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School Board Meeting April 5th, 2017 Pt. 3

Publish Date: 4/6/2017

Seattle Public Schools




I'm sorry our action items.

Forgot to mention in my comments my appreciation for all of our librarians and what important part they play in our schools and in our lives and so I'm thrilled to be able to honor librarian appreciation day and month.

Thank you Greg.

All right we go on to our action items now.


So the first item elementary school feeder grant year two from the Satterberg foundation.


Harris I move that the board authorize the superintendent to accept the elementary feeder school grant funds from the Satterberg foundation in the amount of seven hundred thousand dollars.


Pinkham I second the motion.


This item came to the executive committee on March 2 where it was advanced for consideration.

I see that there has been an update perhaps Kelly Aramaki could speak to that.



Actually I don't know what the update is.

The only update that I have is that Sarah Walchuk the executive director was planning to come tonight but she wasn't able to make it because she got sick and sends her apologies but I told her that we will have her come down sometime in the near future so that you can meet her.


Wasn't the update the measurement piece that you added to it since executive committee?


The update was the attachment that you requested.


Oh yeah okay so thank you.

Thanks for the reminder.

So the update is that we added an articulation of how we are going to measure progress and increase accountability on the use of the Satterberg funds and how it aligns to our MTSS process.


Okay so that update is the one that we've already seen so nothing is different from introduction?


All right thank you.

Does anybody have any questions or comments?

Director Geary.


Well I'm disappointed that they're not here to thank personally since I brought that up last time but I just it is something that we are all very thankful for so I appreciate it so much and you can relay our deep gratitude for not only their decision to initially participate but then to want to do more.

It's just wonderful.

Thank you.


Director Blanford.


And I'll join Director Geary in thanking the Satterberg foundation for this and thanking the Nesholm's for identifying the need and putting so much work into the need and then working with Satterberg's to make this possible.

All too frequently in the philanthropic community there is not enough of, with some philanthropists they don't want any recognition, for other philanthropists they want to be appreciated for the work that they are doing.

And in this case it's making a huge difference for many of our schools that without support would be very challenged and so I'd like to take this opportunity to be appreciative and to share the appreciation with the Satterbergs as well as the Nesholms.


Peters Any other questions or comments about this item?

Okay seeing none Ms. Ritchie the roll call please.


Ritchie Director Geary.

Geary Aye.

Ritchie Director Harris.

Harris Aye.

Ritchie Director Patu.

Patu Aye.

Ritchie Director Pinkham.


Pinkham Aye.


Ritchie Director Blanford.


Blanford Aye.


He hasn't returned yet.

And Director Peters.


This motion passed unanimously.


Thank you.

So item two in our action list is BEX IV award contract P5089 bid number B11632 to Western Ventures Construction Incorporated for the Jane Addams Middle School voluntary seismic improvements and minor alterations project phase four.


I move that school board authorize the superintendent to execute construction contract P 5089 to Western ventures construction Inc.

For the Jane Addams middle school voluntary seismic improvements and minor alterations project phase four in the amount of nine hundred eighty eight thousand dollars plus the Washington state sales tax in the form of the draft agreement attached to the board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary action to implement the contract.


Pinkham I second the motion.


Peters May I please hear from the chair of operations committee for both this item and the following item.


Sure this item was moved forward was heard by the operations committee on February 16 and moved forward for approval.

The next one was moved forward for consideration on the 16th as well.


Thank you.

Are there any questions or comments about this item or any changes since it was first brought to us?


Best director of capital projects and planning for Seattle Public Schools.

There's been no changes to this item since we brought it forth at introduction.


Peters Any questions?

All right.

Seeing none Ms. Ritchie roll call please.

Ritchie Director Burke aye.


Director Geary aye.

Director Harris aye.

Director Patu aye.

Director Pinkham aye.

Director Blanford aye.

Director Peters aye.

This motion passed unanimously.


Item 3 BTA III BTA IV award contract K5076 with number B11638 to Sprinturf LLC for the synthetic turf replacement at Old Van Asselt and Whitman middle school and field lighting infrastructure at Whitman middle school project.


I move that the school board authorize the superintendent to execute contract K 5 0 7 6 bid number B 1 1 6 3 8 with Sprinturf LLC for the synthetic turf replacement at Old Van Asselt and Whitman middle school and field lighting infrastructure at Whitman middle school project in the amount of one million four hundred ninety two thousand four hundred forty four dollars including alternate number three plus Washington state sales tax in the form of the draft contract attached to the board action report with any minor additions deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.


Pinkham And I second the motion.


and modifications to this contract or the board action report included a typo.

The company name was Sprint turf and at introduction it said spin turf.

And then we also included the landscape architects recommendation and project references.


Peters Are there any questions or comments about this item?

Seeing none Ms. Ritchie the roll call please.


Director Patu.


Director Pinkham.


Director Blanford.




Director Burke.




Director Geary.


Director Harris.




Director Peters.


This motion passed unanimously.


So we are now at the introduction portion of our meeting.

And we do have a number of items.

Let's see.

So the first one is amending policy 2010 15 selection and adoption of instructional materials and repealing policy and procedure C26.00 and C26.01 provision and disposition of instructional materials.


Good evening Kyle Kinoshita chief of curriculum assessment and instruction.

Before you recommended motion part of it deals with the ongoing work to repeal older outdated policies or ones that are duplicative.

C26 and procedure C2601 has been superseded by policy 2015 related to the adoption of instructional materials.

When we checked the old policies just to make sure that there was no language that needed to be transferred.

We discovered that the RCW that governs instructional policies actually mandated that we have some language that codified the practice that we already follow essentially of making sure that the instructional materials that we adopt we actually provide for free for students.

And so the new clause in brief that we added to the end of policy 2015 as an amendment It is a policy of the Seattle school board to provide or loan initial copies of school board adopted instructional materials and supplemental instructional materials to students free of charge.

Each student shall be required to exercise reasonable care in the use of such materials.

And on page two of that policy it defines exactly what instructional materials and supplemental instructional materials are.

So essentially this is a housekeeping item.


Peters Before I go to any questions may I please hear from the chair of the curriculum and instruction committee for the recommendation for this item.


Burke This was brought to C&I on March 13 and moved forward to the full board with a recommendation for approval.


Peters Are there any questions or comments about this item?

Peters All right thank you very much.

So the next item is amend policy 4200 visitors to schools repeal policy F44.00 unauthorized persons on school property and procedure F44.01.

May I please hear from the chair of the operations committee.


Blanford This one was heard by the operations committee on March the 16th and we move forward for consideration.

Peters Thank you.


Pegi McEvoy assistant superintendent for operations.

This was brought in front of the board and operations committee and as you notice the visitors policy as well as the unauthorized persons policy really is related to creating a safe and orderly school.

The visitors policy tells us who is authorized to be on the school property and the unauthorized policy which we are repealing says what we are going to do if in fact you are unauthorized and on our property.

Let's see if I can get that out.

So what we decided administratively during our phase 2 policy revision was to collapse those two policies together, make sure that we embedded the unauthorized language into the visitors policy and then we renamed the visitor policy to safe and orderly schools.

We had that conversation and we thought it was very pro forma as far as embedding and collapsing that language however during the operations committee there was a very thoughtful and robust conversation about are we really linking to all of the policies that help to make sure that our students feel safe and are safe on school.

In particular we looked at the relations with law enforcement, child protective services and county health department policy 4310 which actually identifies how and when law enforcement and other agencies can come onto our school property.

And in fact back in January after all the conversations about immigration customs and enforcement we did update the superintendent's procedure so that we were updating all that language and aligning it to our thinking with Seattle Public Schools and certainly our Seattle community.

But we did not add those cross-references when we were updating the current policy on safe and orderly schools.

So per the board's request we did the cross-references they are now identified and labeled on the bottom of that new policy and so I'm hoping that that meets all the concerns that were raised there.

Director Blanford.



The impetus behind this change is just the board policy review cycle as opposed to an incident or feedback from administrators?


Correct this is just part of the phase 2 revisions.


I just wanted to be clear that there wasn't something that was presenting this.

Okay thank you.


I have a couple of questions, so this was recommended for consideration, what was the reason?


Because we hadn't put the cross-references about the law enforcement policy on it.


Okay now the title, the old title had visitors in it and the new title is simply maintaining a safe and orderly environment.

I find that a little bit unclear.

I'm not sure whether this orderly environment is in our schools around our schools or where the policy is referring to and I think visitors helps us understand a little bit more clearly the nature of this policy.

I'm wondering if there is a way to somehow incorporate the two thoughts into one title.


We had that conversation actually and the safe and orderly environment is one of the WASDA labels that is used for addressing this issue so it's consistent with that.

But as we were looking at the superintendent procedures we have three superintendent procedures that fall under this.

One is superintendent's procedures related to visitors, one is related to the military on campus and the other is related to unauthorized persons and trespass.

So we try to keep that language clear with that label in that procedure, the superintendent's procedure but we use the WSSDA language as the overarching policy.


Okay what is our obligation to mirror WSSDA's language?

I don't think, do we have a legal obligation to do that?


I don't think we have a legal obligation no.


It is just a model policy and model language correct.

All right because I still I do find this title pretty vague and I know in a couple years from now when somebody asks me where is your visitor's policy I will not find it under this title.

I will have a hard time finding it and I think it will be hard for people to remember.

It doesn't even say the word schools there so again I don't know which environment we are talking about.

So that's my note on this maybe we can think about it between now and action whether we can come up with a title that's a little bit more clear in how it references the content.

Thank you we will come back with some additional thoughts on that.

And then one point that always comes up every year is the issue of military visitors on campus or military recruiters and our policy does say that equal access must be granted to people who are, let's see if I can find the language on that.

who are offering basically a counterpoint to the military.


Do you know which page it is Jill?

The schools must provide equal access for organizations that wish to counsel alternatives to or provide additional information about military service.


Okay so a question that came up earlier in the year by a constituent was does that access Can it, does it have to happen at the same time as a military presence?


My understanding is actually within the schools it hasn't traditionally always happened at the same time so no.


Okay because then the problem is it seems to not really I question whether it fulfills the spirit of the policy.

If we say okay you have one group on one day but no one's allowed to be there at the same time as they are to offer a counterpoint.

They can offer the counterpoint three days later.

Well the students the same students might not be there they might not get the counterpoint.

So it seems like a loophole in this in this particular policy.


So I think there was flexibility for schools as they were program planning sometimes the people who want to offer the counterpoint don't want to do it on the same day they can certainly do it on the same day but it doesn't have to be on the same day.


Because I've also heard that sometimes principals don't want it on the same day because it could create some kind of tension or conflict.

And so I'm just wondering whether our policy is specific enough in how to handle those situations or gives enough guidance to our principals because I've heard from members of the community that it's not very satisfactory that the counterpoint presence can be can happen many many days after the military presence.


So I think those are also listed within the superintendent procedures on how we administratively handle that.

So what I will do is also take that back to the committee our committee and look at it again.

Thank you.


Peters Any other questions or comments on this item?

Director Burke.


I just wanted to appreciate your concerns around the title because I had a similar what are we doing with this you know the idea of a visitor policy or allowed or disallowed visitors or you know something around it if there's a concise way to do that to bring some of that essence to it I think I would definitely support that.


Peters OK thank you.

The next item item 3 amending policy.

number 3410 student health home visits repealing policy number 3431 hearing and vision screening and repealing procedure D104.00 student health records.

May I hear from the chair of ops?


This item was heard by the ops committee on the 16th of March and moved forward for consideration.


Thank you.


Pat Sander executive director of coordinated school health.

I have Marie DeBelle our program manager for student health services who will present this policy.


Good evening directors.

I am here to suggest that the amending the policy number 3410 student health home visits repealing policy 3431 which was called hearing and vision screening and repealing procedure D104 student health records.

So the rationale behind why we are revising this policy is because it will become more closely aligned to the WASDA model policy and it will more closely reflect what health services is all about.

It also was looked at initially because of an addition to screening the statutes that require vision and hearing screening will now require both near and distance vision.

So we wanted to add that.


I believe when this was initially discussed we brought up the concept of the high tech act which was part of HIPAA changes.

Did we get some clarity on that?

I remember sending information.


This point in our review of the information in the review of the policy.

Do you appear that we are in compliance with all laws and that it does read it from a legal perspective it's appropriate.


Is the high tech act which I believe was the question does that apply to the school district.


It does not.

Thank you.


Are there any other questions about this item.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Item 4 waiver of one school day at Dearborn Park International School due to an emergency school closure after mechanical failure.

So this one and the following item went to curriculum and instruction committee.

May I hear from the chair for both of these items please?


Both of these items came to C&I on the March 13 meeting and were moved forward for approval to the full board.


Okay Ronald Boy senior assistant general counsel.

These are both applications for waivers from our 180 day school requirement that we must offer our students.

Our Dearborn Park international school is closed for one day.

due to a water main break and Sacajawea Elementary was closed for one day because of inclement weather conditions making it unsafe for students to get themselves to school.

The process is that the bar and the superintendent letter will act as their application to OSPI and we must provide proof that it was reviewed and approved by the board.


Any other questions or comments about this item?

All right thank you.

So that was items four and five right?

Do I need to read in item five for the record?

I think I only read in one.

I'm asking general counsel.


Treat general counsel no I think that's sufficient given Ron's points and he's covering both items.


Peters OK thank you.

Right on to item six.

Purchase of Cisco network switches for new BEX IV schools opening summer 2017. May I please hear from the chair of the operations committee.


Blanford Item was heard by the operations committee on March 16 move forward for approval.


Peters Thank you.


Good evening directors and the pretendant.

My name is Richard Rogers IT manager for network and telecom for the Department of Technology services.

This request and request for approval is for the purchase of network switches for the four upcoming schools this summer.

The network switches provide connectivity for desktop computers presentation environmental systems monitoring everything else.


Any questions.


Director Burke.


Breaking at the list of items and I'm surprised at the number of zeros when I think network switches.

What is the $7200 component, what is this as compared to sort of your standard commodity type network switch?

What are the additional things that we are buying?


This is a, all of these are network chassis that have modules within the chassis and the supervisor module, the different modules for power over Ethernet, the different blades in all of our schools.

I actually have a diagram that will you know pass over here of what these switches connect to within the wiring closets of the school.

If you have any interest it's basically to patch all of everything in a school that uses any kind of network connectivity.

And each again these network switches is a chassis six lot chassis that has all the different ports.


Cool thank you.


And the zeros that you might have is the manufacturer says if you order this part it comes with this one but you have to tell us that's the part number you want.

So that's why there might be zero cost for some of those.


I have a question so when you go out to purchase items like this do you have to go out for competitive bids?


Because it was an E-rate bid it was competitively bid via the E-rate program and yes there were a number of other vendors who bid against this.


So this was the lowest option presented?


Thank you.

Any other questions on this item?

Okay thank you.

So the next item BTA IV, so the following three items I'm going to sort of bring them all together.

They have similarity.

Items 7, 8, and 9. BTA IV award construction contract K5075 bid number B11633 to Lincoln construction incorporated for the E.C.

Hughes elementary school modernization project.

And also the BT3 award contract K5083 to get incorporated for the BF Day and Gatewood elementary seismic project.

And then BTA3 award contract K5084 to CDK construction services for the Dearborn Park elementary mechanical upgrade project.

All of these came to the operations committee.


Blanford Which heard them on March the 16th and moved them all forward for consideration.


Director Blanford can you speak to why they were advanced for consideration only.


If you'll give me a second toggle to a different sheet of paper.


Unless Mr. Best remembers.



Lincoln was $200,000 because the bid was over, was higher than the expectation.

I have that in my notes.


That's for the McGilvra lunchroom, Director Blanford.


Oh it's Lincoln construction.


Lincoln construction for EC Hughes.


Thank you.

You have yours closer than mine so you can go ahead and answer a question that was asked.


We were in the process of bidding these projects they bid right before the operations committee.

We were having our architects that the contractors that we were awarding these projects to.

So that's why they were moved forward worth consideration that process was ongoing at the time we were going to ops.


Okay was that true for all three items?

It was.

Okay thank you.

Are there any questions or comments about any of these items?


And I can tell you that all three of these projects bid within budget.

I'll just add that.


All right seeing no questions now move on to items 10 and 11 I'm also going to introduce together BEX IV award construction contract P5088 to Lincoln construction incorporated for the McGilvra elementary new cafeteria building project and seismic upgrades and main building project.

And item 11 BEX IV and BTA IV approval of the value engineering report for the modernization at Lincoln high school project again to our operations committee chair please.



These also were heard on the 16th, the first one was moved forward for consideration and that is because it was over budget and the second one was moved forward for approval.


Correct this project bid approximately $200,000 over budget.

We are implementing a budget transfer from the BEX IV program contingency fund for constructing this.

You'll note that this project had seven bidders so we think we got adequate representation from the construction community.

We do think it's a slight reflection of the economic market conditions for construction in Seattle but we are recommending we continue to implement this project at this time.

Lincoln construction implemented both phase one and phase two of the Jane Addams middle school.

a modernization project.

When we opened that in 2014 they also did the work in 2015. They have done other projects for us and so they're a very well-known contractor to Seattle Public Schools and in fact one of their project references is Scott Hoagman a project manager.

So open it up to questions.


Peters Any questions comments on these items?

Seeing none we will move on to the next three items I'm also going to introduce together that's items 12-14.

BTA IV Magnolia elementary school renovation and addition project resolution 2016 17-15 five-year use 30 year building life and then have I done this right?

I think I jumped ahead sorry I jumped way ahead I'm going to go back to 12. BTA IV Magnolia elementary school renovation and addition project constructability review report and implementation.

Item 13 BTA IV Magnolia elementary school renovation and addition project resolution 2016 17 – 14 of intent to construct project and then item 14 BTA IV Magnolia Elementary school renovation and addition project resolution 2016 17-15 five-year use 30 year building life.

And may I hear from the chair of operations committee on these items.


Blanford All three items were heard by the operations committee on March the 16th.

The first one was moved forward for consideration the final two were moved forward for approval.

And in my notes it says something about requires implementation.

On the first one.

The first one being the item 12.


Best My note said that a WAC reference was desired and we put the WAC reference under purpose it's WAC administrative code 392 343 080. All three of these documents are required your approvals required for OSPI form D7.

And I thought I took good notes from Director Blanford so that's what my notes say.


Blanford I defer to you I defer to you for sure.


Peters Are there any questions or comments about this item?

Director Pinkham.


Well it's more in regards to the Magnolia project and what was brought up in comments about the D5 form can you help clarify some things with that?


So we have reached out to OSPI to ask them to clarify because we are aware of a letter they received from a constituent.

here in the city of Seattle and they have approved our D5 form submittal including the racial imbalance resolution that you all passed without modifications required to that racial imbalance.

You might remember at the time I presented that I had indicated that we had had conversations with OSPI prior to presenting that to you for approval.

We were recipient of a letter, we reached out again to OSPI and we have an email response back that they are approving our racial imbalance as submitted.

And you'll see that because we just literally got that email last Thursday or Friday in the Friday memo to the board.


Peters Are there any other questions or comments about these items?

Seeing none let's move on to item 15 our final item for the evening.

BEX IV and BTA III final acceptance of contract P5062 with Mike Warlick construction incorporated for the Broadview Thompson K8 Laurelhurst Elementary, Sacagawea Elementary and Whitman middle schools project.

Again to operations chair Blanford.



Again this item was heard on March 16 and moved forward for approval.


Best and your approval of this is required for our project closeout and then we can submit our paperwork final paperwork to the state of Washington and then get agency approvals from L&I department of revenue and employment securities.


Peters Any questions or comments about this item?

All right thank you very much.

If there's no further questions or comments I call this meeting adjourned at 7 28 PM.

Thank you everybody.