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School Board Meeting December 11, 2019 Part 1

Publish Date: 12/12/2019

Seattle Public Schools


not going to call the meeting to order because we had a flub up on noticing today.

So we will officially call the legislative meeting to order at 430. And additionally we have two of our directors directors Hampson and Rankin stuck in Seattle's brilliant traffic.

So at this time we will enjoy a performance from the students from Meany Middle School who have joined us and directors please take your seats in the front row so you can enjoy.


Hi, we're the Meany Skage Club, and today we have a performance from the talent show.

Due to copyright, we do not have as many of our performers as we originally had, but we still have a really good show for you.


Hi I'm Audrey Ferguson.


Thank you.


My name is Louise Jerry and I'm reading a — I'm just going to go with that.

My name is Louise Jerry and I'm reading a poem I wrote called Notepad.

My world is full of many words.

They represent excitement, anger, bad things, good.

There is a planet hidden deep inside in which these words try to reside.

In a blizzard swirling as fast as can be until I find the ones I need.

Some thoughts deserve to be torn to shreds, but some deserve a notepad instead.

And so I wrote down with my notes app some thoughts I have for a poem called Notepad.

Thank you.


Hi my name is Elliot Avenger and I will be playing an Irish tune called Plank's Dear One.


do do do do


Thank you.


And that was our show.

Thank you for listening.


Okay you have your 15 minutes of fame and we want you to tell us what your name is what grade you're in and who is the staff member that brought these talented young people.

Come on up.

You're part and parcel of this team.

The big team.

The Meany team.

Your name is.

How long have you been teaching Seattle Public Schools.

All my life.

Feels like it right.


And at Meany.


Tell us how you got here.


I am teaching math at Meany but Chanda Otis our principal has hired me at a couple different schools and let me direct plays.

So the stage club started last year.

One of the skills that I work on a lot with these students is independence.

So I did not expect to take the mic today but I appreciate the chance and it's it's a real thrill to be able to to work with these students.


I'm Amelia Zwerin.

I'm in seventh grade.


I'm Bruce Tesba and I'm in sixth grade.

I'm Audrey Ferguson and I'm in sixth grade.

I'm Louise Jerry.

I am in seventh grade.

I'm Elliot Avenger I'm in sixth grade.



How about a round of applause for these.

And I have a new fantasy.

My old fantasy was music every day every student blow up our math scores.

Now it's doing a back bend a walking back bend and playing the violin at the same time.

Thanks very much.

Hey as mentioned before because of the snafu on publicly noticing this legislative meeting we will start it at 430. So you've got a stretch break but directors back up here on the dais at 430. Thank you.