Hey we introduced Sophie to Cashel Toner.
Seattle Public Schools
Hey we introduced Sophie to Cashel Toner.
She has her new mentor.
Okay we are back in business here folks.
I did forget to mention that the annual ethics disclosure forms have been completed by directors and senior central office staff and have been posted for public viewing on the agenda.
And if you're conversing in the back of the room take it outside please.
Thank you.
We are at Roman 9 C action items approval of families and education preschool and promise levy partnership agreement and funding for summer learning 2019 and the 2019 20 school board year school year.
This came before exec March 20th for consideration.
Motion please.
OK take a deep breath.
This is a good one.
I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute the partnership agreement with the city of Seattle as attached to this board action report and accept grant funds totaling twenty five million six hundred and seventy three thousand two hundred and twenty one dollars from the city of Seattle's families education preschool and promise levy known as FEPP for the Seattle preschool program Seattle promise program summer learning elementary middle and high school innovation.
Middle school linkage and culturally responsive programming with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent to take any necessary actions and enter into service agreements to accept the grant funds.
Thank you.
Deputy Nielsen.
Can you tell us what's been updated since the introduction.
I can't.
Good evening.
Stephen Nielsen deputy superintendent.
This item was introduced to you at the last legislative meeting at that meeting a number of suggestions were made by the board and taken by SPS staff back to the staff of deal represented here is Mr. Duane Chappelle who is the head of deal.
And we want to offer our appreciation for the city staff's effort to incorporate those changes suggested by the board.
There are two documents attached to this bar.
One of them is the final version.
One of them is redlined.
I would suggest that the redlined version provides the most instruction about those changes that were made.
You can see them in front of you.
We were at a position because of timing, and this is probably the most crucial point of my discussion, of introduction for city council Council will vote on this agreement on Monday.
It will go in front of the city committee tomorrow.
And so where we stand right now is an agreement that was worked out staff to staff including our legal team.
Want to thank Mr. Boy for his assistance on all of this and also other members of his staff.
And to that end what's in front of you in that red line version and clean version are those changes that were agreed upon.
Further changes that would be made tonight or by the council would require reintroduction both to you and to the council for changed votes based on this document.
So if you have specific questions about any of the red line we're happy to entertain that because of time.
I can say that at the macro level we believe your key issues were addressed and happy to answer questions.
And from that willing to take take that.
Thank you.
Comments questions concerns director map and in fact our FEPP liaison.
I want to start by saying a big thank you to the city staff and our staff for working really quickly to try to resolve the concerns that were raised and I think coming up with some pretty good solutions.
I would say that you know.
We can't let perfect be the enemy of good and progress.
So you know there might still be some niggly things that I would contest but at this point I'm really excited to see what's in this document so that we can move forward and and do this great work on behalf of our students.
My question though is about the addition of the.
Dollars for the nursing.
My computer's not working so I'm looking at Director DeWolf's.
So the school nursing is actually going to be a direct award now is that correct.
Some of it.
And that and then the out of school time and then I have a follow up question to that.
It always has been a direct award award.
Oh excuse me Dwayne Chappelle.
Thank you for that.
Dwayne Chappelle with DEEL the answer to your question that it has always been a direct award.
DEEL means.
Department of Education and Early Learning.
We're going to set up an acronym jar up here and we're going to put lots of money into it because you know lots of acronyms.
OK so so the school nursing is the direct award but then we also have as part of the FEPP levy all of the.
health centers and those are funded through the Seattle King County Health Department.
So can you can can I just get refreshed and understand where the partnership agreement between Seattle Public Schools and.
Either those individual health community organizations that are providing it are where those exist.
Do we have those partnership agreements.
I know they're not here now but I'm trying to get a context for do we have individual agreements with the different community partners because we have different ones in different buildings or do we just have an agreement between Seattle Public Schools and King County Public Health.
Ronald Boy, yes, we do have agreements with each one of the health providers and they also are subject to a standard lease agreement as well for the use of that space that's dedicated for the health centers.
Oh so there's lease agreements and then there's partnership agreements with the individuals.
It's like a MOU and then plus a lease agreement as well.
And then on top of that we have a partnership agreement that we agree to that comes to the board it does not come to the board with the Seattle King County Public Health Department.
We do not have an agreement with King County that I'm aware of that.
They are they are the other arm of that process where they are overseeing the funding directing it to the health clinic and then we are handling their use of our space and the coordination with the school through our agreements.
OK but one does not exist with Seattle King County Health Department.
OK no.
Thank you.
Other comments questions.
Director Geary.
Thank you to the city.
Thank you to our voters and thank you for acknowledging that Seattle Public Schools are the educational experts.
That was my request and it was important to me that in this document that talks a lot about education but is through a city levy that we continue to acknowledge the fact that Seattle Public Schools for K through 12 is the leading educational institution and that we are indeed the experts in providing education.
So it was my one call out.
I wanted to thank you specifically for working on including that language.
Other comments questions concerns from my colleagues.
Director Pinkham.
Just again going through this and I think I brought up on a previous thing.
Are we trying to be aware of when we say Hispanic Latino we're going to also try to say Hispanic Latinx are in these documents.
Can you repeat that question one more time.
The use of Hispanic slash Latino versus Hispanic slash Latinx.
Is there a preference.
So we we basically had the so in the ordinance the ordinance speaks to the specific language and it mirrors the same language that you're referring right now.
So we just basically took the language from the ordinance and made sure it was reflected in the partnership agreement.
Director Mack.
I really apologize for not having thought of this previously but that the clarification And I didn't I didn't let staff know I was going to ask this question so I apologize if I'm putting you in the spot.
But the clarification that we don't have a partnership agreement with Seattle King County would lead me to believe that we don't have a data sharing agreement either.
And I'm wondering about the data sharing agreements.
Director Harris.
Director Mack.
You're off topic.
Thank you.
I can follow up later.
And I would expect you to do so.
But we want to stay on topic here.
We only have what 100 pages of stuff here and certainly we have recent issues that have been brought to our concern.
But those are a different topic.
Any other director Geary please.
Back to Director Pinkham's point.
Even though this reflects the language or the document reflects the language of the ordinance, there's nothing preventing in terms of future documents referencing the work or promoting the work that would allow for the use of Latinx, is there?
So what in this situation what we would do is refer to the strategic plan that superintendent just wrote out last night.
So that's how we will refer to it.
OK I'm just thinking as this is promoted or documents are created out of this partnership that there's nothing preventing us.
We don't need to continue to use set terms we can expand those terms.
It would be my understanding.
I have a question for you Mr. Chappelle.
The city council had a work session already on this is that correct.
A few weeks ago.
And did they have any feedback.
This board should know.
So they in the work session they actually had some amendments recommendations that they.
It's tomorrow.
OK I'm sorry.
It's tomorrow.
Thank you for that.
I'm thinking of the previous meeting so that is going to be tomorrow we'll have that and they'll whatever information they share with us we'll be sure to make sure we channel this with our colleagues at SPS superintendent and you all as well.
SPS directors at Seattle schools dot org.
I have heard rumors that there are amendments that may be offered regarding charter schools.
Do you know anything about that.
I don't.
Obviously an issue close to my heart.
Thank you.
But they would not affect this partnership agreement.
Is that correct.
I'm seeing folks no nodding their head.
Yes so the the amendments would be to the implementation and evaluation plan not the partnership agreement.
But they wouldn't affect what we are about to vote on.
Is that correct.
No it shouldn't.
Just trying to make a record and be as transparent as we can.
Director Burke.
Seeing no further comments questions concerns roll call please.
Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Geary aye Director Mack aye Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Harris aye.
This motion is passed unanimously.
To both the city staff and the SPS staff heavy lift and for those folks that say we are rubber stampers I respectfully and emphatically disagree.
Thank you.
Number two approval of the amendment to Maxim health care services contract RFQ 0 2 7 5 8. This came before audit and finance March 18th for.
Motion please.
I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to amend the contract with Maxim Healthcare Services in the amount of five hundred and forty six thousand eight hundred dollars under the umbrella of RFQ 0 2 7 5 8 regarding specially designed instruction for a total For a revised total contract amount of nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars for behavior technicians and board certified behavior analyst BCBA support in the form of the draft contract amendment attached to the school board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract modification.
Thank you.
Who's presenting on this issue.
Front and center please.
Can you address what has been updated since introduction.
Good evening Wyeth Jessee chief of student support services and that was actually our conversation about breaking down the acronym BCBA.
You'll notice it says board certified behavior analyst.
Comments questions concerns.
We had a fairly deep dive discussion during intro.
Sing none roll call please.
Director Patu aye Director Pinkham aye Director Mack aye Director Burke aye Director Geary aye Director DeWolf aye Director Harris aye.
This motion is passed unanimously.
Thank you.
Number three BEX IV award construction contract P 5 1 2 1 bid number B 1 1 8 2 3. to Jodi Miller construction for Wing Luke Elementary School replacement project phase 2. This came before Ops March 14th for.
Motion please.
I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute construction contract P 5 1 2 1 with Jody Miller construction in the amount of thirty one million four hundred ninety six thousand seven hundred fifty dollars which includes the base bid plus alternate number 1 2 D 3 B 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 plus Washington State sales tax with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
Questions comments concerns from my colleagues.
Oh nice.
Good job.
Comments questions concerns from my colleagues.
Just a thank you to our amazing project managers who continue to move forward projects that we need on time and in budget.
Seeing no other questions.
Excuse me.
Director Pinkham please.
This also has been something I've been following and always it comes up the 13 years and we were demolishing it.
What steps are we taking that this won't be repeated again that we're being more conscious over and build something that will last a bit longer before we tear it down again.
I think we're being more careful on how we do facilities planning and capacity planning to make sure that we don't end up in a situation of throwing good money after bad to do a major improvement to a building that is going to need to be replaced overall.
I mean, it's not that that addition was not viable.
It was the foundation it was built on was not viable.
And so I think we just need to be careful where we target our investments.
And we're trying to get much more system focused and standards based on how we do these projects.
I can't say.
Sometimes we have to make tough choices and 13 years is a long time also to be in an adequate building.
So we'll face a pinch sometime.
Do we need to replace a roof even though we know the building's going to be replaced 10 years from now?
That's probably going to happen.
But we'll try to avoid that as best we can.
Burke this is just sort of for general information.
Do we have a standard depreciation schedule for our buildings.
Do we put it on a certain lifespan.
I think we have a financial depreciation schedule.
Our buildings have been built over such a long period of time that we really go on assessments of conditions.
You know, when you think of the lifespan of our building portfolio overall, you couldn't really apply one standard to everything.
We're trying to plan now for 30- to 50-year buildings as we construct going forward.
I like the idea that our buildings will live forever, so I'm fine with that.
It feels like they will.
Seeing no other further comments questions concerns roll call please.
Director Geary aye Director Burke aye Director DeWolf aye Director Patu aye Director Mack aye Director Pinkham no Director Harris aye.
This motion is passed with a vote of 6 to 1.
Thank you.
D 1 intro items.
BEX IV award construction contract P 5 1 2 5 bid number B 1 1 8 3 1 to Lincoln Construction Inc. for phase 1 of the Broadview Thompson seismic improvement project.
This came before Ops March 14th for.
Approval of this item would provide authorization for the superintendent to enter into a construction contract in the amount of.
$5,048,191 including base bid plus alternates.
Number two four and six plus Washington State sales tax for the phase one of the Broadview Thompson seismic upgrade project.
Can you give us an outline COO Podesta.
Yes there are four major elements to this project.
There's construction of seismic footings installation of shear walls wall strengthening and envelope strengthening.
So bracing the building and building footings around the building to make it more likely to survive intact in the case of a seismic event.
It's a pretty big project.
$5 million for us on a seismic is a lot of work.
What was originally envisioned to occur over four summers, we've repackaged it so it'll occur over two.
We had a single bidder, but the bidder came in about $22,000 below our architectural estimates, so we're comfortable that we got a good bid.
I think we're ready to go.
It's straightforward but it's it's fairly.
What does the word envelope mean in this context please.
The envelope is the outside walls of the building.
Thank you.
Director DeWolf.
OK moving on.
Number two BTA IV award construction contract K 5 1 1 4 bid B 1 1 8 2 5 to Sprint Turf LLC for the athletic field improvements at Garfield High School project came before Ops March 14th for.
Approval of this item would provide authorization for the superintendent to enter into a construction contract in the amount of one million eighteen thousand five hundred ninety five dollars which includes the base bid plus alternates 1 2 and 3 plus Washington State sales tax for the athletic field improvements at Garfield High School project.
Short summary please.
It's a companion project to the lighting project that you approved earlier in this meeting.
It's a turf replacement resurfacing the track.
And it is not crumb rubber.
It is not crumb rubber it is granular cork which is a byproduct of the bottle corking industry.
So everybody open a bottle.
You're welcome.
I do have a question.
Director DeWolf.
I thought it was a comment.
I didn't know my microphone was on.
I just have a question.
The last time this was replaced was in 2008. Is that the typical life of these or was that just because we're trying to get rid of the synthetic turf and move to the cork.
I'm going to have to follow up with you on that.
That's great.
I believe they typically have a longer lifespan than that but I'm not sure what the specifics are in this case.
If you could get back to us and advise.
Much appreciated.
We'll we'll bring that back when we bring it back for approval.
You can just send in the Friday memo too if you'd like just a note.
Thank you.
OK number three BEX IV approval of budget transfer and award construction contract P5124 bid number B12840 to EM Tech LLC for the View Ridge seismic improvements project came before Ops March 14th for.
Approval of this item would provide a one time fund transfer in the amount of two hundred ninety thousand dollars from the BEX IV program contingency and authorized fund and authorize the superintendent to enter into construction contract P 5 1 2 4 with EM Tech LLC in the amount of three hundred ninety thousand dollars one hundred three hundred ninety $103 including base bid alternates 2 4 and 6 plus Washington State sales tax for the View Ridge seismic improvements project.
Short summary please.
This is mostly installing structural steel around a reinforced masonry building to make sure the walls stand in the event of an earthquake.
We're adding funding into the project because we of the current kind of construction market and tariffs on imported steel.
And this project is mostly steel.
Any questions comments concerns.
Director Burke please.
I was just wondering if for this in the previous since why why for consideration versus recommendation for approval.
If my memory serves and I can look at the minutes to clarify but I believe these were because the timing of the bid packet didn't have actual dollar amounts and the bids hadn't been opened.
So from the timing perspective we wanted it for consideration.
We're trying to move things quickly.
You'll be seeing a lot of me during the summer because this is our construction season and we'll be piling these things up.
Well and we know how much you love dealing with us.
It's and it's a deal and pleasure.
The board is now.
Excuse me.
I just wanted to make sure.
You're not adjourning.
Keep going.
If we could just make sure that this is probably the longest we've had a student sit up here with us and it is a great record and I appreciate you sitting with us.
It is a real honor.
And that's so I would love to make sure we get a picture because that's just you broke a record.
You're in you're in the record now.
Board is now immediately recessing the regular board meeting into the executive session to consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price and to consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price which will schedule for 30 minutes with an anticipated end time of 915. The meeting will adjourn at the conclusion of the excuse me 815. I say the meeting will adjourn at the conclusion of the executive session.
Thank you very much for everyone showing up.