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School Board Meeting November 20, 2019 Part 3

Publish Date: 11/21/2019

Seattle Public Schools


And we have five action items and 15 intro items.

But on the intro items we're going to discuss a number of them batched up so that if you have questions you will say what number they are etc.

And and we can get our questions answered in a It's the word I want to say a larger universe.


Here we go.

C action items number one approval of the southeast elementary attendance area boundary changes in 2020 21 and 21 22. This came before Ops October 3 for approval.

This has been updated since intro motion please Mr.


I move that the school board approve scenario G for the Maple Rising Star and Dearborn Park elementary attendance areas beginning in 2020 21 and for the Rising Star and Wing Luke elementary attendance areas beginning in 21 22 as outlined in attachment A.

I further move that the school board approve grandfathered assignments with transportation for K-4 students enrolled in Maple and Rising Star in 2019 20 through the 2024 25 school year.

Additionally I move the board direct the superintendent to take any appropriate action to implement this decision.



Could we have someone address the comment that was made during public testimony regarding racial imbalance.


President Harris I have a correction.

I believe it came through for consideration not approval.

I just want to correct that for the record and it came for consideration because because at the time when it came through Ops the actual a selection had not yet been made as to which boundaries were being selected.

So just needed to correct that for the record that it didn't come through Ops for approval it came for consideration.


Thank you for that.

Dr. Pedroza the floor is yours.



Chief of student supports Concie Pedroza.

One little thing I just want to say all of you who I've worked with in the past year I'm really just really enjoyed working with all of you and I know that the work won't stop that I'll see you in other capacities in the future.

So thank you so much.

So I just wanted to say that.


Moving forward I'm going to actually move to is it Ashley Davies regarding the response.


It is now.


Hi Ashley Davies director of enrollment planning.

So there was a comment about racial imbalance in the recommended boundary change as it is outlined in the WAC.

So I don't have the I don't have the WAC in front of me but we were.

Do you have the actual.

I do now.

I do now.

So the WAC talks about the superintendent of public instruction shall not accept a site unless the applicant district provides assurances that its attendance policies for the proposed or modernized school facility will not create or aggravate racial imbalance within the boundaries of the applicant applicable school district.

And so this is something that we go through before we enter into any either.

New school development.

Either the purchasing of a new school building or for making a modernization as is described in here.

So the relevance of this is to the Wing Luke building because that's the school that's being modernized.

None of the other buildings in this boundary change conversation are being modernized.

Prior to larger boundary change discussions.

Again in order to secure the funding for these projects to happen our team the enrollment planning team works with the capital planning team to take what is assumed to be our best guess at what the impact of changes may be.

So we went through that about two years ago.

Capital then provides that in order to continue on with their process of securing the funding as they go through the bidding and other things.

As we now have an actual recommendation if you look at the changes in the demographics as they relate to the racial balance between what is current and again all this is provided in the packet that's part of the BAR as well as scenario G.

We only have one instance where a school is less balanced from the definition perspective and that's Dearborn Park which isn't directly related to.

Wing Luke given that that's a school that is being modernized.

So we would just also like to say we went through a pretty extensive process with our staff as well as the community to talk about all the impacts.

These schools that are involved in this boundary change are some of our.

least balanced schools in the district.

Just want to let that be known.

And so when we talk about schools in that capacity thinking about the elements of racial balance the way we would in other places isn't always as applicable.


Director Mack.

And to I guess to add on to the explanation the other important pieces that we passed and had and we needed to for the OSPI requirements.

in January 17. So it's January 17th 2018 when we passed the resolution which is that the title is racial imbalance analysis for Wing Luke elementary school replacement project and that was adopted by the board at that time that we did not find racial imbalance.

The analysis though I guess one of the questions that is raised for me is that the analysis specifically calls out Wing Luke and Van Asselt but it doesn't talk about the other schools.

And what I think I just heard you say was that your analysis on the other schools is in line with the same analysis that was done that was approved by the board previously.

Would that be a correct statement.


So in regards to that statement that so at the time of the analysis it wasn't determined all the schools that may be affected by the potential change.

We knew though given the fact that the board the previous board had already approved a boundary change in 2013 we went off what was approved which was the change between Rising Star and Wing Luke which in this recommendation and recommendation G is no different than what is what was brought in that 2017 analysis because that part of the boundary change did not change.

The other pieces of our boundary change that we're bringing forward in scenario G the move from Maple to Rising Star and then move from Maple to Dearborn Park are different but those are not impacted directly with Wing Luke which was again part of that racial imbalance analysis.

Director Mack.


And for clarification that even though this is a package of boundaries that are shifting the primary boundary shifts for Wing Luke and Van Oswalt was what needed to be considered in this racial imbalance not necessarily the other ones because they're not caused by the opening of the school.




Thank you.

Other questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Seeing up excuse me.

Director Pinkham please.


Can you please share for the record what is our district wide average of white to non white.


Yeah so currently I wrote it down here in my paperwork.

The district average is 47 percent.

And when you look at the ratios in terms of adjustments for the other schools all of the schools are well below that.


Any other comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Seeing none Director Burke.


Related comment more.

Gratitude to the team for this work but also an acknowledgment from some community members that I spoke with that have been working on this for a long time and have been on various different positions on it and uncertainty comes up.

We talk about predictable systems.

The idea that in our future.

capacity management work we can actually have intentionality and policy around grandfathering and whether grandfathering is something that we can build in at a policy level as a board priority with exception cases as compared to right now where it's a.

Something that we all talk about and would like to do but we don't have really as policy guidance.

So there's uncertainty for the community around will we or won't we be grandfathered and if we can identify with more clarity in our policy when we always do and when we never do and then maybe a little narrow set of circumstances that we might we could provide families that that confidence moving forward.


Director Mack would the advisory committee be addressing that.

When we get it started.


Yes I think that's one of the topics that would be helpful to have in front of them that the advisory committee is tasked with providing recommendations around topics of issues that are coming to the board and having clarity around the high level policies high level guidance around student assignment or what happens when boundary changes happen.

I was talking with another director just prior to this meeting about that very challenge that we go through the boundary changes and we go through the student assignment transition plan and we have these turning conversations but there's and they're all about the same thing siblings grandfathering transportation and those sorts of things.

So having having some of that be more clear I think would be really helpful and I think that the work of the task force can help that.

Director Pinkham.


And I'm sorry I was doing some notes while you guys are talking up here too.

Did we get an opinion from legal counsel on this.

Did they express their view on approving this.


Chief counsel's coming to the podium.


Mr. Narver take it away.

I certainly appreciate Mr. Jackins raising the issue and.

keeping us on our toes.

I do agree with the view that was presented that not just this provision of the Washington Administrative Code but the context in which it appears is about approval of a site for new construction or a modernized building.

The two schools that are cited in the comment about aggravating the imbalance.

Neither one fits that category.

I don't believe that this WAC The court may feel differently but I don't believe that this whack is a reason to vote no on the proposal tonight.


Other comments questions concerns seeing none roll call please.


Director Hersey aye Director Mack aye Director Pinkham aye Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Geary aye Director Harris aye This motion has passed unanimously.


And let me just say before you leave the podium.

Ashley Davies you are a rock star and your outreach to the community is recognized and hugely appreciated.

Thank you.

Number two.

6 through 12 Spanish instructional materials adoption.

This came before C&I October 8th for approval.

Motion please.


I move that the Seattle School Board approve the recommendation of the instructional materials committee to adopt Vista higher learning series of products for all Spanish world language classrooms in grades 6 to 12. The middle and high school Spanish adoption committee's unanimous selection.

This action will provide materials for more than 7000 students per year for nine years.

The specific materials to be approved are Cenderos 1 2 and 3 for Spanish 1 2 and 3. Imagines for Spanish 4 and also IB Spanish 4. AP Tomas for AP Spanish 5. I further move that Seattle School Board authorize the superintendent to purchase Vista higher learning series as the core instructional material for all Seattle Public Schools middle and high schools.

Spanish 1 through AP 5 world language classrooms for a multi-year purchase in the amount of four hundred thousand dollars in year one school year 2019 20 with a balance of adoption purchases to occur in future years contingent on legislative funding.



Chief academic officer Dr. Diane DeBacker take it away.


We are back in front of you for an action item tonight.

The nothing has changed since we were before you the last time in terms of the question about the IMC and whether or not it was set up properly.

We still believe that according to the guidelines under 2015 at the time that it was established properly and the process was followed to adopt or to make a recommendation for adoption of these materials.

We would ask that you approve this tonight so we can get Spanish materials in the hands of our teachers 6 through 12 that are not nearly 30 years old.


Two questions please.

One for Dr. DeBacker.

Does this include professional paid professional development for our very capable staff.


Question for Chief Counsel Narver doing my job.


Can you address the IMF instructional materials committee issue that has been raised.


Kind Sir.

Yes and I didn't introduce myself last time.

Greg Narver chief legal counsel.

When we were here two weeks ago President Harris you posed a question to me about a possible board action to address the issue that's been raised about the board approval of the instructional materials committee because we have a piece of pending litigation that involves that issue I don't want to.

air that advice in a public setting.

I did have an opportunity to speak to you in a privileged setting.

Um, my advice was not to change the bar.

Um, but I do want to say we've got two possible paths to take your procedurally.

Um, Friday, January 17th is when we're going to have the hearing in court on the, uh, science curriculum.

Um, we anticipate we'll get a ruling that day.

Courts usually rule from the bench on these 28 day appeals.

Courts can also take six months to rule.

We don't know.

But we anticipate we'll learn something that day.

And we are, and believe we have good faith basis to argue that the, as Chief DeBacker said, that the process that was followed, the science adoption, was compliant with state law.

That's the position we're taking in that case.

If this board wanted to wait and see what happens in that provision in that hearing I know there is a regular board meeting scheduled for Wednesday January 22nd.

The proper procedure would be under Robert's Rules of Order would be for the board to entertain a motion to postpone consideration of this to a date certain we'd at least know how that hearing came out.

That being said our position remains that this was this was done appropriately and so certainly we don't want to see the board vote no assuming that you don't disagree with the curriculum it would either be a yes vote tonight and either way we're going to wait and see what happens in court in January.


Chief Academic Officer DeBacker what would be the consequences of a delay.


It would just be we want to get the curriculum to the teachers as soon as possible.

If there was action tonight that was positive we would be able to order those and possibly get those in in time for the second semester.

So you know we have a delay as is but it would just delay it a little bit longer.


Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Seeing none roll call please.


Director Mack aye Director Pinkham aye Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Geary aye Director Hersey aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Number three resolution 2019 20 dash 17 certification of excess levies and calculation of general fund levy rollout rollback for 2020. This came before A&F November 4th for approval.


Motion please.

I move that the school board approve.

I move the school board approval of resolution 2019 slash 20 dash 17 certifying excess levies and calculation of general fund levy rollback as attached to the board action report.

Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.



Chief Financial Officer JoLynn Berge take it away.


Good evening.

The state of Washington requires board of directors to annually certify to the county legislative authority The estimated taxes to be collected for the school district in the next calendar year before the 30th day of November.

So if we don't certify we don't get to collect our levy.

We do this each year.

Each year it comes to you as intro and action because we don't actually get the county amounts.

in a timely enough manner to turn it all around between when we actually get the data and making the November 30th deadline.

So as part of the annual certification process we have to roll back our levy because we do have more voter authority than we can currently collect under state law.

There were two changes that the Audit and Finance Committee requested.

We did add a section that shows how the 2020 levy is divided across the school years because this is a calendar year collection.

And then we had updated the language on the we added some language in the BAR about the OSPI report which I actually think I can is not needed at this time because we did call OSPI and they did send us a corrected they corrected the state report for us to add the language about the three thousand — Somebody has connections there.

That would conclude my comments.


Director Mack.

I much appreciate the responsiveness to those corrections that were requested and appreciative that OSPI corrected that those inaccuracies in that form.

So thank you.


Other questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Director Pinkham.



OK so they'll probably come back to me I got to spot out something that's not it's nothing too big but general fund levy isn't always capitalized in some place fund wasn't capitalized and you had general fund levy capitalized in other places so.


Thank you.


Just one of the things Chris Jackins has taught me to look out for those subtle little errors but that was in the resolution itself.

The second whereas the fund isn't capitalized.


CFO Berge were you here to hear Mr. Simmons comments during public testimony at all regarding not using some of this some of these funds.


Fair enough.


Other comments questions concerns roll call please.


Director Pinkham aye.

Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Geary aye Director Hersey aye Director Mack aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Number four approval of the successor collective bargaining agreement between Seattle Public Schools and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 289 for September 1 2018 through August 31st 2021. This came before exec November 13th for approval.

Motion please.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute a contract with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 289 with the wage schedules and other attachments in the form of the draft agreements for the period September 1 2018 through October 31 2021 as attached to the school board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.

Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.


OK Clover Codd Chief Human Resources Officer.


Dr. Clover Codd take it away please.



Thank you.

So as stated this is for a three year agreement that covers actually last school year this school year and next school year.

Just to be clear it's pretty straightforward.

We did do across the board wage increases which I'll go over in just a moment.

We gave an increase to the tool allowance from five hundred dollars to a thousand.

We made language changes to comply with the Supreme Court Janus case which basically said you cannot compel people to join a union or pay union dues language around the transition to the school employee benefits board.

That's we just finished that process and we are transitioning employees to receiving paperless pay stubs or pay information.

So the wage increases are 3.1 percent for last year starting 9 1 2018 then on 9 1 2019 a 7.5 percent increase inclusive of the inflationary price price deflator implicit see you never get it right.

And then on 9 1 to 2020 it will be a 2 percent increase.

And if that.


How many.



Six people.


Six people.




Another one coming to you has 16 people.

This one has six people and the grand total fiscal impact is one hundred forty thousand six hundred and twenty three dollars.


Comments questions concerns from my colleagues.


Director Burke.

Yesterday morning.

I was sitting at a table with a bunch of folks from skilled labor and one of the fellows was from I forget the affiliation but basically representing auto auto mechanics.

And so I'm curious I was just sort of scanning through here trying to find words like apprentice or apprenticeship or training.

Is there any language in this that helps support the idea that we should be employing our students.


So nothing was negotiated.

So I do not know if it's already in there.

I can find out and well I guess.


Put it in Friday memo which you can still read because it's public.

But we didn't negotiate anything new.

So I actually don't know if it's in there or not.


So I'll just call it a.

A point of further conversation that as we're working with our other trades around student and community workforce agreement.

Things that are building into.

The spirit of that can really apply to all of our trades and all of our students and this this person that I was sitting with was describing.

What a.

A high demand.


The automotive trade is becoming now.


More Friday memos.

Other comments questions concerns from my colleagues.

Seeing none roll call please.


Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Geary aye Director Hersey aye Director Mack aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.

This motion has passed unanimously.


Number five approval of board resolution 2019 20 — 19 resolving that those persons newly elected November 5th 2019 to the Seattle School District Board of Directors be designated to attend the annual conference of the Washington State School Directors Association to be held November 21st through 24th 2019 as representatives of the district.

This came before executive committee November 13th for approval motion please.


I move that the school board adopt resolution number 2019 slash 20 — 19 as attached to this board action report resolving that those awesome persons newly elected November 5th 2019 to the Seattle School Board of Directors be designated to attend the annual Conference of the Washington State School Directors Association to be held November 21st through 24th 2019 as a representative of the district's district.

Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.


I saw what you did there.

You inserted a word.

Scrivener's privilege apparently.

Director Mack.

You amended the motion.

Director Mack.


I just wanted to say that I greatly appreciate that I know that four other directors are attending and that's exciting too because I do think that the information at WSSDA the collaboration with other directors from across the state is really really useful.

So thank you newly elected directors for jumping in and


Director Burke comments questions concerns.

Can we do this one by acclimation.

Mr. Chief Counsel.

Roll call please.



Director DeWolf aye Director Geary aye Director Hersey


aye Director Mack aye Director Pinkham aye Director Burke yep Director Harris aye and thank you to Ellie Wilson Jones for putting this together quick like a bunny and elegantly so.

Number D intro items number one approval of contract amendment with epi-use for temporary and emergency backfill of systems application and products SAP Staff support feel better came before A&F November 4th for approval approval of this item would authorize the superintendent to execute a contract amendment with EPUs for a total not to exceed NTE amount of four hundred three thousand two hundred dollars including taxes for emergency SAP staff support services with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent.

and to take any necessary actions to implement the amendment.

CFO Berge take it away.

And did you hear public testimony regarding this.


Thank you.

So this has been in the works for quite a while probably more than a year.

We've been evaluating how we get additional staff in.

We had a couple of staff leave the SAP team and then we have the school employees benefit board work come on top of that.

So we have been putting applications out to hire have not received any applicants that are qualified.

So had been putting this out on a contract knowing that that's likely where we would be going.

We anticipate with the way that the market is working in Seattle right now it is super tough and competitive and SAP is the same software that many large corporations use as well as other large urban districts.

So there is quite a demand and not enough resource to go around.

It's just really hard to hire those folks and they can command a price higher than oftentimes we can pay according to our salary schedule.


So how many folks is this taking into account that have left the district.


So we've had we've had one person actually leave an empty spot.

We had another position that we had slated to try to fill.

Neither one of those positions has been filled yet and we had additional work come online for the school employee benefit board work where we have to reprogram the system and feed that data now to the health care authority.


Comments questions concerns from my colleagues.


Director Burke.

Who oversees this role and you know can can help.

I mean obviously depending on how much we modulate this it depends it affects our total cost because it's a not to exceed amount.

Who oversees that and how is that optimized.


Ultimately, I do.

Underneath that, that's the Executive Director of Information Technology, and then there is a Director of Information Systems, Judy Jaeger.

So there are several layers of us who are working on this.

I don't think this is going to be the last one of these that we see given this market.

I think this may be our reality for a while now.

We keep those positions posted.

Oftentimes what we also try to do is, and we've had success in this a few different times, bring someone in as a contractor and then we turn them to an employee.

So we have success that way as well or we have to bring someone in at a lower level a lower skill level than we would like.

And our consultants actually help us train them to take over that work.

So we try to explore all those avenues.

It's expensive and I don't know of another way to get around it.


Other comments questions concerns.

One of the things you just said is you expect this to happen in the future.

Can you give us a little more on that for the heads up please.


Yeah I don't expect us to be able to find the staff who can do the work the complicated high end work that we need at this point in time.

If we get lucky we'll find someone who has base skills that we can train over the next 6 to 12 months.

But even that at this point we have not found a candidate.


Director Mack and then Director Pinkham.


Just I'd comment that maybe we should be Having a couple of high school classes on SAP programming.

Maybe this is a CTE track.


Director Pinkham.

So sorry I wasn't at this A&F meeting.

So is this to replace just one staff member we're going to pay four hundred and three thousand K plus.

Because in it you say, but we lost our expert.


We lost one person who had been here for several years.

She was really doing more than one person's job at that time.

But there had been, so again, this is really a couple different vacant positions as well as some extra project work to get us through.


Then I would hope maybe to make that a little more clarifying that we're not just replacing one person that left we're actually replacing the one plus maybe filling some other positions because to me the way it reads we just lost one person and we're paying over 400 K to replace that one person.


Director Mack.


We had a robust conversation in A&F about this and we do every time we have these personal services contracts that come forward that are incredibly expensive.

And I think it is something that we need to take a look at systemically in the district because of we have limited dollars and it's concerning to me about how the cost under contract work may be running away from us and then we can't have enough librarians and counselors and so forth in our schools.

And so this BAR is concerning to me though I think we need to approve it because we have no option at this point.

However systemically I'd like to make a request that there be some analysis done around the entire district and our contracting practices and whether or not we can actually shift that back to having more FTE in our salary schedules and not having the cost go out of control.


So I would just say if I might.


I feel like we've done that work.

I feel like we have explored those other options.

I feel there is a lot of evidence that says we have underfunded our systems and our programming in this district for a long time.

And I think that we're seeing the you know the results of those actions trying to push those dollars to the classroom is always important.

But we've done it to the extent that we have significant issues that have to be addressed or we're not going to be able to actually pay people.


And I would follow up on Director Pinkham's comment.

If you could expand what you just said to us if you could talk about the system deficiencies if you could talk about the competitive market and clarify this is not a one for one trade if you will that's being backfilled that would probably earn my vote.


Director Burke.

One other question around this conversation of how we fill these challenging vacancies.

I'm completely on board recognizing we need to invest in our systems because that's our future efficiency.

Keeping them contemporary is critical.

This area is something that is increasingly being served by.

people who are in consultant roles as compared to direct hire employees.

Do we reach out to people that are direct consultants like 1098's versus people that you know this is with an organization.


What's 1098.


They're basically contractors direct contractors as compared to hire you know on a consulting basis with individuals.


In a firm versus on your own.



Basically we're paying the people we're paying them well we're paying them fairly.

We can get high quality people but we're not paying at somebody else's overhead.


Yep we've done both.

We just had we're just finishing up on a contract for somebody named Deborah Spaulding.

She'd worked on the she was the project manager for SEBB the school employees benefit board as well as paid sick leave paid family medical leave.

So a lot of these things that the state has been passing to us we are not in a position to be able to react.


Unfunded passing to us.


Yes correct.

We do explore all of those options as well.

We're open to the whole gamut.



You heard us as far as fleshing it out.


Thank you so much.

Number two BTA IV approve purchase of metropolitan wide area network the MAN WAN I love that hardware upgrade for elementary schools and one year support with DynTech Inc. in the amount of two million one hundred ninety four thousand three hundred sixty four dollars and eighty nine cents audit and finance November 4th for approval.

Approval of this item would authorize superintendent to execute an agreement with Dyne Tech Inc. to provide a metropolitan wide area network elementary hardware upgrade with one year support for a total not to exceed amount of two million one hundred ninety four thousand three hundred sixty four dollars and eighty nine cents.

Take it away CFO Berge.


So I would say if you're not familiar with what this this was part of BTA IV is what we promised the taxpayers that we were going to do.

In my mind how I equate it is we have technology it's similar to a road.

We have to repave the road and we have to widen the road to have more lanes.

So we're going from one gig to 10 gigs.

in all of our elementary schools and this is the second phase we did all the secondary schools as well.

Previously I would say that this is our net cost to us is actually one point one million dollars.

It's eligible for a federal grant called E-rate and that grant has been approved and so it's a reimbursement basis once we have finished the project we'll get those dollars back.

And we did make two changes based on audit and finance comments.

We put in a sentence that it does not impact any of the fiber sharing agreement with the city and that is part of the three point two million dollars budgeted for the upgrade.


And can you add the one point one million dollar federal grant to the snippet that shows up on the action item please.

When it comes before us for action.

I appreciate that it's probably in the BAR but optics being what they are I think that's an important consideration.


Number three.

Thank you.

January 2020 August 2021 City of Seattle grant to expand the fresh fruit and vegetable program came before Ops November 7th for consideration.

Approval of this item would authorize superintendent to accept the city of Seattle fresh fruit and vegetable program grant funding in the amount of up to four hundred seventy three thousand five hundred twenty five dollars and no cents to fund the nutrition program in 20 district schools and authorize a superintendent to take any necessary steps to implement the action.

Chief of Operations Fred Podesta take it away.


Thank you.

The city of Seattle's Office of Sustainability and Environment offers a grant that augments the federal fresh fruit and vegetable program that allows us to provide the program to schools that don't meet the federal parameters.

Schools can apply for this at if they're at 60 percent or above free and reduced lunches.

This program is aimed to.

And there are other parameters as well.

That's just the threshold to apply allows us to offer the program in in the previous school year we've offered it in 18 schools where this year's grant would give us enough funding to offer the program in 20 schools and stretch a program that we have at the federal level.


And how are the 20 schools chosen.


In descending order of level of FRL of free and reduced lunch.


Thank you.

Questions comments concerns.

Director Mack.


Jen Lincoln's not here but she takes minutes at our minute meeting and she is phenomenal.

So thankfully I can look back as it was.

Director DeWolf and I were questioning what was it that we.

Why did we say consideration.


There was confusion about whether it was a contract or a grant.

It was it was just poorly drafted and it was a little unclear.

Was it about an expenditure or was it about a grant.

It's a grant.

There will obviously be a corresponding expenditure when we buy the vegetables.




That got cleaned up.



Did it get cleaned up and redlined or.


No because this isn't being introduced now.



We can't see the changes.



Yeah we typically redline between introduction and action.


That's a similar problem to the last BAR of not being clear about what came to committee and being able to actually see the changes when it comes here.



Transparency deal is real important for our public.

If we could.


I would appreciate having.


The red lines.

Red lines.

Between committee recommendations and intro.


I think that's a broad process thing.

I think that's how.

Point taken.


Got it.


Thank you.

I think that's how it's been in the past.



Not necessarily.

Any other questions comments concerns please Director Hersey.


We have.


We had a brief conversation about some of the vegetables and things being underutilized because we didn't have the equipment in schools to prepare them properly.

Most notably asparagus can't eat that raw.

I'm wondering if some of these funds can also be used to help equip some of our schools with the necessity.

the necessary tools to prepare some of the vegetables or is it strictly limited to purchasing food.


This is about purchasing fruits and vegetables.

We have other funding sources to try and and we are in fact making changes in kitchens to allow more preparation of fresh fruits and vegetables.


Other questions comments concerns.

Seeing none number four BEX IV resolution 2019 20 dash 11 acceptance of the building commissioning report for the Cascadia Elementary Robert Eagle Staff Middle and Licton Springs K-8 schools formerly Wilson Pacific project came before Ops November 7th for approval.

Approval of this item would adopt resolution 2019 20 dash 11 accepting the building commissioning report for the Cascadia Elementary Robert Eagle Staff Middle and Licton Springs K through 8 schools project.

Chief Narver need your help.

What I would like to do is take number four the acceptance.

Batch it.

Listen up guys because if you've got questions you have to yell or forever hold your peace.

Numbers eight.

through 15 are all final acceptance items.

And we missed our scheduling on this one.

I would like to discuss these in general and ask COO Podesta if you have a question name the number that you have a question about.

These are intro items final acceptances or a cause for celebration.

This represents a great deal of work that has come before us.


So 4 and 8 through 15 are being batched.


That is correct.

That's what I've got on the agenda presently.

I do not need to read 8 through 15 because my colleagues can read.





Thank you.

I'd like to if you don't mind point out that 4 is actually a building commissioning report it's not a final acceptance it's not the same action.

OK there is a final acceptance actually comes even later.

This is the report of what happened in the building and just saying that the buildings commissioned and all of the I's and T's.


I've read it out.

Now you have a forecast of what we're going to do when we get to questions comments concerns for COO Podesta for number four.


Director Pinkham.

This I guess for what we're on with Cascadia Robert Eagle Staff and Licton Springs K through 8 is this commission just for the electronics or is it for the entire project.


It is mostly for building control systems mechanical electrical and plumbing HVAC those kinds of things.

Building systems is typically what the commission reports are about.


So it's not just kind of what I was used to.

This is the final close out this project's done.

We're all done and complete with it.

That will come up later.


That will be the final contract acceptance.



Because that one what I kind of hope we would see is some acknowledgement of the native community that offers some suggestions like for the native certain talking circle that is now on the Robert Eagle Staff site the preservation of the murals that were able to be done.

Hopefully I can see some of that in those closing documents as well.

When that portion goes I just want to clarify what this one was.

Thank you.


And if you don't remember we'll remind you.


I thank you.


Number 5 X5 SCAP and distress school grant resolution 2019 20 — 18 new in lieu replacement option for the Kimball Elementary School Northgate Elementary School and Viewlands Elementary School replacement projects.

This came before Ops November 7th for approval.

Approval of this item would approve resolution 2019 20 — 18. As attached to the board action report certifying that new facilities identified in the project application form D3 for the Kimball Elementary School Northgate Elementary School and Viewlands Elementary School replacement projects submitted to the office of superintendent of public instruction OSPI will be built in lieu of modernizing the existing facilities and that the existing facilities will be demolished.

Take it away COO Podesta.


This is administrative step as part of the famous deform process that involves state funding that the board adopts a resolution stating that for these projects we're going to demolish and replace the buildings not modernize the buildings and it's we need to assert it along the way and this is our assertion.


And this is one place where our legislature legislators have actually done us some good in terms of identifying buildings for the SCAP.

Yes designation is that correct.


That's correct.



Questions comments concerns.

Director Mack.


I have to channel Director Geary here and I didn't catch this when it came through Ops but as I'm reading through the BAR one of the pieces that's missing that would be perhaps informative for historical knowledge is The original building years of those buildings as Director Geary used to point out we often aren't missing the history of what's gone on and what we have done in the past and we're making a huge statement that we have decided that we are going to demolish these buildings and you know previous taxpayers paid for those things.

So kind of acknowledging the year in which the construction happened the condition of the buildings that are so I mean we've got scores that show how bad they are so we can we can justify this.

But those two pieces I think that you know the construction date and the justification around the building condition.

would be helpful to add to the bar for explanation.


Other comments questions concerns Director Pinkham.


I guess I do got to ask a question about potential landmarks that may get in the way for demolishing buildings.

Do you know of any of these.


Well we've heard some rumblings about Northgate believe it or not but that you know that that's a separate track.

We we have a plan and we need to announce to OSPI our plan.

And we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


And also a clarification as I'm looking at these resolutions it has three of our district board directors names on them right now.

We'll update that when it comes to.


They'll be revised with the correct names.


Other questions comments concerns moving on.

Number six BEX V award architectural and engineering contract P 1 6 2 7 to NAC architecture for the Kimball elementary school project.

This came before Ops November 7th for approval.

Approval of this item would authorize the superintendent to execute A E contract which means.


Architecture and engineering.


Thank you sir.

P 1 6 2 7 with NAC architecture and the amount of five million ten thousand four hundred sixty two dollars and no cents plus reimbursable expenses of thirty five thousand dollars for architectural and engineering services.

The total contract amount of five million forty five thousand four hundred sixty two dollars no cents is for the Kimball elementary school project with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.

Take it away COO Podesta.


This is one of the schools mentioned in the previous action that will be demolished and a new school will be built.

And this allows us to hire the architect to design our project.


Competitive bid.



It's a yes.


And did it come in as expected higher low or what.


It's within our budget expectations for this work.


Comments questions concerns from my colleagues Director DeWolf and Director Pinkham.


Thanks President Harris.

Just mostly just for the record too.

Can you just chat a little bit about the architectural engineering contract versus actually you know one of the conversation we have particularly with the student community workforce agreements right now is we want to be thoughtful about our BEX V projects but this doesn't necessarily touch that work yet right.

This is.


These are professional services on the front end.

These are typically not represented.

trades that these are.


But they're going to hire our kids as interns right.


We would hope.


Director Pinkham.


It's been a while since I've been on operations but as far as I recall the time I've been here this is the first time I've seen plus reimbursable expenses.

Is this something new that's been part of these negotiations.

Why is that 35K tied into the total amount.


I. I have seen this on previous actions.

I can't really speak to why we structure it this way and into the bottom line.

Typically there are ancillary services these firms use for drawings or other other pieces sometimes other direct costs.

I would have to delve down into why we're splitting it out in this case.


OK yeah because then I'd wonder if those reimbursable expenses can then be subject to change orders.

Oh gee I'm sorry we had fifty thousand dollars worth of reimbursable expenses.


So how do we address that dichotomy.


We'll have a little bit more clarification about what the reimbursables are about.



Thank you so much.


Or it'll be one number one of the two.


Director Burke.


Two things.

Oh question.

Do we have we identified what type of model we're going to use for building this for the.

Is it if it's going to be a.


No no the whether it's GCCM public works or not.

General contractor construction management.

There are other types of alternative works.

I don't think we've made a formal decision.

Typically whole school buildings kind of leaning in the direction of alternative public works.


And then for this because it is the architecture engineering I know when we were in our BEX conversations and I visited Kimball to meet with their community.

There is a very strong interest around the school remaining open concept.

And then I also recognize that some of our open concept schools have.

you know more difficulty with noise and whatnot.

So I just want to acknowledge that and make sure that it's in the conversations I assume as part of their school design advisory team that they're engaging with the community.

But there were some very passionate people wanting to to have elements of their prior their existing school transfer to their new school model.

I just want that to be on the record.


Speaking to getting that input and the processes we have to kind of help that carry forward that the folks on the school design advisory team that's part of their job is to help inform what happens at the school in the design process.

And we've had conversations in Ops about helping to daylight ensuring that those committees are reaching out and being inclusive and getting the voices heard and and having those processes be robust.


You pointed this out but I guess I see it as very ironic that a number of our other open what's your phrase Open concept schools are distressed by them in terms of delivering educational services to our students.

And in fact we may be retrofitting or adding in architectural elements to address the delivery of education.


That is the reason why I bring it to everybody's attention here.

Not so much because I want to say it should be open concept or it shouldn't.

But we heard some really strong testimony about leaning into conflict and this is a case where understanding pros and cons and finding you know is there is there a yes and in this conversation it comes through conversations and I just don't want people to be surprised if they hear differences of opinion on what the building should look like.


Well and or do we take some of the critics of the open concept that are living with it now much to their chagrin and and.

blend that together so that we're a school system not a system of schools.


Yeah I've certainly got an earful from principals in open plan schools.


That's a very good point.

Ed specs don't support that.

And again we're spending money to ameliorate some of those issues in the delivery of education to our students.

And I'm all about real pretty schools.

But at the end of the day it's supposed to be about our students.


So to the point about open concept or not the educational specs that are currently in place or what get built to.

So if a school was getting built three years ago it was under those ed specs and they change over time they get redone.

One of the things just as a preview and while you won't be here but as a preview for my other colleagues


But he'll be watching Channel 26 every Wednesday.


But the ed specs are something that do change but really do need to be from my perspective daylight daylight to the public as to under this current facilities master plan and this these projects these are the ed specs that we are working with because this is what has been adopted approved and so in the sixty nine hundred that's one of the.

pieces we're trying to clarify and what goes into the facilities master plan and how that's clarified.



6900 means policy 6900 series or policy 6900. Thank you.


Thank you.

Number 7 BEX V and K 3 class size reduction grant award architectural and engineering contract P 1 6 6 6 to Miller Hayashi architects for the West Seattle Elementary School addition project.

This came before Ops November 7th for approval.

Approval of this item would authorize the superintendent to execute the AE architectural and engineering contract P1666 with Miller Hayashi architects in the amount of two million two hundred thirty one thousand nine hundred sixty two dollars no cents plus reimburse expenses of thirty thousand dollars for architectural and engineering services.

for the West Seattle elementary school addition and renovation project with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract and to allow the transfer of four million four hundred thousand dollars from the K-3 class size reduction grants to the West Seattle Elementary School renovation and addition project to construct a 12 classroom addition.

Take it away COO Podesta.


Again like the last action this is an architectural and engineering contract to design work for a minor modernization of West Seattle Elementary School.


In the comments regarding the thirty five thousand dollars same same will be clarified as well.





Other questions comments concerns from my colleagues.

Director Pinkham.


So the first part of this is more for the architectures and engineering two point two million dollars and the four point four million dollars is that then for the actual construction.


Yes that's to get the project funds together.


for the project so it's not the total cost of the project.


You know what the total cost of this project is.

Twenty eight million dollars.

Thank you.


And I might add in District 6 they're doing awesome sauce work at West Seattle Elementary School.

Awesome sauce work.


And then my same comment as the last one that plus reimbursable expenses.


We'll spell that out in more detail.


OK now we are 8 through 15. These are final acceptances.

They do not have to be read into the record pursuant to advice from Chief Counsel Narver.

If you have comments questions concerns please identify them by number and ask said questions comments questions concerns for intro items number 8 through 15. Final acceptance is cause for celebration Director Mack.


I don't have any questions.

I just want to point out that these are celebratory but additionally celebratory for our efforts around environmental sustainability.

The geothermal wells heating projects are energy efficient labor saving just really awesome.

And so double yay on both.

doing a good job of finishing these projects but also that we are working towards our environmental sustainability goals.


And I might add for the record these all came before Ops November 7th all for approval.

Could you also extend our thanks to Richard Best and his team since we don't get to see him anymore.

But but they do a pretty extraordinary job and we recognize that.


I'll pass it along.

I I think he knows how the board appreciates their work.

And he's probably watching now and you know him not being here might be the greatest thanks of all.


Director Pinkham please.


So before you go.

What I think when we first came on this board we're talking about turf and crumb rubber and getting away from that.

How are we doing with that.

Are we now again most of our fields being now.


Our fields have about a 10 year lifespan and we are always any anything that wasn't the natural cork material is being replaced with that.


Thank you.


And I'm amending my thanks and my board comments for that.

That was our first good resolution.

We are adjourned at 9 13. Thank you all.


Thank you.