haven't seen any data saying that oh yeah this is already racially imbalanced.

I guess the public testimony was asking hey well then show us the data that is currently racially imbalanced versus just saying.


Okay we can definitely provide you with that data Director Pinkham we do have it it's what I looked at with senior project manager Mike Skutak.



So do you think that probably would have been maybe a good idea to have in the background versus just saying that it's current duration imbalance that it would have been nice and now let's show us the data.

I appreciate the comments and that came up in public testimony for this and.

Maybe it was in other documents but then for it not to be in the bar I guess not necessarily showing how racially imbalanced it is by definition that it is currently racially imbalanced.

So just a little more information I think is what some people from the public are asking for.


So I do have the data in my bar and I can tell you from an overall district standpoint the district has a total percentage of minorities in 2016 17 53% and Wing Luke elementary school the current boundary It's 96 percent and with the proposed new boundary that would be approved in 2020 looking at that data it stays at 96 percent.


Director Mack.


I'm not seeing that in the bar that's in front of us.

You said it's in your bar.


No I have the I have the data.

as background information in my.


In your folder.



General counsel question please.

Can we move to attach these data points to the bars so that we make a public record of it sir.


Yeah or you could I mean I think you could also just convey to staff that in the future you want to see that as part of these bars but certainly you could do it as a motion as well.

That's that's up to your discretion.


I so move.

We have a second.




Debate on the amendment to add the data.

Questions comments concerns.


Just to clarify are you are you moving to add the data to this to this action itself.


Yes sir.





Director Geary.


Can we clarify what this racial imbalance analysis is and means the value to the district because again it goes back to.

My experience that we opened the Decatur school with almost no discussion around racial imbalance and yet we I believe are having this conversation because of a form we submit to the state with regard to our projects.

And so explain to me again how we can make such huge movements in terms of our decisions with almost no discussion around racial imbalance and yet we are, we end up every time this comes up engaging in a level of conversation that it always makes me wonder why this wasn't done for Decatur.


So specifically to Wing Luke as Richard Best had outlined.

No matter how you draw the lines around this particular bar you're not going to bring it into racial balance.

But drawing these boundaries does not aggravate the racial imbalance which is what this particular bar says.

We're not creating racial imbalance because it already exists.

We're also not aggravating racial imbalance.

It is remaining the same.


And we submit this report to who for what purpose?


OSPI it's part of the D form process.


And this D form process then results in.


Funding that comes from the state and the state capital assistance program.

You will not get that money unless you submit all the forms in the D form process.


Other questions comments concerns.

Seeing none.

Please take the vote on the amendment to add the data please.


Director DeWolf.


Director Geary.


Director Mack.


Director Patu.




Director Pinkham.




Director Harris.


Motion as amended.

Roll call please.


Director DeWolf.




Director Geary aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham nay Director Harris aye.

This motion as amended has passed with a vote of 5 to 1.


Thank you.

Number 9 BTA 3 and BTA 4 award contract K 1 3 0 3 for purchase and installation of portable classroom modules came before Ops December 7th.


For consideration.


Oh goodness.

I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to one execute contract number K 1303 with Aries building systems LLC in the amount of $1,282,390 $2,000 plus Washington state sales tax for the purchase move in and set up of 11 modular classrooms with any deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract and to execute a change order to this agreement up to an additional amount of 500,000 plus Washington state sales tax for purchase move in and set up Of up to eight.

Addition modules if needed.


I second the motion.

We had a conversation in committee and maybe here as well about where these portables might be going.


So we are looking at placing these at numerous high schools.

I'm going to look to, I know Ballard, Roosevelt, Garfield high schools we are also looking at placing four portables at each of those high schools, four portables potentially at Madison middle school.

and two portables at Mercer.

We know that we will need at this time to purchase 11 portables.

We're asking for the board's permission to spend another five up to $500,000 for the purchase of up to eight additional portables without coming back to you.

We're waiting for data that we will get at the end of the open enrollment period.

Then we will finalize our negotiations with areas building.

Let me just look.

Areas building systems with the total amount of portables.

So we have built some flexibility into this contract.


And also on page one.

I think there's a there's a correction that needs to be made because typically the capacity management actions is a action item that is approved first.

We usually say yes to the portables and paying them.

We're doing this in reverse.

We are introing the capacity management action bar tonight.

But this bar says that at the board meeting on January 31st.


Yes we will be asking you to approve that that board that bar at the board meeting on January 31st.

Director Mack we opened bids on portables last year.

I'm thinking I'm going a little bit by memory April timeframe.

We had zero bidders.

We scrambled the month of May.

So we tried to move these portable bars into January.

We had conversations with folks who we thought would bid our projects.

They just said you're too late in the queue.

And we waited till April to bid because we were waiting until the open enrollment period.

Now we're in front of the open enrollment period but we're behind that capacity management bar.

It is being introduced tonight.


Do we need to change the language here to say.


Yeah it should be future tense rather than past tense.

But it's not in your recommended motion it's in the background information.


But that'll be corrected in the final version.


Well this is the bar you're approving tonight.

And again it's that information is not in the recommended motion that director Geary just read that information that is in past tense is in the background information.


Thank you.


Other questions comments concerns.

Director Patu.

So I guess my question is just for understanding.

So the portables that we had voted on beforehand those portables are not the same portables or are those already utilized?


Those portables that you took action on in last and I'm going a little bit by memory it was April May time frame.

Director Patu we issued a contract with KCDA.

They were all set last summer.

with the exception of one that was late at Green Lake elementary school and I believe there are four that are late at Nathan Hale elementary school or Nathan Hale high school.

With the exception of those schools everything else has been placed and that contract has been implemented.

This is for work that we need to perform in the summer of 18 so that we are ready for the 18-19 school year at the high schools that we are looking at placing these portables and the middle schools.

I do anticipate that we will be placing some portables at elementary schools we are just refining that data and working with Ashley's team.

We will know more at the end of open enrollment.


So these portables actually includes those schools that you did not actually were able to.


No those schools are still under the last contract.

Green Lake was set under the last contract and Nathan Hale will complete the last contract.

These this contract is for portables we will set in the summer of 18 for the 18 19 school year.

That's what this is for.


Thank you.

Other questions comments concerns.

Ms. Shek roll call please.


Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Geary aye Director DeWolf aye.

Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Thank you.

Number 10 BTA III and BTA IV award contract K 1 3 0 4 to relocate and set up portable classrooms at multiple school sites projects.

Ops December 7th.


For consideration.


I move that the Seattle school board authorize the superintendent to execute contract number K1304 with Accuset construction incorporated in the amount of $449,799.55 plus Washington state sales tax For the relocation and set up of 15 portable classrooms at multiple school sites with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.


I second the motion.

Questions comments or concerns from my colleagues.

Director Mack.


Any changes since intro.


Yes we put the cost in there since intro we have this bids opened on January 10th.

Director Mack.


Mack does it have the same amount as the previous one.

I'm sorry I'm getting a little confused here.

Up to 4.51.


This is this is to relocate 15 existing portables.

The scope of this contract would include the teardown of the portable at the existing site to make it ready to move.

It will include moving the portable to the new site, it will include a police escort of moving that portable to the new site, and then set up at the new site with the exclusion of utilities, our providing utilities, we provide the utilities through our facilities department to the portables.


Does it include building other classrooms?

This this this amount includes the other capacity management stuff or that's in the other bar?


No it doesn't.

That's the next bar that would be introduced tonight.

That's where a lot in elementary schools.


OK so this is just the moving.


This is just moving existing portables.

They are moving nine from Schmitz Park five from Washington Middle School and one from Wing Luke.


Director Patu.

Did I hear you right and say that you also have to have a police officer to go with this?



There's police officers that accompany the portables when they're being relocated.


Is that a regular?


It was a new requirement as of last summer.

It has not been a regular requirement, it was a requirement last summer and we are doing it again this summer.

It's a city of Seattle requirement to move it in the public right away.

Director Patu.


No I said with the police escort.

Is that something that has to be done now?


It will be done going forward yes.

That is a city of Seattle requirement to have them escorted.


And who pays for that.


We do.

We do.




And probably at very high prices.

Director Mack.


I just want to daylight a question of why.

Why is there such a big difference between the what we know we're spending and 4.5 million that's pretty wide distance.



The 4.5 million includes furniture.

It includes technology.

It includes curriculum and it includes the utilities to the portable that are not in these contracts that we're setting up that are performed by our facilities department.

Director Mack and then also the refurbishment of the classroom at Latin elementary school.

So that's why there's a difference between these two bars and the bar you're going to see at introduction.


Thank you.

Other questions comments concerns.

Seeing none Ms Shek the roll call please.


Director Mack Director Pinkham aye.

Director DeWolf aye Director Geary aye Director Patu aye Director Harris aye.

This motion is passed unanimously.



Time check Mr. Van Duzer.

It's 945 excuse me 845 blind in one eye and that clock is a long way away.

Where are we on our old fashioned videotape.

We have an additional eight introduction items.


We can record in segments of three hours and it starts again after the recess.

So that was around 7 20 or so.

So we have until 10 20 or so we're good.


So do you want a stretch break for five or 10 minutes or.


I hear consensus.

10 minutes.

We're taking a break.

Thank you.




you you you