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School Board Meeting Date January 20, 2016 Pt. 1

Publish Date: 1/21/2016

Seattle Public Schools


I want to welcome everyone here to the January 20 regular board meeting.

I would like to welcome Jamie Bell, senior at West Seattle High School.

She is the ASB event coordinator and captain of the cheer squad.

We are pleased to have Ms. Bell with us this evening and she will have an opportunity to provide comments later in the meeting.

Thank you for being here.

Appreciate you.


Ms. Fobey roll call please.

Director Blanford.


Director Burke.


Director Geary.


Director Harris.


Director Peters.


Director Pinkham.


Director Patu.



Can we stand up please for the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

I will now hand it over to Superintendent Nyland for tonight's recognition.


All right.

Tonight we have the privilege of recognizing our board of directors.

The board of directors as they're finding out put in incredible amounts of time.

I think some of them are here almost all day many days of the week.

So I'd like to read a proclamation by Governor Jay Inslee and then we'll invite the board members down front.

All right I'll try.

Thank you.

I want to read a proclamation from Governor Jay Inslee and then we will invite board members down front to have a photo with some flowers and a certificate from the state school directors association.

The governor's proclamation, whereas the mission of Washington's public school system is to assure that all students achieve at high levels, whereas Washington's 295 locally elected school boards are the core of the public education governance system.

Whereas, our district and schools serve more than 1 million students in a combined budget of nearly $11 billion.

Whereas, school directors play a crucial role in promoting student learning and achievement, establishing policies and budgets, and setting clear standards for accountability.

Whereas, school directors are a vital link between members of the community and their Whereas school directors provide a passionate voice for advocacy for the public schools and welfare of school children.

Whereas it's appropriate to recognize school directors as outstanding volunteers and champions for public education.

Now therefore Jay Inslee as governor of the state of Washington do hereby proclaim January 2016 as school board recognition month.

So I congratulate our hardworking board of directors.

I'll invite you down front and we have a certificate and flowers for you.